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i wish i could say "????????????????" in real life it would be useful

marido books (books read in 2025)
films (movies seen in 2025)
evelyn television (03/25)
petra 2025 (monthly joys)
rose nascar (xfinity 2025)
  • I think my least favorite Hetero Trope is when the girl eats a burger or whatever and the dude is like “Wow, I like a girl who can eat” like what the fuck did your last girlfriend do, photosynthesis? x
  • taylor swift’s disappearance is my supervillain origin story x
  • i love ignoring things….. people…. problems …. responsibilities……feelings….. x
  • If a priest can bless water, then hypothetically we could have holy guacamole too. x
  • the only rich people i accept is the Addams family x
  • I don’t want to date. I just want to magically end up in a long-term and emotionally-secure relationship with someone cute x
  • im really bad at conversations sorry if ive ever talked to you x
  • my love language is being handed $20,000 no questions asked x
  • sorry for being annoying. it will happen again x
  • “i could fix him” “i could break him” well i could turn him into a swiftie x
  • i have a disease called “i believe i will have the love i have been reading about all these years one day” x
  • “are you okay?” no bitch i’ll never experience a passionate romance like the ones you read in books x
  • guilty pleasure this guilty pleasure that, I don’t feel guilty abt pleasure, I’m not catholic x
  • thor stress eating a bowl of bread is a whole ass mood x
  • Derry girls season 3 would fix me x
  • this shit sucks. wish bulbasaur was real x
  • “they tried to kill each other” yes and? do you have a problem with true love x
  • i wanna respect everybodys opinion but some peoples opinions are just so terrible x
  • just a reminder that happiness doesn’t have an age limit!! that stuffed animal makes you happy? buy it! you like lego sets? build them!! I think it’s so stupid to perpetuate the idea that “growing up” means you have to let go of things that are “childish.” if it makes you happy then do it!!!! x
  • 0% energy x
  • andrew garfield was the best peter parker. he understood peter was working class and would’ve hated tony stark, he said peter was jewish, he wanted to kiss michael b jordan. what more could you ask for.. x
  • do you like friends to lovers because it’s a cute trope or because you’re desperate to be loved by someone who knows you inside out and would show up at your door at 2am in the morning to take you on a road trip while also packing your favorite snack and then kiss you good night as you snuggle up in their arms at some dingy motel while watching bad rom-coms which they hate because the characters doesn’t communicate with each other and communication is the most important thing in your relationship and the trope of rom-com women behaving erratically over an easily resolvable misunderstanding needs to die x
  • overthinking and making scenarios in ur head and then upsetting urself x
  • my mom thinks my life isn’t very busy but she doesn’t understand that i have to read books watch shows and listen to music all while running a blog x
  • you know in films where a character’s reading a book in a library or bookshop or something? and their s/o sees and comes up behind them? and they do the thing where they hug them from behind, put their head in the crook of the other person’s neck, kiss their cheek and join them with reading the book????? yeah that’s love x
  • having inside jokes with yourself is life saving. like you really do have to be your own best survive x
  • sir that’s my emotional support character who believes themselves unworthy and unable of love because of all that they’ve gone through but eventually realises they are worthy of love when they reach it through their found family x
  • Be extra. Enjoy things and show it. Stop apologizing for it. x
  • you ever open a message and think ‘what the fuck am I supposed to say to this’ x
  • “of course i remembered” is a love language x
  • Mama didn’t raise a quitter but she did raise an insecure perfectionist who never finishes anythi x
  • I’m so fucking tired of not being a multimillionaire x
  • my kink is closing doors so that i am in complete solitude x
  • fuck you (confession of love) x
  • “you don’t need to be stressed!” okay but consider this: I am x
  • sure, fine, your characters kissed, whatever. have they rested their foreheads together yet x
  • Strolling aimlessly in a bookshop is self care x
  • I said something embarrassing they are going to kick me off earth x
  • lord forgive me but I may have to make a nonessential purchase x
  • i think the hate against broccoli should stop x
  • Telling the song “shut up” right before you skip it>>>>> x
  • diversity win! this fictional character is gay in my brain x
  • I’m like “i don’t care” and then i can’t sleep because of it x
  • you know what!!!!!!!!!!!!! i don’t care anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i enjoy things and i am going to enjoy things and i don’t care if other people don’t enjoy the things that i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i do not have to defend myself about every single thing i have ever liked!!!!!!!!!!!! i do not have to preface every opinion with “i know it’s garbage” for it to be valid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i like liking things!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i don’t care what other people think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x
  • “i am so fucking done with this shit” i whisper to myself as i continue x
  • nothing wrong with being easy to please! give all the books you read five stars. watch that movie again after people tell you that it wasn’t that great. play that band’s new album on repeat, even though it’s not supposed to be as good as their old stuff. refuse to say anything critical about something you thought was cool. be bold in telling grumpy people “actually i liked it a lot!” x
  • an evil guy killing people is problematic TO YOU. not to me though. it builds character x
  • adult life might be full of pain and suffering but at least we dont have to do PE anymore x
  • internet friends table at my wedding x
  • *continues to be the same idiot over and over and over again* x
  • “are u ok” no I need to be hugged for 24 hours straight x
  • what do you mean Just Standing There Ominously doesn’t count as socializing x
  • That intimate moment between you and the book you have just read the last words of, where you sit there taking in the enormity of what you have just finished. x
  • i would rather die than market myself on linkedin. it’s the modern day version of a peasant doing a little dance to convince the king to let him live x
  • Fuck off im so in love with this fictional man it’s embarrassing x
  • *wakes up in my own bed on a regular day* what? is this hell? am I in hell? x
  • utilising the gift of imagination to hallucinate moments of tenderness between fictional people x
  • spending money seems like a good idea until it’s all gone x
  • if ur kind then ur hot i don’t make the rules x
  • thinking about “you haven’t met all the people who will love you” and like!!! you also haven’t found all the things that will make you happy!!!! there will always be new authors and musicians and artists whose work you will one day discover and love!!!! there will always be new hobbies and skills for you to learn and feel fulfilled by!!! there will always be new things around the corner that will bring sudden and unexpected happiness!!!!!!!!!!! x
  • im lacking vitamin C (cuddles) x
  • Not only did Thor roll up to the battlefield with a new haircut, new eye, new friends, and a weapon fit for a King, he also pulled everyone’s collective ass out of the fire and STILL found the time to flirt with Steve Rogers! Legends ONLY in this house x
  • knuckle tattoos that say ALPA CINO x
  • normalize flopping. it’s ok to fail baby. sexy even x
  • yeah he’s cute but does he want to be ur vacuum cleaner x
  • villains are fine when they kill people I draw the line at being horrific parents though x
  • Paramore was right. Hard times x
  • professor dearest i don’t want to write this final paper. what if i made you a custom carrd and we called it a day x
  • im actually a little afraid i’ll be stuck in a time loop at some point im honestly not smart enough to get out of that x
  • my love language is bread. buy me a baguette sir and my heart is yours. x
  • my hobbies include knowing and being right x
  • The cinema vibe is my favourite, you forget about the world for like 2 hours x
  • um fucked up how one moment you’re twelve and the next you’re in literal and metaphorical debt to the whole world x
  • men!!! don’t pay attention to weird inhumane standards!! Instead focus on what actually makes you attractive: stretching with your hands behind your head so that just a lil bit of your stomach peeks out from under your shirt,, x
  • can you just run your fingers through my hair until i fall asleep pls ok thanks x
  • *Enters a bookstore* me to myself: be calm x
  • me @ myself: maybe u should try not to depend so much on validation and attention from others because u really let it dictate your mood and it’s so unhealthy / me: huh. interesting. anyway whom here loves me x
  • why do ppl think its ok to waste my time x
  • Darth Vader is so funny, at literally any time he can go onto any ship in the fleet and just murder your commanding officer on a whim and promote you to his place and no one can do anything about it because the only person who can order him around is the reclusive emperor of the entire galaxy whose favorite hobby is cackling manically and electrocuting people who annoy him x
  • please don’t give me responsibilities when there’s a huge stack of unread books beside me. have some morals. x
  • i wonder if there is anyone too nervous to talk to me. x
  • you guys don’t understand how much these fictional stories and fictional characters fill me up with joy and make this insane stuff we’re going through bearable x
  • stop glorifying people who aren’t me x
  • *goes a few hours without internet access* wow i’m so healthy and wild i could live in the woods x
  • they’re my comfort idiots, your honor x
  • “everyone is allowed to dislike things” WRONG no one is allowed to dislike mr perfectly fine by taylor swift x
  • so many songs to listen to. so many books to read. so many things to watch. so much stuff to write. i think i will sit here and decompose x
  • i don’t just think it’s okay when my favorite characters kill people and do crimes i actually love it. i think they should do it more often. x
  • why don’t you watch the season 1 finale of derry girls and maybe you’ll understand the necessity of love and friendship in the face of terror and violence and the enduring hope that keeps humanity going during its darkest moments x
  • i condone and support every single vile deed my problematic faves have done. not only that i think they should have done bigger and worse atrocities than already committed. i think that would have been funny x
  • i want to lie on your chest and listen to you talk x
  • I think about you a lot. When you comment on my posts it makes my heart flutter. When you compliment me it makes my heart sing. I wish I had the guts to talk to you more. I wish I was brave enough to tell you that I think we’d be good together. I hope you find happiness even if it’s not with me. x
  • im in a good place rn. not emotionally. just in my room x
  • i might be annoying but once you get to know me i am even worse x
  • *has one uncomfortable interaction* *is fucked up for 3 days* x
  • when men roll up their sleeves. ok whore x
  • girlboss? no. girltired x
  • everything happens for a reason but like, what the fuck x
  • pacific rim be like, we’re gonna give you unparalleled tenderness between two warriors, each with a tragic past that has hardened them emotionally, and we’re gonna do it in the context of a movie about fighting giant space monsters with huge robots. fucking checks all my boxes thank you x
  • everyone’s obsessed with having good taste. not me though i watch bad movies on purpose x
  • if you ever feel bad about your writing, especially structure-wise, remember: you’re still not the one who put “somehow, palpatine has returned” into a multimillion dollar franchise produced by one of the greediest and richest corporations on earth. you’ll always be better than that one. x
  • i don’t want “responsibilities” i just want to sit here and look cute x
  • All i do is screenshot and forget it’s in my camera roll x
  • i don’t feel like i’m old enough to be my age x
  • ilysm (i love you sa mwilson) x
  • I just want to thank pasta for being a part of my life x
  • sometimes, if i’m lucky, i can accomplish one (1) task a day x
  • society is so fucked up abba should be way bigger than the beatles x
  • due to not wanting to. I will not be x
  • i love all my friends that are inside my computer, im going to find a way to get u guys out someday trust me x
  • getting into your friends’ interests is a love language x
  • my life is constantly just an inner monologue of “why did I do that” x
  • havin peoples home addresses is surreal bc i could like randomly send them a photo of a clam?? that’s something i could do? i literally have the means to send them a physical image of a bivalve mollusk but i never do x
  • a relationship should be 50/50, you buy me books and i read them to you while playing with your hair x
  • ok so u like me but u won’t teleport to my room after I chant ur name 3 times. interesting x
  • Me 2 myself, upon discovering some new media to consume: i will like this a normal amount :) it will be casual this time :) just some light entertainment :) x
  • life isn’t easy being a lover with no lover x
  • why are men always hot when they’re fictional or twice my age x
  • walking around the house at night w my cell phone flashlight on instead of turning on the lights feeling like a bronte character with a candle x
  • my mitochondria clearly aren’t working because this bitch has NO FUCKING ENERGY x
  • to quote hamlet act III scene iii line 92, “no” x
  • someone take me out. either in the date way or the assassination way x
  • my favorite hobby is pretending i don’t need anyone then crying myself to sleep cause i’m all alone x
  • *acquires a new hyperfixation* great! this should keep me going for the next 2 months or 24 hours x
  • Is it not enough to be cute and have great tits? I have to be a functioning member of society too? x
  • first of all, who let me get so emotionally invested in a television show x
  • you’re the < to my 3 x
  • who cares if i want to mentally live in my daydream universe while i physically rot away. that’s my business x
  • i love all my friends that live on my phone :o) x
  • the two genders are “i no longer wish to be perceived” and “i have to be the most fuckable person at the grocery store” x
  • bro shutup im making up scenarios in my head that will never happen x
  • I make like 1 friend every 6 years x
  • If I get at least one thing done in a day I’m a genius if I get two things done I’m a god x
  • What if we…shared a hyperfixation….haha…just kidding…… unless? x
  • being alive is very………..Not Easy x
  • ppl are always like “how are you?” and it’s like cant say sorry i signed an nda x
  • must i pursue a career? is it not enough to be passionate about tv shows and snack foods? x
  • give me the taylor swift flower dress. i want it x
  • im a person who wants to do lots of things trapped inside a body that wants to SLEEP at all times x
  • milf (man i love folklore) x
  • every time taylor swift wins an award it really does feel like a personal victory to me like i’m going to walk around like i just won album of the year for the rest of the week x
  • shopping carts in random places make me sad x
  • “ur so quiet” bro i lost all my communication skills x
  • It’s too easy for me to never talk to people again x
  • it’s me, the neediest person in the world™ x
  • i love being independent but i also want someone to love and talk to but i always want to be left alone but im also lonely x
  • don’t u hate it when u wake up and ur awake x
  • shoutout to women just because x
  • im young beautiful and having so much fun rotting in my bed x
  • me, rewatching my favourite media for the hundredth time: it’s about the comfort. it’s about the nostalgia. it’s about lacking the necessary emotional bandwidth to take in and process new things in this year of our lord 2021 x
  • adulthood for me has just been realizing that when you lend someone a book you will never ever get it back x
  • walk into the club like wait nevermind can we go home x
  • Characters who are kind but are NOT nice? Impeccable x
  • i feel like we, as a society, do not appreciate troy bolton’s solos when he was having an existential crisis enough and that has to change x
  • I’m real? I’m goddamn alive? x
  • when bae says “hey i saw this and thought of you” x
  • the fact that love is everywhere ! its in heart shaped lockets. in blushed rosy cheeks. its in antique porcelain teacups passed down from mother to daughter. in handwritten love letters. its in homemade sugarcookies. in art, literature and history. in our hearts, always and for ever. x
  • I’ll see you in hell (seductive) x
  • I’m too lazy for dating. Why can’t someone materialize out of nowhere and agree that we should spend the rest of our lives together x
  • the inherent romanticism of being thought of. x
  • BAMF bad at making friends x
  • mid life crisis ? no no, mid DAY crisis. happens every day x
  • i am the kind of person who says hi to dogs x
  • im like 2% cute and 98% single x
  • Sorry I didn’t text you back my anxiety told me I was bothering you x
  • bitches say they’re fine and then scream the “I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all” in bohemian rhapsody louder than everyone else x
  • no offense but… waterloo… i was defeated you won the war… waterloo… promise to love you forever more… waterloo… couldn’t escape if i wanted to… waterloo… knowing my fate is to be with you… oh oh waterloo… finally facing my waterloo… x
  • will i ever fight for anything in my life as hard as the writers of “mamma mia here we go again” did to get the song “fernando” to make sense in the movie x
  • all human emotions can be found in either the mamma mia soundtrack or hozier’s album x
  • patiently waiting for someone to fall in love with me. i refuse 2 date. i refuse 2 flirt or make a move. how could this go wrong. x
  • i want and i want and i ache and i crave and i want and i want and i x
  • bruh if people want me to stop sympathizing with villains they need to stop making the villains the ones who want to change broken systems x
  • There she goes: my evil wife, who is beautiful (and evil) ready to commit more actions. (Evil) x
  • I love carbs I love pasta and bread and potatoes what would like Be without carbs x
  • i love you albums! i love you listening to the songs in the original order! i love you intros and outros! i love you interludes! i love you concept albums! i love you music! x
  • gets hit with feelings i thought i was over with* mmm i see that we’re recycling now x
  • it’s like i always say: fuck x
  • girls be like “this is my comfort character” and then they’re either dead or a murderer x
  • I’m sorry if i seem weird it’s because I literally am x
  • reminder that digital piracy is completely and utterly morally correct. “you wouldn’t download a car” yes i fucking would. goodnight. x
  • bitches be like “I love this person more than most of my family I want to hold them forever” and it’s a fictional character with twenty lifetimes worth of trauma x
  • __*drowns myself in romanticized idealizations* __x
  • my kink is when people don’t get bored of me in a week x
  • thinking of any relationship ending as “it had just run its course” makes me so physically ill x
  • literally i think they should just put rian johnson in a testing lab and give him supplements so he never has to eat or sleep and just make him write mysteries forever. i could never get tired of these x
  • you’re such a fucking nerd (flirting) x
  • God I’m a sucker for characters who are so utterly loyal to someone that they’re completely unhinged. Characters who have no moral compass except their overwhelming devotion to whoever they’ve chosen to listen to. That’s the good shit x
  • not to be controversial but one direction had some of the best fucking songs in pop music TO DATE. the lyrics, the instrumentation, the HARMONIES, the live performances. ready to run & through the dark? pop folk anthems. what a feeling? the 70s are crying because they wish this masterpiece had been written back then. olivia, long way down & fool’s gold? POETRY. once in a lifetime & truly madly deeply? church choirs wish their harmonies sounded this good. better than words? GENIUS WRITING, einstein couldn’t be this clever. wdbhg & little black dress? could’ve ended bon jovi’s career in the 80s. hey angel is basically an upgraded version of bittersweet symphony and best song ever is INDEED the best song ever. thank you for coming to my ted talk. x
  • calling a fictional man a girl is a compliment btw. a sign of respect. x
  • i’m sorry but like. sometimes i’m straight up not looking respectfully……… at all… x
  • i love codependent relationships in fiction i love watching two messy people unforgivably in love with each other shatter the world around them i love seeing interpretations of love as a cosmic disastrous redemptive force i love watching love consume people whole i love looking at romantic relationships and going “oh that is so fucked up! good for them” x
  • In which Pennywise arrives in the wrong Derry and the Girls have to defeat him. Only he’s not the main concern. Erin lost the earring her mother took from Bridie down the drain and is more worried about her mother finding out than the clown fucking around in the sewer. x
  • i hope the people who see my internet friends every day appreciate it. x
  • how do people endure this world without constantly feeling like they have to burst into tears x
  • i love being a fan of media. ur favorite character shows up on screen or page and ur just like hiiii baby x
  • Always in a constant state of “hmm maybe I wasn’t as normal in that conversation as I thought I was” x
  • sometimes self-care is consuming a piece of media for the 174th time x
  • I hate when people tell me I need to ‘get out of my comfort zone’ I don’t even have a comfort zone. I am literally always uncomfortable x
  • and by the way, i’m staying in tonight x
  • you know when you’re talking w/ someone and you just feel.. Warm. like.. not.. warmth temperature-wise but just this.. sense of overall coziness like on an emotional level speaking w/ them is the equivalent of whenever you step into a patch of sunlight… that’s something x
  • but im a crepe…. im some weird dough…. x
  • you expect me to be normal? I literally watch movies x
  • “he’s a murderer” to YOU. well to me too but i forgive him<3 x
  • ‘how would other people describe you’ why would i know this x
  • they should invent a money that is in my bank account x
  • hmmm. not to be a communist on main but you deserve more than just necessities actually x
  • i want to be a vampire so bad. it would open up a whole new world of procrastination. puts off finishing a novel for 100 years. i don’t do the dishes for 20. oh wait i don’t have dishes because i suck blood. another fucking win x
  • Bitches be like ‘I’m so tired and sleepy’ and then stay up doing hyperfixtation shit for the next 5 hours x
  • nah man i cant come over tomorrow im gonna listen to songs and think about characters. yeah no its gonna be all day x
  • My weakness are immortal lovers who lost their memory and find eachother in every version of reality x
  • i hate you private jets i hate you bitcoin i hate you cars that go 200 mph i hate you golf parks i hate you yachts i hate you huge mansions with a pool i hate you luxery resorts i hate you excessive wealth causally killing the planet and using up ressources we all need x
  • it’s just me and my hairy legs against the world x
  • not being productive or relaxing but a secret third thing x
  • All girls in their 20’s should get a studio apartment for free. To live in alone. x
  • “what’s your five year plan” bro i wake up every day confused by the fact that i’m even alive x
  • Do not come into my room without an appointment x
  • i think “take a hike” is like the funniest response to someone. like dude just get outta here. and go experience the wonder of nature for a bit x
  • therapy isn’t enough, i need tickets to the eras tour x
  • just a girl in her room trying to create scenarios in her head so that she can actually fall asleep x
  • obsessed with whatever distracts me from the horrors of being alive x
  • something is wrong with him (lovingly) x
  • do ghosts think i act weird x
  • you think you work hard?? think again. imagine a little tiny puppy digging a little tiny hole. do you understand? x
  • i love doing apologism for fictional characters. yes he killed people and ruined everything but thats ok bc i like him and hes my little baby. so who cares x
  • i’m not saying a sloppy handsy make out session would fix me, but it certainly could not hurt x
  • good morning. god has let me be a swiftie for another day and im about to make it everyone’s problem x
  • i fully intend to haunt people when i die x
  • I love you stylized animation, I love you funky electronic soundtracks, I love you media that dares to experiment with old franchises and characters, I love you weird and wacky humour, I love you creators and animators that bring new and original ideas into the industry, I love you voice actors for breathing life into wonderful characters. x
  • me?????? tired????? sad????? lonely?????? anxious??????? yeah x
  • brown eyes (beloved) x
  • i love attention. i also hate it. hope this helps. x
  • Everything In My Body Is Clunking Like A Machine x
  • Never speak to me or my 452 unread books again x
  • She-Hulk is exposing the true horrors of the world: sometimes the reddit incels fuck x
  • im not familiar with that movie but ive heard of its homosexuality x
  • one thing about me is I’m gonna go home x
  • the best thing a man can do is have big brown eyes. the second best thing a man can do is be bisexual x
  • “i dont ship them theyre too toxic i just think their dynamic is interesting” i hope they kill each other mid-fuck x
  • no YOUR body is a temple. mine is the needle pit from saw 2 x
  • I’ve had enough of society being catered to morning people.. it’s time for everything to be pushed back like two hours x
  • they should invent being awake and attentive and having energy x
  • horror movies arent scary. things like. emails. and schedules. those are scary x
  • i love when i can see my bus waiting at a red light from the bus stop. come here babygirl x
  • i’m just a bitch with bad posture and an irregular sleeping schedule x
  • girls really are expected to concentrate and work on a laptop when it is connected to the internet and all the shiny little images and videos that are always luring them in are right there… x
  • i dont like working i dont like capitalism but i do like ordering little treats online x
apr 20 2017 ∞
may 1 2023 +