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i wish i could say "????????????????" in real life it would be useful

marido books (books read in 2025)
films (movies seen in 2025)
evelyn television (03/25)
petra 2025 (monthly joys)
rose nascar (xfinity 2025)


  • 2001: a space odyssey dir. stanley kubrick, 1962
    • "i just felt this extraordinary experience of being taken to another world. you didn't doubt this world for an instant. it had a larger than life quality."
  • kotaanisqatsi dir. godfrey reggio, 1982
    • "an incredible document of how man's greatest endeavors have unsettling consequences. art, not propaganda, emotional, not didactic."
  • the thin red line dir. terrence malick, 1998
    • "i also see a lot of attempts to do what i saw terrence malick doing, in terms of the portrayal of mental states and memory."
  • the spy who loved me dir. lewis gilbert, 1977
    • " a certain point the bond films fixed in my head as a great example of scope and scale in large scale images."
  • blade runner dir. ridley scott, 1982
    • "one of the examples of how you can take a camera and get down and dirty... and really envelop your audience..."
oct 1 2018 ∞
oct 1 2018 +