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Note: I am not the original writer of these. I found them from various sites and thought they rang very true.

  • I’m pro-choice because the personhood of an embryo/fetus is irrelevant: no person has the right to impose themselves on another’s body.
  • I’m pro-choice because every child should have the right to be a chosen child, whether or not their conception was intended.
  • I’m pro-choice because without the right and ability to say no, we lack the ability to say yes.
  • I’m pro-choice because parenthood is way too damned hard for anyone to be forced into it.
  • I’m pro-choice because people with uteruses are, y’know, people, and capable of making their own decisions.
  • I’m pro-choice because there’s no way to ban abortion without upping the death rate of women.
  • I’m pro-choice because intended or not (and I’d argue it mostly is), the outcomes of abortion bans are misogynistic and reify patriarchy.
  • I’m pro-choice because I refuse to tell you what to do with your body, and I wish the same right extended to me.
  • I’m pro-choice because banning abortion doesn’t help recognize the personhood of children, it removes the personhood of people with uteruses.
  • I am pro-choice because fertile people owe nothing to these mythical infertile couples who angst over not having children but are never told to go adopt.
  • I am pro-choice because 61% of those who have abortions already have children.
  • I am Pro-Choice because 42% of those who have abortions are living 100% under the poverty level.
  • I am Pro-Choice because 37% of those who have abortions are living 100-199% under the poverty level.
  • I am Pro-Choice because there is no perfect contraceptive method.
  • I am pro-choice because people are more than a womb.
  • I am pro-choice because my body is not a political battleground.
feb 24 2012 ∞
nov 9 2015 +