๐โฎโหโโญห๏ฝกโ ๐๐๐ข๐จ๐ง
- โคท joined in ๏น august 2012
- โคท total caveborns ๏น 1,140
- โคท total dragons ๏น 2,707
- โคท total frozen hatchlings ๏น 103
- โคท unique breeds ๏น 348
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๐โฎโหโโญห๏ฝกโ ๐ฃ๐ฅ๐ข๐๐๐๐ง๐ฆ
- create a neglected dragon.
- preparation: have enough red dragons to incubate. make sure you can 'kill'. have a free egg slot.
- process: get a common (!) egg from the cave (not AP!). immediately note down the time (to seconds). incubate and hide the egg! 6 (7 minus 1 for incubate) days after this time the egg will die. 3-5 minutes before it dies, unfog the egg, and "viewbomb" it (add it to sites). it may help to keep a good V:UV ratio. if it turns neglected (usually ~1 minute before death), use the 'kill' action so it might hatch.
- create an undead dragon
- kill adults for adult zombies, let (unfrozen) hatchlings die for hatchling zombies. zombie eggs do not exist.
- limits: killing hatchlings with no views, killing adults with kill action max 5 (evading doesn't count to limit). revive action no limit but only once per dragon. killed dragons disappear after 2 weeks, so they have to be revived before those are over.
- plan
- oct 16th : kill 5 adults. get as many cb eggs as possible, hatch them (4-5 days) and let the hatchlings die from no clicks (takes 7 days!).
- oct 25th : halloween week starts, catch dragons like normal, you have all the slots like normal. try to revive all the dead adults from oct 16th.
- oct 28th : hatchlings should be dead now - do not revive them yet, only at halloween.
- oct 31st : kill 5 more adults. use the revive action on the dead adults and hatchlings, but if one type is successful move on to the next type. start with adults, then hatchlings. also catch new halloween dragon (both genders + 3 hatchlings to freeze)
- revive either revives, doesn't work (you can't try again on this one) or created zombie
- tombstone sprites: one per habit, one for bred/market
- when (+chance) (! cave time !)? halloween (2/5), halloween week (?), 31st of months (1/10), nights (1/15)
- zombies sort after their original breed
- possible next projects
- all forms of dinos !!
- get some SAkins (descendends of spriter alts)
- group of pastel pink dragons
- more alternates (e.g. black dragon)
- more neglected dragons (from trading hub) !!
- the coop (chicken army) !!
- thuwed
- worm (worm-like frozen hatchlings)
- summon 3rd guardian of nature !!
- the great renaming
- all CBs need names
- all non-CBs (except specials) have no name
- breed dividers
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๐โฎโหโโญห๏ฝกโ ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐๐ฆ
- cute hatchlings: sapo, pipio, erador lindwyrm
- dragons bought from the market can't be traded!
- it takes 2-3 days (with incubate) for an egg to hatch
- it takes ~5 days for an egg to grow up fully
- eggs will not hatch naturally before this timer falls to 4 days remaining or less.
- killing:
- eggs and hatchlings can be allowed to die (via sickness or no views), then they do not count towards the egg limit
- everything dead or killed remains on the scroll for 2 weeks.
- only those killed via the action count towards the egg limit (hatchlings 24 hours only, eggs???)
- the kill action does not always work (4 out of 5 adults evade!), they might evade, then you have to wait 1 cave day to try them again (if this happens you do NOT lose 1 kill action)
- you can kill via action 5 times before having to wait 2 weeks
- new releases come every month (except january and november, and the holiday months), and usually on the weekend/sunday
- number of unique breeds: at least 350
- performing Fertility on both members in a pair doesn't raise the chance of success.
- targets can also be searched using a selection of hashtags: #cb (caveborn), #2g (generation number, can be any number), #bred (anything with a lineage), #desert (and other habitats including Market)
- xmas
- for dec 25-28 have 2 egg slots free (for the limit of 2CB new christmas releases)
- from dec 19-25 pick up past holidays dragons from the cave (or ap)
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๐โฎโหโโญห๏ฝกโ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ฆ๐ง โ โ โ
๐ป๐ฒ๐(๐ถ๐๐ต) ๐ฟ๐ฒ๐น๐ฒ๐ฎ๐๐ฒ๐
๐ฟ๐ฒ๐ด๐๐น๐ฎ๐ฟ ๐ฑ๐ฟ๐ฎ๐ด๐ผ๐ป๐ (incl. two-headed, pygmy, drakes) โโ
- Aeon Wyvern
- Aeria Gloris Dragon
- Aether Wyvern
- Albino Dragon
- Alcedine Wyvern (Caerulus/Blue)
- Alcedine Wyvern (Roseate/Pink)
- Algarre Dragon
- Almerald Dragon
- Amalthean Dragon*
- Anagallis Dragon
- Antarean Dragon
- Aqualis Dragon
- Aranoa Dragon
- Archelonian Dragon
- Aria Dragon
- Arrakyma Dragon
- Ash Dragon
- Astaarus Dragon
- Astrael Dragon (Black)*
- Astrael Dragon (Blue)*
- Astrael Dragon (Brown)
- Astrael Dragon (Green)*
- Astrael Dragon (Lime)
- Astrael Dragon (Pink)*
- Astrael Dragon (Tan)
- Astrael Dragon (Teal)*
- Astrael Dragon (White)*
- Astralophyne Dragon
- Avatar of Change*
- Avatar of Creation*
- Avatar of Destruction*
- Avea Pygmy
- Avin Pygmy
- Azure Glacewing Dragon
- Baikala Dragon
- Balloon Dragon
- Bauta Dragon
- Berry Drake
- Black Capped Teimarr
- Black Dragon
- Black Dragon (Alternate)*
- Black Tea Dragon
- Black Truffle Dragon
- Blacktip Dragon
- Blancblack Dragon
- Blazeback
- Bleeding Moon Dragon
- Blue-Banded Dragon
- Blusang Lindwyrm
- Bolt Dragon
- Boreal Dragon
- Bright-Breasted Wyvern
- Brimstone Dragon
- Brumous Dragon
- Brute Dragon
- Caihong Dragon
- Candelabra Dragon
- Canopy Dragon
- Cantormaris Dragon (Iratus/Incubate/darkred)**
- Cantormaris Dragon (Itus/Teleport/yellowcyanorange)**
- Cantormaris Dragon (Motus/Earthquake/green)**
- Cantormaris Dragon (Mundus/none/whitepinkblue)
- Cantormaris Dragon (Sophos/Precognition/redwhiteblue)**
- Cantormaris Dragon (Tutela/Ward/white)**
- Carina Dragon*
- Carmine Wyvern
- Cassare Dragon
- Celestial Dragon
- Ceriuth Dragon*
- Chaliuba Dragon
- Cheese Dragon
- Chicken
- Ciriax Lindwyrm (Blue)
- Ciriax Lindwyrm (Green)
- Cloudplume Dragon
- Coastal Waverunner
- Common Pygmy
- Copper Dragon (Liver of sulfur)
- Copper Dragon (Pennybright)*
- Copper Dragon (Rainbow)
- Copper Dragon (Verdigris)
- Coral Pygmy Wyvern
- Crimson Flare Pygmy
- Crystalline Dragon
- Dark Green Dragon
- Dark Green Dragon (Alternate)*
- Daydream Dragon
- Deep Sea Dragon
- Delta Dragon
- Delta Dragon (small)**
- Diamondwing Dragon
- Dorsal Dragon (Purple)
- Dorsal Dragon (Red)
- Duotone Dragon
- Dusk Pygmy*
- Electric Dragon
- Electric Dragon (Stunned)**
- Elux Lucis Dragon
- Ember Dragon
- Equinox Dragon
- Falconiform Wyvern
- False-Headed Hydra Dragon (Alpine/Silver)
- False-Headed Hydra Dragon (Coast/Cyan)
- False-Headed Hydra Dragon (Desert/Brown)
- False-Headed Hydra Dragon (Forest/Green)
- False-Headed Hydra Dragon (Jungle/Blue)
- False-Headed Hydra Dragon (Volcano/Red-Orange)
- Fanalea Dragon
- Fell Dragon
- Fever Wyvern
- Fire Gem Dragon (Blue)
- Fire Gem Dragon (Green)
- Fire Gem Dragon (Red)
- Flamingo Wyvern
- Flare-Tail Pygmy (Blue)
- Flare-Tail Pygmy (Red)
- Flint Drake (Dark/Volcano)
- Flint Drake (Light/Coast)
- Floret Wyvern - Alstroemeria (Gold)*
- Floret Wyvern - Alstroemeria (Pink)
- Floret Wyvern - Alstroemeria (Purple)*
- Floret Wyvern - Iris (Gold)
- Floret Wyvern - Iris (Pink)*
- Floret Wyvern - Iris (Purple)
- Freckled Dragon
- Frilled Dragon
- Frostbite Dragon
- Furor Pygmy
- Galvanic Wyvern
- Geminae Dragon
- Gemshard Dragon (Amethyst/Purple/Thursday)
- Gemshard Dragon (Aqua/Lightblue/Friday)
- Gemshard Dragon (Citrine/Yellow/Saturday)
- Gemshard Dragon (Jade/Green/Monday)
- Gemshard Dragon (Ruby/Red/Tuesday)
- Gemshard Dragon (Sapphire/Darkblue/Wednesday)
- Geode Dragon*
- Ghanser Dragon
- Gilded Bloodscale Dragon
- Glaucus Drake
- Glowback Pygmy
- Gold Dragon
- Gold-horned Tangar
- Golden Wyvern
- Greater Spotted Drake
- Green Dragon
- Guardian Dragon
- Guardian of Nature
- Harvest Dragon
- Hellfire Wyvern
- Hellhorse Dragon*
- Honey Drake
- Hooded Murkling Dragon
- Hooktalon Dragon
- Horse Dragon
- Howler Drake
- Hunter Dragon
- Hunter Dragon
- Hunter Dragon (Earthquake)**
- Hunter Dragon (Fertility)**
- Hunter Dragon (Incubate)**
- Hunter Dragon (Influence)**
- Hunter Dragon (Teleport)**
- Hunter Dragon (Ward)**
- Hydrophidius
- Ice Dragon
- Imperial Fleshcrowne
- Incense Dragon*
- Jaw Splitter Wyrm
- Jester Dragon*
- Kaikos Dragon
- Khusa Dragon
- Kingcrowne Dragon
- Kovos Pygmy
- Kyanite Pygmy
- Labradorite Dragon
- Lacula Dragon
- Lalopias Leviathan
- Leetle Tree
- Leodon Dragon
- Lightning Pygmy
- Lightstreak Dragon
- Lihnseyre Dragon
- Lotaan Dragon
- Lumina Dragon
- Lumina Dragon (Dark)
- Luminox Dragon
- Lunar Herald Dragon (Bronze)
- Lunar Herald Dragon (Gold)
- Lunar Herald Dragon (Indigo/Blue)
- Lunar Herald Dragon (Silver)
- Magelight Pygmy
- Magi Dragon
- Magma Dragon
- Magnesium Amphiptere (Desert/Light)
- Magnesium Amphiptere (Volcano/Dark)
- Mariner Pygmy
- Marocephalic Dragon
- Melismor Dragon
- Mimic Pygmy
- Mint Dragon
- Mirisia Amphiptere
- Misfit Pygmy
- Mistlet Pygmy
- Mistra Dragon
- Monarch Dragon
- Moonglow Drake
- Moonstone Dragon
- Morphodrake
- Nebula Dragon (Blue)
- Nebula Dragon (Green)
- Nebula Dragon (Purple)
- Nebula Dragon (Red)
- Neotropical Dragon
- Nexus Dragon
- Nhiostrife Wyvern
- Nilia Pygmy (Blue)
- Nilia Pygmy (Green)*
- Nobleshield Dragon*
- Nocturne Dragon
- Occulri Pygmy
- Ochredrake
- Olive Dragon
- Oracle Wyrm
- Painted Ray Pygmy
- Paper Dragon
- Pargulus Pygmy (Blue)
- Pargulus Pygmy (Green)
- Pargulus Pygmy (Red)
- Pastel Dragon
- Peach Pied Dragon
- Pillow Dragon
- Pink Dragon
- Pipio Pygmy
- Plated Colossus Dragon
- Pseudo-wyvern Drake
- Purple Dragon
- Pyralspite Dragon (Almandine/Pink)
- Pyralspite Dragon (Pyrope/Red)
- Pyralspite Dragon (Spessartine/Orange)
- Pyropellis Wyvern (Aqua/Lightblue)
- Pyropellis Wyvern (Blue/Dark blue)
- Pyropellis Wyvern (Flameless)
- Pyropellis Wyvern (Green)
- Pyropellis Wyvern (Orange)
- Pyropellis Wyvern (Purple)
- Pyrovar Dragon
- Pyrrhichios
- Quonebb Dragon
- Razorcrest Wyvern
- Red Dragon
- Red-Tailed Wyrm Pygmy
- Ridgewing Dragon (Purple)
- Ridgewing Dragon (Tan)
- Rift Wyrm
- Risensong Dragon*
- Royal Blue Dragon
- Royal Crimson Dragon
- Royal Eminence Dragon*
- Sabertooth Bull Drake
- Sandwaste Dragon
- Sapo Dragon
- Sapphire Dragon (Blue)
- Sapphire Dragon (Pink)
- Sapphire Dragon (Yellow)
- Sawtooth
- Scimitar-wing Wyvern
- Scourgekeeper Dragon
- Script Dragon
- Scymrian Pygmy
- Seasonal Dragon (Autumn)
- Seasonal Dragon (Spring)
- Seasonal Dragon (Summer)
- Seasonal Dragon (Winter)
- Seawyrm Pygmy
- Seraph Dragon
- Serrati Wyvern
- Setsong Dragon*
- Shallow Water Dragon*
- Shimmer-scale Dragon / Prize Dragon Eastern (Bronze)
- Shimmer-scale Dragon / Prize Dragon Eastern (Gold)
- Shimmer-scale Dragon / Prize Dragon Eastern (Silver)
- Shumoga Dragon (Pale/White)
- Shumoga Dragon (Wild/Dark)**
- Silver Dragon
- Silvershade Wyvern
- Sinii Krai Dragon
- Sinomorph
- Siorghlas Wyvern (Blueflame)
- Siorghlas Wyvern (Evergreen)**
- Siyat Dragon
- Skysilk Dragon
- Skystrider Dragon
- Skywing Dragon
- Sonata Dragon (Aurax/orange)
- Sonata Dragon (Cirion/blue)
- Sonata Dragon (Eclipse/gray)
- Sophrosyne Dragon*
- Speckle-Throated Dragon
- Spinel Wyvern (Green)*
- Spinel Wyvern (Violet)
- Spirit Ward Dragon
- Spitfire Dragon
- Split Dragon
- Spotted Greenwing
- Spotted Teal Drake*
- Stellarum Wyrm
- Stone Dragon
- Storm Dragon
- Storm-Rider Dragon*
- Stratos Dragon
- Striped Dragon (Black)*
- Striped Dragon (Blue)*
- Striped Dragon (Green)*
- Striped Dragon (Red)*
- Striped Dragon (White)
- Striped River Dragon
- Sunbeam Drake
- Sunrise Dragon
- Sunset Dragon
- Sunsong Amphiptere
- Sunstone Dragon
- Swallowtail Dragon
- Tangledrakin
- Tarantula Hawk Drake
- Tatterdrake
- Temple Wyrm
- Tercorn Dragon
- Terrae Dragon
- Tetra Dragon
- Thousand Wish Dragon
- Thunder Dragon
- Thundersnow Dragon
- Tideweaver Lindwyrm
- Tinsel Dragon / Prize Dragon Western (Bronze)
- Tinsel Dragon / Prize Dragon Western (Gold)
- Tinsel Dragon / Prize Dragon Western (Silver)
- Tri-Horn Wyvern
- Tsunami Wyvern
- Turpentine Dragon
- Twinklecape Pygmy*
- Two-Finned Bluna*
- Ultraviolet Dragon*
- Undine Dragon (Gold)*
- Undine Dragon (Green)
- Ushgorn Dragon (Blue)*
- Ushgorn Dragon (Brown)*
- Vampire Dragon
- Venturis Dragon
- Vespine Drake (White)
- Vespine Drake (Yellow)
- Vilvoor
- Vremya Drake
- Water Dragon
- Water Walker Dragon
- Waterhorse Dragon
- Whiptail Dragon
- White Dragon
- Windrider Wyvern
- Wisteria Dragon
- Xenowyrm (Aquilo)
- Xenowyrm (Aso)
- Xenowyrm (Astrapi)
- Xenowyrm (Chrono)
- Xenowyrm (Gaia)
- Xenowyrm (Ke'maro)
- Xenowyrm (Mageia)
- Xenowyrm (Obidar)
- Xenowyrm (Pharos)
- Xenowyrm (Pyro)
- Xenowyrm (Staterae)
- Xenowyrm (Thalassa)
- Xenowyrm (Umbra)
- Xol Dragon (Blue)**
- Xol Dragon (Red)
- Yellow-Crowned Dragon
- Zarafauri Dragon
- Zyumorph (Black/Alpine)
- Zyumorph (Blue/Desert)
- Zyumorph (Pink/Coast)
- Zyumorph (Red/Volcano)
- Zyumorph (White/Forest)
- Zyumorph (Yellow/Jungle)
๐๐ฝ๐ฒ๐ฐ๐ถ๐ฎ๐น ๐ฑ๐ฟ๐ฎ๐ด๐ผ๐ป๐
- Neglected Dragon**
- Undead Dragon / "Zombie"**
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- Blue Dino
- Cheese Dragon
- Chicken
- Green Dino
- Leetle Tree
- Paper Dragon
- Pink Dino
- Purple Dino
- Red Dino
- Yellow Dino
๐๐ฎ๐น๐ฒ๐ป๐๐ถ๐ป๐ฒ'๐ ๐ฑ๐ฎ๐ ๐ธ
- 2009 ๏น valentine dragon
- 2010 ๏น sweetling
- 2011 ๏น rosebud dragon
- 2012 ๏น heartseeker dragon
- 2013 ๏น arsani dragon
- 2014 ๏น radiant angel dragon
- 2015 ๏น heartstealing dragon
- 2016 ๏น mutamore dragon
- 2017 ๏น soulstone dragon
- 2018 ๏น floral-crowned dragon
- 2019 ๏น sakuhana wyvern
- 2020 ๏น erador lindwyrm
- 2021 ๏น amarignis dragon
- 2022 ๏น vermeil dragon
- 2023 ๏น xocoatl dragon
- 2024 ๏น fenghuo wyrm
- 2025 ๏น ???
๐ต๐ฎ๐น๐น๐ผ๐๐ฒ๐ฒ๐ป ๐
- 2008 ๏น vampire dragon
- 2009 ๏น pumpkin dragon
- 2010 ๏น black marrow
- 2011 ๏น shadow walker
- 2012 ๏น cavern lurker dragon
- 2013 ๏น grave dragon
- 2014 ๏น desipis dragon
- 2015 ๏น caligene dragon
- 2016 ๏น witchlight dragon
- 2017 ๏น omen dragon
- 2018 ๏น arcana dragon
- 2019 ๏น kohraki dragon
- 2020 ๏น pitfire dragon
- 2021 ๏น iridichi dragon
- 2022 ๏น crypt dragon
- 2023 ๏น abyss watcher dragon
- 2024 ๏น quantari dragon
๐ฐ๐ต๐ฟ๐ถ๐๐๐บ๐ฎ๐ ๐
- 2007 ๏น holly
- 2008 ๏น yulebuck
- 2009 ๏น snow angel
- 2010 ๏น ribbon dancer
- 2011 ๏น blizzard wizard
- 2012 ๏น wrapping-wing
- 2013 ๏น solstice
- 2014 ๏น mistletoe
- 2015 ๏น aegis (+enraged**)
- 2016 ๏น snow
- 2017 ๏น garland
- 2018 ๏น starsinger
- 2019 ๏น wintertide
- 2020 ๏น glystere
- 2021 ๏น pryanost
- 2022 ๏น light weaver
- 2023 ๏น harkfrost dragon
- 2024 ๏น noctivellus dragon
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๐โฎโหโโญห๏ฝกโ ๐๐๐ฌ/๐จ๐ฃ๐๐๐ง๐๐ฆ
โโ โ โ โ โ โ โโ โ โโ โ key:
- โโ* = bred only / hybrid
- โโ** = special action required / only through creation
- have it
โโ โ โ โ โ โ โโ โ โโ โ updates:
- last checkmark update: ( last one: t2Uar ) ALSO ADD TO GROUPS! (! male/female sprites)
- last list update: november 2024 ( to update look at the timeline or news !)