β’ installing:
- download EA and the game (20+ GB!)
- settings
β’ tutorials:
- cheats
- bb.moveobjects on
- bb.showhiddenobjects
- motherlode, kaching
- how to install cc/mods
- put the mods into Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods
- everything should be unzipped, except script mods (zips that include .pyc files)!
- creating content
β’ links:
- modthesims οΉ₯ mods , cc
- thesimscatalog οΉ₯ mods , cc
- thesimsresource οΉ₯ cc
β β β β β
m o d s
nice to have
for fun
β β β β β
c c
dec 25 2017 ∞
may 1 2023 +