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β€Ί it's-a me! πŸŽƒ

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mau about me (selfies)
music (how i want my love to sound)
people (jillian)
people (johnny)
people (mom)
  • white elephant
    • an (unwanted) possession/gift that is troublesome to maintain
  • white whale
    • sth. that one can pursue with little chance of success
  • touch and go
    • of a (desired) outcome: possible but very uncertain. "it was touch-and-go whether she could reach the pram before it overturned"
  • roided out
    • having a very muscular physique, especially one obtained from the use of performance-enhancing drugs
  • to hedge one's bets
    • to support both sides in a competition to protect against loss
  • out of sorts
    • slightly unwell, in low spirits
  • shish kabobing
    • impaling
  • pussyfooting around
    • act in a cautious or non-committal way
  • jump the shark
    • used to argue that a creative work has reached a point in which it has exhausted its core intent and is introducing new ideas that are discordant with its original purpose
  • the bee's knees
    • excellent, wonderful, cool
  • to be a dead ringer
    • to look exactly like sb.
  • to have a chip on one's shoulder
    • to feel inferior or as if been treated unfairly
  • to go through the motions
    • to do sth. without making much effort to do it well (e.g. when sad)
  • to tighten one's belt
    • to spend less money
  • to pay through the nose
    • to pay too much
  • a stitch in time saves nine
    • it's better to solve a problem right away, to stop it becoming a much bigger one
  • to put one through one's paces
    • to test the ability/skill of a person/thing
  • rat race
    • when eople compete with each other for power and money
  • a raw deal
    • bad or unfair treatment
  • to talk shop
    • to talk about your job with those you work with when not at work
  • to spin a yarn
    • to tell an untrue but interesting story
  • to have the ball in one's court
    • it is time for you to deal with a problem or make a decision, because other people have already done as much as they can
  • to cast one's lot
    • to join or become associated with a person, group, or thing that one hopes will win or succeed
  • the cat that got the canary
    • a person who appears self-satisfied or smug, especially while concealing something mischievous, prohibited, or privat
  • three sheets to the wind
    • drunk
  • up against the ropes
    • in a difficult situation
  • to eke sth. out
    • to obtain or win something only with difficulty or great effort
  • a shoo-in
    • a guaranteed winner
  • take sth. on the nose
    • to endure or accept sth. negative, especially with stoicism or poise
  • to jury rig sth.
    • set up / piece together sth. in a makeshift manner
  • under the auspices of
    • with the help, support, or protection of
  • to run sb. down
    • to criticize sb.
  • lock, stock, and barrel
    • everything; all
  • to MacGyver sth.
    • to make or repair something in an improvised or inventive way
  • wigged out
    • nervous, frightened, anxious
  • in shirtsleeves
    • wearing a shirt without a jacket or coat over it
  • to have bats in the belfry
    • (belfry = bell tower) to act crazy or eccentric
  • the salt of the earth
    • very good, honest, and reasonable, and not thinking you are special in any way
  • to hum/hem and haw
    • to beat around the bush; to take a long time for a decision
  • a little ways (in, on, ...)
    • a short distance
  • to sandbag sb.
    • to treat unfairly or harshly; to coerce
  • "oh my stars and garters!"
    • a jocular exclamation or expression of astonishment
  • take the pains to do sth.
    • to try very hard to so something
  • may-december (relationship)
    • a romantic relationship with a big age gap
  • red tape
    • excessive bureaucracy or adherence to formalities
  • to hold sway over sth.
    • to have power/influence over sth.
  • hunky-dory
    • fine, satisfactory, okay
  • in the doghouse
    • in trouble or in a situation where someone is upset or angry with you for some reason (e.g. a man who has angered his wife)
  • dead ringer
    • someone or something that looks very similar to someone or something else
  • on the fritz
    • (of a machine or device) not working properly
  • the rank and file
    • the ordinary members of an organization (e.g. military) as opposed to its leaders
  • to fly by the seat of your pants
    • to do something difficult without the necessary skill or experience
  • take (one's) leave of sb.
    • to say goodbye to sb.
  • (to) go fish
    • to go look somewhere else for what you asked
  • (case of) sour grapes
    • attitude of resentment/bitterness because sb. can't have sth.

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  • coup de grΓ’ce
    • a final blow or shot given to kill a wounded person/animal/situation
  • vis-Γ -vis
    • regarding/concerning; in the face of; face-to-face
  • nom de plume
    • pseudonym, screen/stage/pen name

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some more that i already know/knew: ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍

  • treading water
  • war of attrition
  • at length
  • brace up
  • the lapping (sound) of water
  • in lieu of
  • to cull the herd
  • to dole out punishment
  • x an y z not make
  • to hit/strike pay dirt
  • to get roped into sth.
  • a knee-jerk reaction
  • to mill about
  • with false bravado
  • to separate the wheat from the chaff
  • to get one's hackles up
  • to taper off
  • to turn tail
  • hot to trot for sb.
  • by and by
  • to phone sth. in
  • to not care for sth.
  • to steer clear
  • to make a pass on sb.
  • to call a spade a spade
  • the blahs
  • dog eat dog world
  • a mile a minute
  • to break the seal
  • jump the gun
  • to take after sb.
  • to be in a rut
  • shipshape
  • all walks of life
  • to egg sb. on
  • to go off the deep end
  • to have it in for sb.
  • to add insult to injury
  • to be off one's rocker
  • to be at each other's throats
  • nothing to write home about
  • like water off a duck's back
  • to make a killing
  • to make do with sth.
  • not up to par / subpar / below par
  • to have a go
  • out on a limb
  • to stick one's neck out for sb.
  • not to have a snowball's chance in hell
  • to take the cake
  • to split hairs
  • no love lost between them
  • a crying shame
  • to take the wind out of sb.'s sails
  • to be dead set on sth.
  • to play it by ear
  • to harp on
  • to face the music
  • (not) to pull one's punches
  • to put a sock in it
  • to a t
  • to mince one's words
  • that's the way the cookie crumbles
  • a penny for one's thoughts
  • come hell or high water
  • every cloud has a silver lining
  • to have the markings of...
  • par for the course
  • holier-than-thou
  • peddle your wares
  • to get your bearings
  • to get hitched
  • to be privy to sth.
  • to fly too close to the sun
  • to wreak havoc
  • rug pulled from under you
  • beyond reproach
  • with pomp and circumstance
  • the whole (kit and) caboodle
  • to make as if to do sth.
  • to fall into step with sb.
  • to lock eyes
  • (now we're) cooking with gas
  • to hightail it
  • close but no cigar
  • to wax poetic
  • in dire straits
  • tepid laughter
  • to run a tight ship
  • to weigh x pounds soaking wet
  • the land of milk and honey

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also see: favorite phrases

aug 3 2024 ∞
oct 17 2024 +