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cariatide why fall in love when you can fall on the floor and cry over a tv show. (2025)
evelyn television (03/25)
chrissy monthly (2025-3)
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i've been collecting for years.

abase, abasement, abashed, abate, abattoir, aberrant, aberration, abhor, abhorrence, abide, abortive, abound, abrasive, abreast, abscond, abstruse, abundantly, abyss, accession, accost, accosted, accosting, accoutrement, accoutrements, accumulation, acquit, acquittal, acrimonious, actuary, acuity, adjoining, adjure, admonish, admonishment, admonition, adroit, adulation, adverse, affable, affectation, affidavit, affront, agglomeration, aggravate, aggrieve, aghast, agitated, agitation, ajar, alacrity, albeit, alcove, alight, alimony, allay, allaying, alleviate, alleviation, allotted, alloy, allure, alpenstocks, altercation, altogether, altruism, altruistic, amalgamate, amalgamated, amalgamation, amble, amenable, amenities, amiable, amorphous, anathema, anathemas, anguish, anon, antecedent, anthropomorphism, antipodes, apace, aperture, apparition, appraisals, apprehension, apprise, apprised, approbation, apt, aquiline, arbiter, arbor, arcane, archetypal, archipelago, ardent, ardor, arduous, armoire, arraignment, arresting, artifice, ascertain, ascertaining, askew, assail, assailant, assent, assiduity, assiduous, assiduously, assuage, atrium, atrocious, atrocity, attenuated, audacious, audacity, audit, auditor, auspicious, austere, austerity, avail, avant-garde, avarice, avaricious, avidity, awestruck, awol, bailiff, baleful, balk, banal, bandstand, banister, barbed, bargain, bargains, bask, bassoon, baton, batter, battlements, bawdy, bearing, beatific, beck, bedlam, bedraggled, bedsteads, befit, befuddled, beget, begotten, beguile, behest, beholden, behoove, belfry, belie, belied, belittled, bellhop, bellow, bellows, bemused, beneficence, benevolent, benign, bereaved, bereft, berth, beset, besotted, bifocals, bigwig, bilateral, billow, billowing, biopsy, bivouac, black ops, blatant, blemish, blight, blithe, blithely, blot, blotted, bluster, blusterers, blustery, bodega, boggy, boisterous, bolster, boon, boorish, borderlands, bough, boughs, bounded, boundless, bout, brambly, bravado, brawny, bric-a-brac, bridle, brim, brimstone, brine, brisk, bristle, bristling, brittle, brocade, broil, broker, brouhaha, browbeat, bulwark, buoyant, bureau, bureaucracy, burgeoning, burlap, burnish, burnished, bushwack, buttress, byre, cackle, cad, cadaverous, cajole, caliber, callous, callousness, callow, calvinistic, camaraderie, candid, candor, cantankerous, cantering, canvass, capacious, caper, capitulate, caprice, capricious, cardinal, carnal, carrion, carte blanche, casement, catechising, caucuses, cavalier, cenotaph, censure, centigrade, cessation, cesspool, cesspools, cetacean, chaff, chaise, champ, char, chariot, chary, chastise, cherub, chicanery, chide, chimera, choleric, churlish, churning, cinch, circuitous, clammy, clamor, clamorous, clandestine, clavicle, clemency, cloister, clotted, clump, clutch, cluttery, coax, coaxing, codicil, coed, cogitate, collected, colloquialism, combative, combe, comeuppance, commenced, commotion, compelled, complacent, complicity, composite, comprised, compunction, con, concede, concession, conciliate, concourse, concubine, concur, condemn, condemnations, conducive, conductive, conferred, confidant, conflagration, congealed, congenial, congenital, conglomerate, congregate, congruent, conjecture, conjectured, conjugal, connive, conniving, conscientious, consign, consigned, conspicuous, conspirator, conspiratorial, constituent, consul, consummate, contempt, contemptible, contend, contentious, contingency, continually, contraption, contrite, contrition, contrivance, contrive, contrived, convalescent, convey, conveyance, convoy, convulsion, convulsive, copse, cord, corrugated, cosmopolitan, countenance, counterfeit, countermand, coursed, couture, cower, coy, crafty, crags, credence, credenza, credo, credulity, credulous, creed, crevice, crinoline, crony, croon, crucible, crud, cue, cull, culvert, cumbersome, cupola, cur, cursory, cusp, custodian, cygnet, cypresses, dainty, damascene, damask, dappled, daunt, debauch, debauchery, debility, decadence, decadent, decadently, decamped, decanter, deceit, declivity, decorous, decry, deep-six, deference, deferential, defiant, defiles, deft, deftly, deign, dejected, dejectedly, delinquency, delirious, delirium, deliverance, deluded, deluge, demeanor, demerit, deplorable, deportment, deposition, depraved, deputation, derelict, derision, derisive, derivation, desirous, despondency, despondent, despotism, destitute, destitution, detestable, detractor, dexterous, diagetic, diaphragm, diatribe, dichotomy, dictum, diffidence, dilettante, diligent, diminution, diminutive, din, disarray, disavowal, discern, disciple, disclosures, discombobulated, disconcert, disconcerted, disconcerting, disconsolate, disconsolately, discord, disdain, disinclination, disinter, dismal, dismay, dismissive, disparaging, dispassionate, dispel, dispelled, dispense, dispersed, dispirited, disposed, disquieting, dissension, dissent, dissipated, dissolute, dissuade, distill, distillery, disused, diverted, dividends, divisive, divot, divulge, divvy, doggedly, dogma, dogmatic, dole, doleful, domicile, don, dote, doted, doting, dotty, dour, dovetail, dovetailed, draught, drawl, drivel, droll, drooped, drudge, dryad, ducats, ductile, duffer, dulcet, dullard, dun, dunce, dupe, dupes, duress, earmark, earthenware, ebb, ebullience, eccentric, ecotone, eddy, edict, edifice, edifices, edify, edifying, eerie, efface, effaced, effervescent, efficacy, effigies, effulgence, egalitarian, egregious, egress, eke, elegy, elongate, eloquence, elucidate, elude, emanation, embankment, embassy, emcee, eminence, eminent, emit, emulation, emulsify, encumbered, encumbrance, endeavouring, endowed, engender, engrossed, engulf, enmity, ennui, ensconced, entrails, enunciate, envisaged, epithet, epochal, eponymous, equity, ere, escapade, eschew, espouse, esquire, estranged, estuary, eulogies, evanescence, evocative, exaltation, exalted, exalting, execrable, exhumed, exorbitant, expatriate, expeditious, expostulation, expound, extoll, extortion, extradite, extradition, extricate, exuberant, exude, exultingly, fain, falter, fanfare, farce, farrago, fastidious, fatalistic, fatuous, fatuousness, favourable, feculence, feebly, felicity, fender, ferocious, ferries, fervid, fervor, festoon, fetid, fetter, fib, fibrous, fickle, fiddler, filament, filibuster, filigree, filing, finesse, finicky, fissile, flagrant, flagstones, fleabag, fleeting, flit, flout, fluke, flummoxed, flurry, fob, fodder, foibles, foliage, foray, ford, forebear, forebearing, foreboding, foregone, forestall, forgo, forlorn, fornication, forthright, fortuitous, fractious, frail, frantic, fraught, frazzle, freight, frenetic, frenzied, fret, frieze, frisk, froth, frothy, fulminating, fungible, funnel, furled, furnish, furrows, furtively, fusty, futile, futility, gabble, gabbling, gable, gainsay, gait, gallant, gallivant, gallivanting, galore, galoshes, galvanize, gamut, gander, gangling, gangway, gape, garret, garrison, gauche, gaunt, gauze, gavel, genial, geniality, genteel, gentile, geriatric, germane, gesticulating, gibbet, gibbous, girder, glen, glib, glint, gnarled, gnats, gnaw, gnawing, goggle, goliath, gorge, gourds, graft, grandstand, grapple, gratuitous, gravely, gregarious, grift, gripe, grit, gritty, grody, grovel, grub, gruel, guile, guileless, gumption, gumshoe, gusher, guttural, haberdasher, haberdashery, habitual, hackneyed, haggard, hamlet, handset, haphazard, hardy, harebrained, harrumph, hassle, hastened, hatchet, haughty, hauling, haunches, havoc, haymaker, hazard, hazarded, haze, headlong, heady, heath, heather, hedge, hedonism, heedless, heft, heinous, hemophilia, hereafter, heresy, heretic, heretical, hermetic, hick, high and dry, hindrance, histrionic, hither, ho-hum, hoarfrost, hobble, hobnob, hock, hokey, homogenous, hone, horticulture, hovel, hubbub, hullabaloo, humdrum, hunker, hurriedly, hurtling, hutch, hutches, ideology, idolatry, imminent, impasse, impassive, impede, impediment, impel, impelled, imperceptible, imperil, impertinence, impertinent, imperturbable, impervious, impetus, implacable, importunate, imprudent, impunity, inadvertent, inadvertently, inaugurated, incensed, incessant, incessantly, inchoate, incipient, inclement, inclination, incongruous, inconsolable, incredulity, incumbent, indefatigable, indelible, indemnified, indicative, indictment, indignant, indistinct, indolence, indolent, indubitably, induce, inducement, industrious, inert, inexorable, inexorably, inextricably, infallible, inference, inferential, infidel, infirmity, inflection, influx, ingenious, ingrate, inhospitable, iniquity, innate, innumerable, inscrutable, insensate, insipid, instigated, insurgent, insurmountable, insurrection, intemperance, interim, interlace, interloper, interlude, interment, interminable, intermittent, internment, interpose, interred, intersperse, intimated, intone, intractable, intransigent, intrepid, intricate, intrigue, inundated, invariably, inveterate, invigorate, invigorated, invigorating, iota, irascible, ire, iridescent, irked, ironclad, irreconcilable, irrefutable, irresolute, irreverent, irreverently, irrevocable, irrevocably, itinerant, itinerary, jaunt, jeer, jibe, jiggered, jilt, jolt, joshing, jostled, jot, jowls, jubilant, judiciously, juggernaut, junction, jut, jutting, ken, kennel, kibble, kinswoman, kismet, klaxon, knapsack, knave, knaves, knobs, knoll, lacerated, laceration, lacerations, lachrymose, lackey, laconic, lair, lament, lampoon, lank, larded, larder, lark, lashings, lassitude, latent, lathe, latrine, laudable, laureate, laurel, layman, lectern, leer, leeve, leeward, leeway, levy, liaison, libel, licentious, lilt, limber, limpet, limpid, lineaments, lithe, litigant, litigation, liturgy, loaferssae, lofty, lolloping, looming, loquacious, lull, lunacy, lurch, luscious, magistrate, magistrates, maladjusted, malady, malarkey, malediction, malefactor, malign, malignant, malleable, malodorous, manger, manky, mar, martyr, martyrdom, materially, maudlin, maunder, mauve, maverick, maw, meander, mediate, meek, mellifluous, melodious, memorandum, mendacious, mercenary, mercurial, merit, mesh, methodical, meticulous, mettle, miasma, midst, milling, mimosa, mincing, ministrations, minstrel, mire, mired, misanthrope, misanthropy, misbegotten, miscegenation, misdemeanor, mitigate, modicum, modulate, monogram, moot, morbid, morsel, mortar, motley, mottled, multifarious, munificent, muster, muzzle, nab, nary, nefarious, negging, newel, nib, nimble, nip, nomenclature, nonpartisan, nonplussed, nook, notary, notoriety, notwithstanding, nubile, nuisance, obfuscate, oblige, obliged, oblique, oblivious, obsequious, obstinacy, obstinate, obtuse, obviate, ocher, off-kilter, oleander, onset, onslaught, opportune, opprobrium, opulence, oratory, ordain, ordure, orotund, orthodox, oscillated, ostensible, ostensibly, ostentatious, out of sorts, overhang, overture, pail, pall, palpitation, paltry, panache, parabel, paradigm, paralegal, parapet, paraphernalia, paraplegic, parish, parley, parlor, parry, parrying, parsimonious, parson, parsonage, partisan, parturition, pathological, pathology, patois, patter, peacoat, peal, pecuniary, pedant, pedantic, peddlers, pedigree, pedlar, peeved, peevish, pell-mell, penance, penitence, pennant, pensive, perched, peremptory, perfidious, perforation, perilous, peripheral, periscope, peristyles, perjury, perpendicular, perpetual, perpetuity, persecution, persona non grata, perspicacity, pertinent, perturbed, perusal, peruse, pervious, pester, pestilence, pestilent, petticoat, petulance, philandering, philanthropist, phlegmatic, phosphorescent, picturesque, pike, pinion, pinioned, pinnacle, pinny, pious, piquancy, piquant, piteous, piteously, pittance, pivot, placard, placate, placidly, plaintive, plaintively, plantain, platitude, platitudes, plea, plebeian, pliable, plight, plowing, plumage, plumb, plunged, pluralized, poignant, poise, poncey, ponderous, pontificate, porpoise, portico, posit, posterity, powder keg, prattle, preamble, precarious, precedent, preceding, precipices, precipitate, precipitous, preclude, precocious, precociousness, predicament, predilection, predisposition, preen, preening, preliminary, preoccupied, presentiment, pretense, pretensions, preternatural, privation, privy, procession, prodigious, professing, profusion, progenitor, proliferation, prolonged, promenade, promiscuous, promontory, propensities, propensity, propitiate, propitious, proprietary, proprietor, propriety, proselytes, prosperity, prostrate, protracted, protruding, providence, provident, provocation, prowess, prudence, pruney, prurient, pulpit, pungent, punt, puny, purportedly, pursuit, purveyor, purview, putrefaction, pylon, pyre, quadrille, quagmire, qualm, quarreling, quaver, quenched, querulously, quibble, quintessence, quixotic, rabble, raillery, raincheck, rainmaking, rake, rally, rambunctious, ramification, rampant, ramparts, rancor, rancorous, rank, rankled, ransack, rapier, rapt, rapture, ratify, raucous, rave, ravish, ream, rebate, rebuke, recant, recesses, recommence, reconciliation, recondite, reconnaissance, recourse, recrimination, recumbent, recuse, redolent, reductive, reed, reeds, refuge, refutation, regale, regatta, regent, reiterate, rejoinder, rejuvenated, relent, relinquish, remarks, remedial, reminiscent, remiss, remonstrance, remonstrate, remorseless, renounce, renunciation, repent, replete, repose, reprieve, reprimand, reprisal, reproach, reprove, repugnance, repugnant, repulse, repulsed, resound, respectively, respite, resplendent, restive, resuscitate, retaliating, retaliation, reticence, reticent, retrograde, revel, revelation, revelatory, revelry, reverberation, reverend, reverie, ribald, ricochet, righteous, rigmarole, rigorous, ring-fence, riotous, ripostes, rite, rivet, rivulet, romp, roster, rotunda, rouse, rout, rove, ruddy, rue, ruinous, rummage, rummages, rump, ruts, sabbatical, sagaciously, sagged, salient, sallied, sallow, sallowness, salve, sanctify, sanctimonious, sardonic, sardonically, sashay, saunter, savant, scabbard, scamper, scant, scanty, scarce, scarper, scintillating, scintillation, scion, scions, sconce, scorn, scornful, scrabbling, scrape, scruples, scrupulously, scudded, scullery, scurrying, scuttle, scuttled, sear, searing, secession, sectary, seldom, self-aggrandisement, self-effacing, semblance, senseless, sentinel, sentry, sequester, sequestered, serendipitous, serenity, servile, sham, shank, shawl, sheaf, sheer, shirk, shoddy, shrapnel, shrewd, shrill, sic, sideboard, sidle, sift, silt, simper, simulacrum, sinew, sinewy, sire, sirloin, skepticism, skid, skirmishes, skirting, slacken, slacks, slake, slammer, slant, sleuce, sleuth, slobber, slog, slump, sly, smokescreen, smorgasbord, smug, snare, snarl, snub, sodden, sodomy, sojourn, sojourned, solicit, sonorous, sordid, sot, sots, soundly, spar, spasmodic, specious, speckled, spick, spiel, spinet, spinney, spitball, spur, spurned, spurt, sputter, squabbling, squalls, squalor, squander, squire, stagecoach, stagnant, stagnate, staid, stalwart, starkness, staunch, staunchly, stave, stave off, steadfast, steeple, sterling, steward, stewardship, stifle, stifled, stile, stint, stipend, stipulate, stipulated, stipulation, stirred, stoats, stodgy, stolid, stoop, stout, stoutest, straggling, stratagem, stride, strident, strife, stringent, stupefied, sty, subdued, subjection, subjugation, sublimity, subpoena, subside, subsidiary, substantial, subterfuge, subversive, successive, succinct, sud, suds, sufferance, sufficiently, suffuse, sullen, sultry, sumptuous, sunder, sundry, superb, supercilious, superciliousness, supine, supple, supplication, supplications, supposition, surfeit, surge, surly, surmise, surmount, surreptitious, suspended, suture, svelte, sweltering, syllabub, syndicate, synergy, tabernacle, tacitly, taciturn, taffeta, tangle, tantamount, taper, tapers, tardy, tarmac, tarnished, tatter, tattered, taut, taxonomy, teem, teeming, teeter, telltale, temerity, tempered, tempest, tempestuous, temporize, tenacity, tendency, tendril, tendrils, tenor, tentatively, tenuous, tepid, thatched, thereby, thicket, thickets, thimble, thoroughfare, thrall, threadbare, throes, throngs, thrum, thwart, tidings, tiller, tinge, tirade, titter, toil, toiler, took no pains, topple, torpid, torpor, torrent, torrid, tortuous, totter, tousle, touted, tractability, traipse, traipsing, trammel, tranquilly, tremendous, tremulous, trenchant, trepidation, tress, trifle, trifles, trite, trough, trounce, trowel, tryst, tumult, tumultuous, turf, turgid, turnpike, turnstile, tussles, tussocks, tutelage, ubiquitous, umber, unabashed, unabated, unaccountable, unanimous, unceasingly, uncongenial, unconscionable, undaunted, undergrowth, understate, undertaker, undue, undulate, unduly, unerring, unfathomable, unmitigated, unobtrusive, unprecedented, unscrupulous, untenable, upbraiding, uppity, uproariously, urchin, usurpation, uttering, vacillating, valiant, vamoose, vanquish, vapid, vargo, vaulted, veer, veered, vehemently, veld, veneer, venerable, venerated, veneration, venison, veracity, verbosity, verdant, verdigris, verger, verges, veritable, versatile, versatility, vested interest, vestige, vex, vicarious, vicissitudes, vigil, vigilant, vigorous, virile, viscera, vista, vitality, vitriol, vivacious, vivacity, vivify, vocation, volatile, volatility, volley, volubly, voracious, vouchsafed, vulpine, wade, wan, wane, waning, warble, warren, waterfront, waver, wavered, wayfaring, waylay, welled, welt, weskit, wharf, wheedle, wherefore, whet, whetted, whippet, whitewater, wigwar, wildebeest, wile, wiles, wiliest, wily, windfall, wiry, wispy, wisteria, wistfully, woebegone, wont, writ, writhe, writhing, wrought, wry, yaw, yoke, zany, zealot, zest

nov 30 2023 ∞
jun 21 2024 +