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› it's-a me! 🌹

‍ ‍ ‍‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ ‍ ‍‍ ‍ β‚ŠΛšο½‘β‹† πŸ’— β‹†ο½‘Λšβ‚Š

Sam books (recent/ongoing)
cariatide why fall in love when you can fall on the floor and cry over a tv show. (2025)
evelyn β–£
chrissy monthly (2025-3)
mezzo piano ΰ­¨ΰ­§ bio (β€” About me)

β†ͺ 2023 | diary | media ‍| resolutions | to do

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β€” january

  • (𝟏) last free uni week. studying a lot of british history. going to the cinema with the whole family to watch avatar 2 ; building ikea cupboards with anna and tanja for six hours; dinner with kurt sonja etc (annoying); studying with tanja (𝟐) uni again! group work in eap (fun); starting breath of the wild with anna (and showing her the ropes); lots of studying... and listenting to 50s music (πŸ‘) using the uni library for the first time (with tanja's help); lots of studying and botw; so much studying kill me; first exams; even more studying at the weekend (anna is not here) also trying to start my paper; dnf is going crazy (πŸ’) obsessed with knives out and daniel craig; stressed because of finals; anna is back!; lots of studying

β€” february

  • (𝟏) studying studying studying with breath of the wild breaks or while anna plays; two exams (linguistics and literary studies) => both 1s!; toothache starts (𝟐) studying for uk history and gewi while under immense pain (toothache); getting extremely high praise from my professor; going to the doctor; thinking i failed my last exam but i actually get a c; getting better pain meds just as the pain gets better again; getting a dentist appointment for monday; finally no studying anymore!; cleaning etc; finishing the tenth doctor seasons of doctor who with anna (πŸ‘) reading sapiens for the 4th time; chilling and watching diary of a wimpy kid with anna; valentine's day!!; finishing breath of the wild and playing minecraft again finally! (while anna plays sims); bowling with my family, michelle and anna! (πŸ’) two days at home, watching dance academy and drawing and singing with tanja and michelle; planning for dan tour; finishing reading sapiens

β€” march

  • (𝟏) 2x 10 hour train journey with tanja to germany to meet dan and see his tour!!!; anna has covid so i'm staying with tanja the rest of the week (michelle is also there); going shopping and bouldering with tanja and michelle (𝟐) 2nd semester of uni starts! still staying at tanja's because anna is positive; finally being back home again; cleaning and organizing a lot on the weekend (πŸ‘) uni uni uni! lots to read and lots of homework already; continuing to watch what we do in the shadows with tanja (i am obsessed) (πŸ’) watching 8 paul dano movies (the batman, swiss army man, prisoners, little miss sunshine, okja, 12 years a slave, there will be blood, ruby sparks); getting my tooth removed (ouch!) - in pain (and swollen a f) for a few days (πŸ“) toothache is almost over!; digitally drawing again (paul dano); still watching lots of movies; going home on sunday

β€” april

  • (𝟏) at home with tanja and michelle, then back to the apartment; health check-up with anna (having to get up at 6 am); practicing some geography; going home; starting the last of us with tanja and manuel; watching a lot of wwdits with tanja; reading novels for uni (𝟐) easter with the relatives (playing codenames and activity with tanja, sandra, thomas, philipp, manuel, gernsch); getting a haircut (with anna) and re-dying my purple hair; finishing the last of us alone; troubles falling asleep again (πŸ‘) going shopping for apartment stuff with anna (leaf pillow, fake vines, ...); driving home to help dad put solar panels on the roof; obsessed with wwdits (watching a lot with tanja) (πŸ’) 'flight of the conchords' clip in linguistics!; going to the messe with anna, tanja and michelle (ferris wheel, jurassic park 3d ride, 'vogelscheuche', churros, taxidermied animals); playing lots of mario kart and sims 4

β€” may

  • (𝟏) deinstalling instagram and twitter; getting all stars in mario kart 200cc; trying smokey eyeliner for the first time; working on presentations for uni; dressing up as mario (and tanja is luigi) to go watch the mario bros movie with her and anna; finishing wwdits (𝟐) arin bi confirmed!; anna leaves for germany for 2 weeks; breakfast (and dinosaur movie) with mom, manuel and tanja; sleepover with tanja (eurovision, heathers); working on my lit2 paper; starting a wwdits fanfiction (πŸ‘) still alone without anna; office hour for lit2 paper; english pub quiz with tanja, leo, alena and (not my) anna! and then spending the night at tanja's; very long weekend full of writing my lit2 paper and watching planet of the apes movies (πŸ’) anna comes home! starting wwdits with her. getting my ear pierced with tanja (and michelle), then eating ice cream with them, enjoying the water and watching a movie with them. driving home for a day (chilling in the garden with tanja and manuel, winning mario party); acting (monologue) workshop with tanja ("you lied to me!")

β€” june

  • (𝟏) free monday and tuesday; obsession with jemaine clement continues; first computer ethics class (so fun!); watching hours of snl clips (some with tanja); watching 2 episodes of x files with tanja (𝟐) going on a walk with tanja and starting a good omens rewatch with her; lprs presentation; procastinating studying (πŸ‘) reading a whole play for lit in 2 days because the prof uploaded it late; studying for lprs exam; finishing my wwdits rewatch with anna and starting a prehistoric planet rewatch with her; not being motivated to study; lprs exam (on a saturday...); planning my social media; writing homework and essay for computer ethics class (πŸ’) bleaching and dying hair again (for pride!); i broke my phone...; some open-book exams and translation presentation; smosh is back!!!; 30+ degrees for several days; playing lots of botw with anna (she plays totk ) (πŸ“) last week of the semester! PRIDE!!! (with nipple covers and in the rain, fun but exhausting as hell) and afterwards a tired evening with anna

β€” july

  • (𝟏) going to get my phone repaired (but then just buying a new one); lots of latin studying; watching spiderverse 2 in the cinema with tanja and michelle (so awesome!); anna is sick; going home with my siblings and michelle (barbeque, golf game on switch, and going swimming) (𝟐) anna is really sick (going to her to the doctor/lkh multiple times, then she gets driven to the lkh); other than that i'm studying latin a lot, watching silo and doing some reading for literary studies; going jogging with tanja twice (πŸ‘) the heatwave continues (anna and i are slowly dying. we bought curtains for our living room.); it's my birthday!!! (from parents: money for phone. from anna: galaxy projector and fotc t-shirt. from tanja: weighted blanket and archeology digging game thingy.); deciding to not do my project and fail the class and then working on it a lot anyway; bad period cramps; going jogging with tanja again; watching barbie in the cinema (dressed in pink) with anna (πŸ’) getting a taylor swift ticket!; obsessed with dragon cave again; anna is not sick anymore and drives home to her family; writing my whole paper in two days; watching all men in black movies (and drawing will smith); writing 2k of words on the last day of july; learning sewing basics with tanja (and cleaning the nΓ€hkΓ€stchen)

β€” august

  • (𝟏) anna is still at her parents' house; starting the apartment deep-clean; new listography layout & setting up my & logging all games i've ever played on backloggd; sleepover with tanja (playing hanafuda, watching the original willy wonka movie and making up a new board game); anna finally comes home! (𝟐) finally finally finally watching the new season of good omens with tanja and anna; dying the left half of my hair brown (instead of faded purple); going to get passport photos taken with anna; anna quits her job; SCREAMING ABOUT GOOD OMENS!!!!; going to the park with anna and reading her my fanfic (πŸ‘) spending a lot of time in tanja's garden with anna and reading; drawing crowley; spa day with anna and then grillabend with her, mom and manuel. also spending some time in mom's library. (πŸ’) going to the meldeamt for my id thing; watching movies with michael sheen and drawing him digitally; it's super fucking hot in our apartment; going to the van gogh immersive experience with tanja and anna (i'm wearing my starry night skirt) - such a beautiful 360Β° movie! we buy a poster (πŸ“) sleepover at tanja's: using ai to generate art for our game, watching some wwdits, staged season 1, and the new ofmd season 2 trailer!! super exciting!; going thrifting with tanja; starting a good omens fanvideo with tanja

β€” september

  • (𝟏) getting my teeth cleaned at the dentist (takes an hour...); going to manuel's to watch aquaman with him; working on tanja and my good omens fanvideo ('i won't give up'); movie streak!; playing billard and eating burgers with tanja; (𝟐) horseback riding vacation: driving there in dad's car and talking with tanja and michelle. picking up anna. our house has like a thousand books. first time riding (over a hundred horses! i get Typhoon, a small nice one), no galloping yet. second day: galloping (well, i tried at least, Calimero didn't really want to). third day: break! we drive to the city for the museum (dinos! fish! reptile zoo closed unfortunately) and to visit anna's parents. fourth day: archery with dad and tanja (shooting dinos and fantasy creatures) next to old railroad tracks. then riding again (on Biscatti). fifth day: riding and driving home (listening to music in the car!); new ofmd season 2 trailer, and registering for uni courses; going shopping with anna; (πŸ‘) going to get my eyes checked out; my landlord ripping me off for 600 € AGAIN (all landlords should die a horrible firey death); haircut time! i've got bangs again (and i regret it); pirate-themed escape room with manuel, tanja, michelle and anna! tanja and i are dressed as pirates (i even have pirate makeup and fake scars!) - lots of fun! (πŸ’) people come over to look at our apartment; i'm making pixel art again (for goretober); buying a dinosaur game for the switch but it sucks; driving home for a short time and manuel helps me with ordering power for the new apartment; highschool reunion! (talking to the girls and s., then playing billard with them and j., talking to f. for a long time) - it actually turned out to be really fun

β€” october

  • (𝟏) start of uni! first few classes (spanish kinda sucks, fire safety class is useless, class with my old pronunciation teacher is fun); watching some spooky month movies; writing a spooky story; our flag means death season 2 watchparty with anna tanja michelle and lily! (𝟐) second week of the semester - some other classes for the first time; starting to read two new books; film history class in an actual cinema!; latin exam (it sucked); english book fair with tanja (buying 3 books for 5 bucks); ofmd watchparty again! the new episodes ARE SO GOOD ahhhh (πŸ‘) researching auslandssemester some more and making a new friend in the library; we get the keys for the new apartment!; i'm sick :(( kill me; ofmd is consuming my fucking brain; drawing izzy; (πŸ’) not a lot of uni this week (first sick, then class from home, then holiday, then just friday); carrying boxes over to our new apartment; watching five nights at freddy's with anna in the cinema; breakfast with my fam and anna; starting my izzy fanvideo (and scenepack); ofmd s2 season finale... i'm fucking crying why did they ruin it; halloween! wearing a spooky outfit to uni (and i'm the only one) with cool makeup too

β€” november

  • (𝟏) stritzelessen with the fam and anna; watching george's birthday stream in the evening (i missed them); finally sleeping in and having lots of lucid dreams; stress about the new apartment's toilet not working; moving into the new apartment (𝟐) in the new apartment! very stressed bc uni + new apartment + studying for lit fachprΓΌfung; researching and shopping for skincare; creating art accounts and a carrd; stress about the new apartment's heating not working (nothing fucking works here i'm going insane) (πŸ‘) fachprΓΌfung; tooth problems again; rewatching all hunger games movies and watching the prequel in the cinema with anna and tanja; getting some new furniture; binging cucumber for con o'neill because i'm obsessed with him (πŸ’) spanish midterms; finishing cucumber and starting masters of sex ; black friday online shopping; first snow (just a tiny bit though); at home with everyone (incl. anna and michelle) - playing 'spiel des lebens' and some switch games (πŸ“) submitting my short horror story to an online journal (and it gets accepted); receiving 900€ merit-based scholarship <3; spotify wrapped!

β€” december

  • (𝟏) fixing up the old apartment and finally seeing it for the last time; anna is going to her parents' for a week so i'm alone in the apartment; dentist appointment (ouch); not being able to purchase any small pain medication at all because my country sucks so i'm in pain the whole week; writing a lot into my diary; cooking a bit; watching a lot of dan and phil with tanja (gamingmas) (𝟐) last week for uni before christams; my dinosaur presentation; getting a terrible haircut; preparing two presentations for uni; reunited with anna! (πŸ‘) celebrating christmas with anna (izzy-themed) and watching xmas movies with her; going to the adventmarkt with anna; going home for christmas! playing stray and puyo puyo tetris and tanja's new board games (πŸ’) christmas dinner with the relatives (playing games and singing christmas songs); still at home for christmas / new year's; tanja creates a listography account; new year's with tanja michelle and lilly: we play the witch game tanja and i made

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β†ͺ ‍2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025

dec 31 2022 ∞
dec 11 2024 +