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Sam books (recent/ongoing)
cariatide why fall in love when you can fall on the floor and cry over a tv show. (2025)
evelyn β–£
chrissy monthly (2025-3)
mezzo piano ΰ­¨ΰ­§ bio (β€” About me)

β†ͺ 2024 | diary | media ‍| resolutions | to do

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β€” j a n u a r y

  • (𝟏) new year! aaand i'm sick and feel terrible --- aaand it's covid (for the first time) and i'm bedridden for 3-5 days (𝟐) binging fleabag (i'm OBSESSED with the priest); anna is back and has her first workday!; watching a lot of spongebob because my new tv has a channel that runs it 24/7; final presentation timeee; dad comes over to fix many things in the apartment (πŸ‘) studying a lot; starting succession ; planning my social media (πŸ’) more studying; planning decoration for the apartment; coding a bit again; researching nail care

β€” f e b r u a r y

  • (𝟏) exam week; eating a nice burger at a restaurant with my family on manuel's birthday; tanja helping me study (making me guess british literature) (𝟐) last exam is finally over; going to the park with tanja and we see an orange cat, deer, and we race the bim (and the driver laughs at us); going to the doctor's; coding neocities (πŸ‘) coding a ton; home for the weekend, playing a lot of dΓ©corum with tanja and manuel, and watching orphan black with them (πŸ’) queer clothes swap with tanja; going to the cinema with tanja and anna to watch the new andrew scott movie (πŸ“) starting my coldmirror best-of video; new 21p song/video! last week of semester break

β€” m a r c h

  • (𝟏) first day of uni (spanish); fiiinally writing again (2.5k words in a day); first time shooting an air rifle!; obsessed with succession (especially roman); dad installing the insect screens at my apartment; my short story has been published! (𝟐) orthopedist appointment (turns out i have mild scoliosis); first time creative writing - yay!; finishing succession ;( (πŸ‘) starting (and binging) the good place ; discovering ; (πŸ’) sick and just lying in bed for 3 days, mostly binging the good place and watching random youtube videos; making picmixes; at home for easter: mostly just playing dΓ©corum with manuel (and tanja and michelle) and cleaning/decluttering/re-organizing my room; looking for chocolate bunnies in the living room (it's too windy outside)

β€” a p r i l

  • (𝟏) easter celebration with the relatives (playing concept with tanja, michelle and philipp); back home and i can finally kiss anna again; got tickets for tΓΈp concert!; helping tanja clean out her cellar and finishing loki season 2; cleaning the balcony; summer temperatures; making excel templates and coding neocities a lot (𝟐) summer temperatures continue, then it cools down; getting vaccinated (with tanja); first time film studies class (it's so hot); spending my time coding, making picmixes, and watching house md (πŸ‘) rain; anja from uni recognizes my izzy shirt!; mostly just playing a LOT of stardew valley and coding (πŸ’) studying a lot for development of english ; playing stardew valley while anna playing minecraft on the tv; starting pilates

β€” m a y

  • (𝟏) studying for midterms; decorating the balcony (privacy screen); anna starts working; going to the hospital with anna because she burnt herself (𝟐) spanish midterms; short uni week; going to a clothes exchange with tanja (-3 items, +2 items); my good game video is making numbers; mother's day breakfast (πŸ‘) trouble sleeping again; long weekend starts (πŸ’) long weekend continues but i have a lot of stuff to do for uni; watching kingdom of the planet of the apes in the cinema with tanja; just obsessed with house md (πŸ“) my life is just house md ; continuing to exercise every day; working on my paper/presentation on the princess bride ; going to another clothes exchange with tanja

β€” j u n e

  • (𝟏) pretty uneventful week; studying for development of english a lot; voting (Europawahl) (𝟐) staying home from uni to study more; watching inside out 2 in the cinema with tanja and michelle (it's so good!) (πŸ‘) studying; saturday exam (πŸ’) last week of uni = loads of studying and exams; dying a streak of my hair rainbow for pride; planning for the dan and phil tour; pride!! (very hot weather) with anna, tanja, michelle and lily

β€” j u l y

  • (𝟏) studying with tanja (for amy's exam); amy's exam (everyone gets a "well done!" sticker); working on my SLA paper; reading warrior cats with tanja; 20min jogging with tanja; (𝟐) writing my entire paper in one day; drawing cats; watching crashing in one day (and loving it); driving home with tanja, manuel and michelle; bbq with the family; playing mario party (manuel wins); (πŸ‘) going swimming with tanja; showing tanja crashing (i'm obsessed with it); starting ripley with tanja; birthday!; 8-hour first aid class with tanja; (πŸ’) starting the apartment deep-clean; watching movies in preparation for deadpool & wolverine and watching a bunch of avatar with anna; planning my novel (for the umpteenth time)

β€” a u g u s t

  • (𝟏) watching deadpool & wolverine in the cinema (alone) and it's sooo good i'm obsessed!; coding for my neocities site a lot; watching a bunch of movies (𝟐) my eras tour concert this weekend is cancelled due to a terrorist threat. went to vienna with anna anyway: art museum (mummies! statues! that painting from animal crossing!), madame tussauds (meeting "taylor swift"), and swiftie get-together in "cornelia street" (singing the man, 22, bejeweled, getaway car, miss americana and the heartbreak prince, we are never ever getting back together, shake it off, etc) and i got 3 friendship bracelets from the tree! and watching part of the eras tour movie in the hotel room (πŸ‘) starting to read moby-dick ; still working on my website a bunch; watching deadpool & wolverine in the cinema AGAIN (this time with tanja); at my parents' house; full moon night at the castle near my parents' house (i'm dressed as a 'witch', tanja and michelle medieval-y, dad is also there): horseback duels and jousting, choreographed sword fight, pancakes, and a great firework show (πŸ’) shopping and sleepover with tanja (we're watching 13 going on 30 ); trying to donate blood but they won't take mine; painting my wardrobe white; thirsting over hugh jackman a lot ; (πŸ“) writing a bunch; watching hugh jackman movies; hpv vaccination; sewing with tanja and (re)watching the greatest showman

β€” s e p t e m b e r

  • (𝟏) reading a ton (the secret history by donna tartt); finishing c25k with tanja; coding (learninig how to use 11ty and writing tutorials); trouble sleeping; researching strength training and muscle groups; going to the park with anna; (𝟐) harry potter themed escape room with tanja and manuel (and eating and short ikea trip with them); kinda sick so mostly in bed and watching many youtube tutorials on various topics (premiere pro; weightlifting / workout; how to cut your own bangs); running sushi with anna, tanja and michelle; (πŸ‘) researching and reading x-men comics; thinking about charles and erik from x-men a lot (and writing a fic) (πŸ’) preparations for uni and spooky month; clothes exchange at uni with tanja

β€” o c t o b e r

  • (𝟏) watching speak no evil in the cinema - completely alone !!; first hip hop class; first day of the new semester; rewatching the it movies (and loving it); going to the english book fair with tanja; going out to eat with my parents and manuel; (𝟐) first full week of uni this semester; already a bunch of homework; collecting the city run start numbers with tanja and buying a bra and some halloween stuff; watching the blair witch project with anna; city run! 5k in 38 minutes without break! (πŸ‘) dad repairs some stuff in my apartment; i'm sick again (reading the entire maus graphic novel); going to a vegan buffet with tanja and mom; reading twilight (πŸ’) watching mystery files (partially with anna); still working on my website a lot; going to a queer halloween club party with tanja and michelle! (πŸ“) halloween get-together with tanja michelle lilly and anna: my spooky jeopardy quiz, playing board games, food

β€” n o v e m b e r

  • (𝟏) stritzelessen; playing i'm on observation duty with my siblings and michelle; last season of wwdits starts! (𝟐) going shopping with anna (waste of time); going to the film festival to watch a movie about a queer summer camp (with tanja) for uni; working on a hannibal shrine for my website; sewing and cutting hair with tanja (πŸ‘) starting agatha all along ; fun week at uni i guess, nothing else much (πŸ’) first snow; comic con with tanja, michelle, lilly (cool deadpool and wolverine cosplayers! ofmd dance group!) (πŸ“) binging derry girls and starting camp cretaceous ; studying for spanish midterms a lot; getting my scholarship! yay!

β€” d e c e m b e r

  • (𝟏) anna's home with her family so i'm alone and doing lots of stuff for uni; making picmixes again; (𝟐) rocky horror picture show (musical) in vienna with tanja and michelle!!! (and 2 hour delay for our train home; manuel is our savior); i'm sleeping like shit again (πŸ‘) working on my video essay for uni (kill me) (πŸ’) it's christmas baby!! going last-minute shopping with tanja (and seeing our aunt in the bim); playing board games at home, wrapping presents, decorating the tree, celebrating christmas; christmas food and singing with the relatives; playing games with karin sandra florian etc; going on a walk with karin; playing exit the game with tanja and manuel; going ice skating with tanja and watching wicked in the cinema

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β†ͺ 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025

dec 6 2023 ∞
dec 29 2024 +