- Read all the books you have from the library before you take out new ones. You can take out one or two if you've been dying to read it or heard great reviews.
- Read them in the order that they are due, the soonest is the firstest.
- ALWAYS be on the look out for used books that you really like or really want to read. Be mindful of the cheapest. Create and make a hard copy list and list the lowest price on amazon or ebay. Keep it with you at all times or at least bring it with you when you go to Ranconteur or to the city.
- When you review books, do it within a WEEK of finishing it. Just to keep it fresh in your head.
- After you read a book/ movie, read material about it. Try to do move beyond a review and do something interesting like videos or extra material or author interviews.
The books you should get from the library:
- Whatever books you have on hold
- Non-fiction
- Graphic Novel
- One for grandma
- Fiction
- Young Adult
- Poetry
jun 22 2011 ∞
jul 12 2011 +