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i adore lists. in fact, almost every blog i make contains a list of some note.

i endeavor to create as many lists as i can to my own satisfaction and to cross out many applicable items. i just want them to be complete.

and hopefully, they will be

lisa FILM
emily movies (and shows watched in 2025)
caitlin movies (first time, 2025)
littlewhitehouse BOOKS (read in 2025)
bonafini films (assistidos em 2025)
0dollar Valerie
A VincentMiroiu
AL Vron
Abbey Yix
Adel alex&ra
Alayna alexandrine
Alex alice o'bright
Alexandria allie
Alli alyssa
Allison amber
Amber andi
Ana angie
Angie ash
Anne ashley
Apartmentcat aurelia aurita
Ariel aysha
Artemis baba yaga
Asher babylove
Ashley bailey
Audrey becjy
BRIDE beth
Becca bianca noelle
Bliss bird
COURTNAY. (!!!) birdie
Caitlin blondie
Candice bonafini
Candice Austen bowie
Cattie Bree Skye bri
Chaley bridget
Charlotte Sofia burning cloud
Christine c.t.
Clara cacio e pepe
Curiosity Kil... caitlin
Daisy carina maree
Dannii carla
DeVille caroline
Debra chagak
Dorothy chap
Egg Fry charlie
Eileen cheerfullycha...
Elaine cher
Elise chii
Elizabeth chriss
Ellie cindy
Emily clare
Emily devon
Erica eliana
Erin ellabugabooo
Erin ellison matty.
EstroJen elly
Eve emily
Ezra encre
Frances endlessness
Frksho esme rose
Gizelle finding utopia
Grace frauleinacht
Grace freda
Hannah furiousrose
HannahJane futuremindvideos
Heather g a b b i e
Heidi gideon
Helga greatghosts
Holly guia
Hope Brown hailey
I. hayley
Idiosyncrasie... honey and lav...
Isabel honeybee
Jacinda illie
James inhalexhale
Jane iris66
Jane Daze is a belle
Janise j
Jenn jacki
Jessica jacqueline
Jessica jaeanae
Jordan jen
Jordan jenn
Josephine jenna
Julia jess liddell
Kaitlyn jessica
Karen jessie
Kate jumpingin
Kate kaela
Katharine kate
Katt kateri
Katya kathymay
Kay keanna
Kayla H. kelsey
Kaylee kelsey
Kaysee kmeth
Kelsey laura
Kendall laurenadrianna
Krista leila
Kristaface leterrible
L lisa
Lace listography
Lee littlewhitehouse
Lee lo
Leslie loren
Lev loren
Lexis lorisakiddwonder
Lily J lydia jane
LilyD marissa
Linda mary
Lou mesmairead
Lyndsey midori
M milky
M. mimi
MCee nabila
MJ nana
Mae navneeeeeeet
Maike neonrecord
Marta nessa
Maya ninatot048
Meagan oh
Megan pauka
Melanie queen of swords
Michelle Coates rebecca
MissS redscarf
Miu Kerin reversedfate
Nat s
NewPapers s.
Nicole Fillion sarah
Nina Haveheart seasidegal
October seasmoke
Oh! secretowl
PaintedDreams selena
Pam serena
Priya shimmerkiss
Rachel silhouetting
Reen slam2drop
Ryan speedtrials
S starchild
S. sugarplum
Sam suushi
Samantha tooshakytohold
Samantha veronica
Sandy victoria
Sarah victoria carol
Shawna wavymouth
Siiidnah wickedworld
StifledLaughter xi
StormFyrie xo
Taraxacum yasmine
The Girl Without yesy
Theodora Caro... yvette
Tierney ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
Tommy すき
UrbanCaseyMarie words

EDIT: He did the typewriter girl one that's my icon! yay! it's now my default for facebook and tumblr and pinterest and probably more. I hope he doesn't mind. What's pretty bad is that I printed out this list and handed it to him at the NYCC '11 and i forgot to proofread so he saw my cussing and typoes and stuff ugh. *sigh* oh well i love it hehe. and oh yeah it's my background for my celly and i'm looking at it right now in front of the home computer. Kinda bites cuz it reminds me to write a lot but hey I wanted it. And I could never regret it. Check him out at. sooo cool!

  • A girl and a boy in front of a bookshelf populated with books of course, and they share shy glances with one another while one of them has an opened book in front of them and sitting on the floor. The girl better fucking look like me bwahaha
    • TO be placed on the shelf of my future nyc apartment
  • Me in a photobooth but there has to be at least 10 of me in these shoulder to above positions:
    • Goofy
    • Flirty
    • Angry
    • Depressed
    • Dazed
    • Anxious
    • Excited
    • Indifferent
    • Happy
    • Content
      • Tell him he can use those or any others provided there's a range. I just want a really unique and awesome mood chart hehe. I think he could have fun with this :)
  • Me... again. haha. At a typewriter typing furiously, my face in total concentration, maybe my tongue sticking out a bit. A stack of fully written papers right beside me. I'm at a desk. Maybe a cute toy right beside me, like a sweet little mascot cheering me on hehe. A magical chibi creature if you will :D. TO inspire myself and push myself forward.

E-mail Points to Hit {in order}

  • Greeting. I hope you don't mind the length but I just have a lot to express to you and your work and just how wonderful you are
  • Proceed to gush to non-exaggerated point about how fucking awesome his work is:
    • Can I sit Here?
    • Go with Grace
    • Paris
    • Bite-size
    • His other online strips
    • Yen Press short story
  • Tell him you're fucking STOKED to see him at anime festival and he's the TOP reason you want to go. I really want to meet you. Not only are you a brilliant creator but you seem so nice and down to earth and I can relate to you the most out of all the artists I adore. I have doubts about my creative abilities as well and it's nice to see someone so open about it online. I don't think many people would be willing to do that in conjunction with their portfolio. I appreciate so much how open you are about it and the process and your struggles with publishing.
  • Tell him you wish only the best and you know you'll see his works in print again by another publisher. Apologize for coming off creepy and excessive. I can't fucking help it haha.
  • Ask him what his sweets preferences are. Tell him you want to get him a nice treat for being awesome hehe. You wanted to surprise him but I don't want to give you something you don't like at all. That would upset me and I don't think you're the type to tell someone you dislike a gift. Do you like chocolate? Hard candy? Licorice? Gummy stuff? Chocolate covered sunflower seeds which are awesomest chocolate covered things in the world? WHY NOT!??!?! hehe. And if you're not a sweets person, maybe a bag of chips or nuts? Do you like US stuff cuz I can hit up the Asian Food Center by me. And please don't say no, I really want to give you something nice. You always note how lonely your inbox is and I figure this would be a sign of encouragement for you :)
  • Ask about the commissions I list above but it's not for sure since you don't have much money right now.
  • Ask him if he's willing to sign the Go with Grace copy or the Yen Press issue
  • Ask him how much the Paris and Whipped and whatever else he has going is. You'll buy nearly anything he has there hehe. Tell him you know you already said that you don't have much money but I probably save a shitload on shipping if I do it this way hehe.
  • Tell him how you've been tumblring his bite size strips and seeing a new strip or even an update by him makes you really happy.
  • Remind him how awesome you think he is and that you're really happy that he chose to do a table and you can't wait to meet with him.
  • Apologize for the length and that you can't wait to hold his work in your hands. And ask if he'd be opposed to taking pictures and signing stuff.
  • And since the e-mail is open anyway... what are his favorite books and authors?
sep 5 2011 ∞
apr 11 2012 +