Google Map for June 23rd: FUCK GOOGLE MAPS [,+New+York,+NY&daddr=Agora+Gallery,+West+25th+Street,+New+York,+NY+to:542+West+24th+Street,+New+York,+NY+10011+(Lyons+Wier+Gallery)+to:529+West+20th+Street,+New+York,+NY+to:175+7th+Avenue,+New+York,+NY+10011+(Lyons+Wier+Gallery)+to:Strand+Bookstore,+Broadway,+New+York,+NY+to:47+East+Houston+Street,+New+York,+NY+(botanica+bar)+to:473+Broadway,+New+York,+NY+(broadway+gallery)+to:Happy+Ending,+Broome+Street,+New+York,+NY&hl=en&sll=40.735161,-73.998842&sspn=0.049363,0.077162&geocode=FdDQbQIdkfGW-yGhFu_wHcOByw%3BFZLJbQIdc8eW-yEiGBZdctgcjSkFGBKWt1nCiTEXLieUqH-srA%3BFXXIbQIdVMOW-yGNoqKKqkpSBCndisySt1nCiTFXv4EfNXC_pg%3BFfK9bQIda76W-ynltA-Ex1nCiTGo_nVnVgilaA%3BFXCtbQIdMuaW-yHi2rHlHJfQYymdcntiu1nCiTHC0Qo6BvlBqw%3BFVeKbQIdF_2W-yFq3wW3-dsb-SkzWyYQmVnCiTF25dLSoGdbGA%3BFbRobQIdKu6W-ymTqvB_hVnCiTEh0HI1CKKxMQ%3BFdhbbQId1teW-ykH1stjiVnCiTGNQxxo4z80fA%3BFTZSbQIdx_eW-yFW1i-GQh5njClFIUGvh1nCiTFw025_Sr6vbA&mra=ps&dirflg=w&z=14]
strikethroughs represent unmanageable destinations that i'd like to try some other day. damn you time.
- June 2011 Global Art Projects: International Artists at Home and Abroad UNTIL JUNE 24 SO GO TO THIS ONE FIRSTISH! Monday — Friday, 10 AM — 6 PM Broadway Gallery NYC 473 Broadway, 7th Floor between Broome St. & Grand St. New York, NY 10013
- 24/7: Always On Art Exhibit at Lyons Weir Art Gallery 542 West 24th Street (between 10th & 11th Ave.) New York, NY 10011 Tuesday - Saturday: 11am - 6pm AND Lyons Wier Gallery 175 Seventh Avenue, at 20th Street until July 16th
- Agora Gallery for Aelita's solo exhibition. 4 year old so-called prodigy. Still her art is pretty vibrant and it's so close to one of the Lyons Weir galleries, so why not? It's ending soon anyway on the 25th Tuesday - Saturday, 11am - 6pm 530 West 25th Street, New York, 10001 (in Chelsea bet. 10 & 11 Ave.)
- Jonathan Levine Gallery. Awesome looking art. 529 West 20th Street, 9th Floor | New York, NY 10011 | Open Tuesday through Saturday, 11am to 6pm
- Governor's Island - until September 25th really cool electronic sculptures and there also real sculptures and collages
- BIORHYTHM: Music and the Body Eyebeam Art + Technology Center 540 W.21st Street (Between 10th and 11th) New York, NY Tue - Sat, 12 - 6PM until August 6th
- Happy Ending Lounge Open Mic BEginnings Reading Series 302 Broome Street, New York, NY doors open at 7 and starts at 8pm
- Friday at 10PM at Happy Ending Lounge - Dancing. No cover. I like no cover haha.
- Strand Book Store Browsing 828 Broadway (between 12th St & 13th St) from 9:30 am - 10:30 pm
- Botanica Bar Happy Hour anyone? 4:30pm - 8ishpm looks pretty good and I want to try either a dark and stormy or a ginger yum yum
- MET museum - Night Vision: Photography After Dark til Sept. 18 and Steve McQueen til Aug 7 exhibits Tuesday–Thursday: 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday: 9:30 a.m.–9:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. 1000 Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street it's $10 but it includes admission to the Cloister's museum which I really want to see as well.
Friday - 24th google map [,+New+York&daddr=Rockefeller+Plaza,+New+York,+NY+to:Rizzoli+Bookstore,+West+57th+Street,+New+York,+NY+to:Museum+of+Arts+%26+Design,+New+York,+NY+to:United+States+(New+York+Penn+Station)&hl=en&sll=40.754929,-73.991117&sspn=0.049348,0.077162&geocode=Fbz5bQIdNCuX-ykHowkJ-VjCiTE63qoFrUQ-_g%3BFXLubQIdPiqX-yFednQ9swyNOQ%3BFX0AbgIdnDqX-yEOvdULhr923SmDdS9x-ljCiTEsRyqIKvWs4Q%3BFVsQbgIdBSCX-yH78P-h02Uv2Sl1rcE29ljCiTEfQmpqaY9wUA%3BFePLbQIdWveW-yEv90GkaOsI4A&mra=ps&dirflg=w&z=14] I can't do any of the strikethroughs below cuz my mom won't let me stay over in the city that long :( hopefully i can do this next time though.