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i adore lists. in fact, almost every blog i make contains a list of some note.

i endeavor to create as many lists as i can to my own satisfaction and to cross out many applicable items. i just want them to be complete.

and hopefully, they will be

lisa FILM
emily movies (and shows watched in 2025)
caitlin movies (first time, 2025)
littlewhitehouse BOOKS (read in 2025)
bonafini films (assistidos em 2025)
0dollar Valerie
A VincentMiroiu
AL Vron
Abbey Yix
Adel alex&ra
Alayna alexandrine
Alex alice o'bright
Alexandria allie
Alli alyssa
Allison amber
Amber andi
Ana angie
Angie ash
Anne ashley
Apartmentcat aurelia aurita
Ariel aysha
Artemis baba yaga
Asher babylove
Ashley bailey
Audrey becjy
BRIDE beth
Becca bianca noelle
Bliss bird
COURTNAY. (!!!) birdie
Caitlin blondie
Candice bonafini
Candice Austen bowie
Cattie Bree Skye bri
Chaley bridget
Charlotte Sofia burning cloud
Christine c.t.
Clara cacio e pepe
Curiosity Kil... caitlin
Daisy carina maree
Dannii carla
DeVille caroline
Debra chagak
Dorothy chap
Egg Fry charlie
Eileen cheerfullycha...
Elaine cher
Elise chii
Elizabeth chriss
Ellie cindy
Emily clare
Emily devon
Erica eliana
Erin ellabugabooo
Erin ellison matty.
EstroJen elly
Eve emily
Ezra encre
Frances endlessness
Frksho esme rose
Gizelle finding utopia
Grace frauleinacht
Grace freda
Hannah furiousrose
HannahJane futuremindvideos
Heather g a b b i e
Heidi gideon
Helga greatghosts
Holly guia
Hope Brown hailey
I. hayley
Idiosyncrasie... honey and lav...
Isabel honeybee
Jacinda illie
James inhalexhale
Jane iris66
Jane Daze is a belle
Janise j
Jenn jacki
Jessica jacqueline
Jessica jaeanae
Jordan jen
Jordan jenn
Josephine jenna
Julia jess liddell
Kaitlyn jessica
Karen jessie
Kate jumpingin
Kate kaela
Katharine kate
Katt kateri
Katya kathymay
Kay keanna
Kayla H. kelsey
Kaylee kelsey
Kaysee kmeth
Kelsey laura
Kendall laurenadrianna
Krista leila
Kristaface leterrible
L lisa
Lace listography
Lee littlewhitehouse
Lee lo
Leslie loren
Lev loren
Lexis lorisakiddwonder
Lily J lydia jane
LilyD marissa
Linda mary
Lou mesmairead
Lyndsey midori
M milky
M. mimi
MCee nabila
MJ nana
Mae navneeeeeeet
Maike neonrecord
Marta nessa
Maya ninatot048
Meagan oh
Megan pauka
Melanie queen of swords
Michelle Coates rebecca
MissS redscarf
Miu Kerin reversedfate
Nat s
NewPapers s.
Nicole Fillion sarah
Nina Haveheart seasidegal
October seasmoke
Oh! secretowl
PaintedDreams selena
Pam serena
Priya shimmerkiss
Rachel silhouetting
Reen slam2drop
Ryan speedtrials
S starchild
S. sugarplum
Sam suushi
Samantha tooshakytohold
Samantha veronica
Sandy victoria
Sarah victoria carol
Shawna wavymouth
Siiidnah wickedworld
StifledLaughter xi
StormFyrie xo
Taraxacum yasmine
The Girl Without yesy
Theodora Caro... yvette
Tierney ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
Tommy すき
UrbanCaseyMarie words
  • dedicate it your husband or next boyfriend, maybe just your soul mate. preferably do it while you're single though it could be interesting to see how a relationship or dating situation affects the writing. write him letters. be sweet. be mean. list the requirements. what you'd like to do with him. gushy mushy etc.
  • focus on your future children. A page to a boy then girl, back and forth. Write something to a miscarriage, abortion, or still born. An adopted child. To the child you'll never have. Damn this is saddening man. Write what you want them to learn and what you want to teach them. What you hope for them. Describe how you want them to look and act and whatever.
  • write to yourself, a decade or five years or a year from now. list all you want yourself to do. make it like a vision book though maybe not since you want to keep that shit but whatever you'll figure it out.

Decided on the first idea. Going to blog it in my gentle reminder tumblr for myself and for the strangers that follow me haha. Go to: for ideas.

  • what the psychic said
  • a photo of myself
    • cvs index of first film with diana mini - be sure to write about how i hope i get one and that i get better at it pretty please
    • insert goofy photobooth picture from august, the crumpled one cuz he ain't THAT cool lolol
  • the qualities i want in him page II sucka!
  • an apology for not waiting for him to have sex. but really, not much of an apology cuz i wanna bang man! hahahah
  • a list of things I want to do... without you {sorry honey}
    • go outside the country by myself preferably
    • live solo for at least three years
  • write about tweet you made for the @arthouse @itscolassal sketchbook contest for courtney. Put exact tweet and date and time info and list why you named it that and the alternative name of "sweethearts aplenty" and how I should've won with "and you will know us by the trail of our pen"
  • if i get the business cards from on time and i really like them. Paste two, one front and one back onto the page so reader can see what i'm up to. It feels risky and invasive but could be worthwhile. maybe i can make two separate about.mes? But dude i post that shit up on public anyway so whats the harm in inviting INTERESTED individuals to my life? I don't think i'll link my fb tho, that feels a bit much.
  • collage vision board - two pages facing each other - be sure to do an intro page to the process before you make ANY of them!
    • what we'll do together - wishful thinking
    • our milestones
    • what will happen to us - fighting as well braahhh
  • cut out product ads in the first person such as "I Will Make A Cold Day Feel Warm." and put them as a collage as a promise to him.
  • I chose to address my fears with check box. What fears I'll face being with him, or any boy, but mostly him.
  • Write a letter to the self who shows him this book.
  • Talk about how many people will see this. Who will see this. All the strangers and handlers of the book who will know my thoughts, wishes, fears, insecurities of you before you ever will. I don't think I'll let people know really that I've done it. Maybe I'll let them forget, so we'll see.
  • include a sticker pocket and put in a little note attached to a string or soemthing that will keep it tight to it. I don't want to lose it.
aug 2 2011 ∞
oct 20 2013 +