- dedicate it your husband or next boyfriend, maybe just your soul mate. preferably do it while you're single though it could be interesting to see how a relationship or dating situation affects the writing. write him letters. be sweet. be mean. list the requirements. what you'd like to do with him. gushy mushy etc.
- focus on your future children. A page to a boy then girl, back and forth. Write something to a miscarriage, abortion, or still born. An adopted child. To the child you'll never have. Damn this is saddening man. Write what you want them to learn and what you want to teach them. What you hope for them. Describe how you want them to look and act and whatever.
- write to yourself, a decade or five years or a year from now. list all you want yourself to do. make it like a vision book though maybe not since you want to keep that shit but whatever you'll figure it out.
Decided on the first idea. Going to blog it in my gentle reminder tumblr for myself and for the strangers that follow me haha. Go to: http://www.arthousecoop.com/brooklynartlibrary for ideas.
- what the psychic said
- a photo of myself
- cvs index of first film with diana mini - be sure to write about how i hope i get one and that i get better at it pretty please
- insert goofy photobooth picture from august, the crumpled one cuz he ain't THAT cool lolol
- the qualities i want in him page II sucka!
- an apology for not waiting for him to have sex. but really, not much of an apology cuz i wanna bang man! hahahah
- a list of things I want to do... without you {sorry honey}
- go outside the country by myself preferably
- live solo for at least three years
- write about tweet you made for the @arthouse @itscolassal sketchbook contest for courtney. Put exact tweet and date and time info and list why you named it that and the alternative name of "sweethearts aplenty" and how I should've won with "and you will know us by the trail of our pen"
- if i get the business cards from about.me on time and i really like them. Paste two, one front and one back onto the page so reader can see what i'm up to. It feels risky and invasive but could be worthwhile. maybe i can make two separate about.mes? But dude i post that shit up on public anyway so whats the harm in inviting INTERESTED individuals to my life? I don't think i'll link my fb tho, that feels a bit much.
- collage vision board - two pages facing each other - be sure to do an intro page to the process before you make ANY of them!
- what we'll do together - wishful thinking
- our milestones
- what will happen to us - fighting as well braahhh
- cut out product ads in the first person such as "I Will Make A Cold Day Feel Warm." and put them as a collage as a promise to him.
- I chose to address my fears with check box. What fears I'll face being with him, or any boy, but mostly him.
- Write a letter to the self who shows him this book.
- Talk about how many people will see this. Who will see this. All the strangers and handlers of the book who will know my thoughts, wishes, fears, insecurities of you before you ever will. I don't think I'll let people know really that I've done it. Maybe I'll let them forget, so we'll see.
- include a sticker pocket and put in a little note attached to a string or soemthing that will keep it tight to it. I don't want to lose it.
aug 2 2011 ∞
oct 20 2013 +