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i adore lists. in fact, almost every blog i make contains a list of some note.

i endeavor to create as many lists as i can to my own satisfaction and to cross out many applicable items. i just want them to be complete.

and hopefully, they will be

lisa SONGS
gideon to do (2025 goals)
emily books (read in 2025)
caitlin movies (first time, 2025)
honeybee names (for pets)
0dollar Valerie
A VincentMiroiu
AL Vron
Abbey Yix
Adel alex&ra
Alayna alexandrine
Alex alice o'bright
Alexandria allie
Alli alyssa
Allison amber
Amber andi
Ana angie
Angie ash
Anne ashley
Apartmentcat aurelia aurita
Ariel aysha
Artemis baba yaga
Asher babylove
Ashley bailey
Audrey becjy
BRIDE beth
Becca bianca noelle
Bliss bird
COURTNAY. (!!!) birdie
Caitlin blondie
Candice bonafini
Candice Austen bowie
Cattie Bree Skye bri
Chaley bridget
Charlotte Sofia burning cloud
Christine c.t.
Clara cacio e pepe
Curiosity Kil... caitlin
Daisy carina maree
Dannii carla
DeVille caroline
Debra chagak
Dorothy chap
Egg Fry charlie
Eileen cheerfullycha...
Elaine cher
Elise chii
Elizabeth chriss
Ellie cindy
Emily clare
Emily devon
Erica eliana
Erin ellabugabooo
Erin ellison matty.
EstroJen elly
Eve emily
Ezra encre
Frances endlessness
Frksho esme rose
Gizelle finding utopia
Grace frauleinacht
Grace freda
Hannah furiousrose
HannahJane futuremindvideos
Heather g a b b i e
Heidi gideon
Helga greatghosts
Holly guia
Hope Brown hailey
I. hayley
Idiosyncrasie... honey and lav...
Isabel honeybee
Jacinda illie
James inhalexhale
Jane iris66
Jane Daze is a belle
Janise j
Jenn jacki
Jessica jacqueline
Jessica jaeanae
Jordan jen
Jordan jenn
Josephine jenna
Julia jess liddell
Kaitlyn jessica
Karen jessie
Kate jumpingin
Kate kaela
Katharine kate
Katt kateri
Katya kathymay
Kay keanna
Kayla H. kelsey
Kaylee kelsey
Kaysee kmeth
Kelsey laura
Kendall laurenadrianna
Krista leila
Kristaface leterrible
L lisa
Lace listography
Lee littlewhitehouse
Lee lo
Leslie loren
Lev loren
Lexis lorisakiddwonder
Lily J lydia jane
LilyD marissa
Linda mary
Lou mesmairead
Lyndsey midori
M milky
M. mimi
MCee nabila
MJ nana
Mae navneeeeeeet
Maike neonrecord
Marta nessa
Maya ninatot048
Meagan oh
Megan pauka
Melanie queen of swords
Michelle Coates rebecca
MissS redscarf
Miu Kerin reversedfate
Nat s
NewPapers s.
Nicole Fillion sarah
Nina Haveheart seasidegal
October seasmoke
Oh! secretowl
PaintedDreams selena
Pam serena
Priya shimmerkiss
Rachel silhouetting
Reen slam2drop
Ryan speedtrials
S starchild
S. sugarplum
Sam suushi
Samantha tooshakytohold
Samantha veronica
Sandy victoria
Sarah victoria carol
Shawna wavymouth
Siiidnah wickedworld
StifledLaughter xi
StormFyrie xo
Taraxacum yasmine
The Girl Without yesy
Theodora Caro... yvette
Tierney ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
Tommy すき
UrbanCaseyMarie words
  • an entire wall full of ephemera: posters, letters, cards, pictures, photos, art, calendar pages, news paper articles, sketches, collages, just everything I can tack or glue or tape on. Be sure it's allowed though. Must start as soon as I move in.
    • When starting the ephemera wall take a daily picture in the spot, with the same lens and focus and must take in the entire wall so I can see grow it on a slideshow/ flipbook. Do it right before I sleep. Maybe get a tripod so your hands aren't shaking the camera. Make it grow each day.
    • It'd be awesome if you could color code sections and in ROYGBIV format, and put black and white in the center. Just have some sort of flow to it and not too haphazard.
  • a writer's desk. With pull out drawer right beneath the desktop and a secret drawer and maybe a drawer with a lock and I have the only key. If it's used and vintage even better.
    • consider keeping writer desk separate from laptop for productive reasons though i don't write "businessly" on paper...
    • get a cheap, vintage, pretty colored, WORKING, TYPEWRITER AND GET COOL PAPER FROM THE DOLLAR STORE OR clearance. Write a page a day. It stays on the writer's desk when not in use. Save the ribbons for projects and nostalgia reasons.
      • Make sure that the keys are rounded and on stilts in a way, I don't want one with a modern keyboard, even if it's easier to type with. I'd prefer it if you buy it from a thrift store rather than online unless you can't find jackshit but look for at least actively for nine months before you order on the net. Try the Brooklyn Flea Market. Or any flea market for that matter.
  • Chalk board or dry erase board with a oak tag or foam board attached to it. For ideas, reminders, and ish alike.
    • Or do it BIGGER. Make chalkboard paint and pick a cool color and paint all over one wall. Or color code it so you can seperate it categories like red for must do's and pink for desires and blue for ephiphanies. Take pictures once certain sections are full.
  • shelves that cover an entire wall from top to bottom. Full of books on one third of the wall. Empty in the middle for future books. And the last third have at least four shelves in reserved for library books and borrowed from friends books. And maybe for the remaining shelves I can put in cute knick knacks or frames or something, or just more books hehe.
    • wallpaper the background with something awesome and out there. like maybe cheeseburgers hehe. Paint the bookcases something wondrous as well.
      • shelf for published work like lit magazines, anthologies, and novels and such. Wouldn't that be something?
      • collage notebooks, altered books, diaries, sketchbooks, and personal ish stuff
      • stories and essays and stuff you've written. character books as well like the one you started for writing the screenplay with sexy tobin hehe
  • a soft, comfy double bed to have sleepovers and shit.
  • bath tub please so i can experience a luxurious bubble bath with those scented salts and ish.
  • a decent-sized, if not big, flat screen HD TV to hang on the wall
    • dvr player/ VCR player to record shows - preferably combo and blue ray so i can watch myself as a radio dj hehe. Or maybe convert it to dvd. Whichever option is cheaper.
    • video game system, maybe xbox 360 future version or ps3 as long as I own 5 games I want to play on it.
      • must have netflix instant, if not buy netflix capable TV.
  • A cool colored comfy couch that can fit a person comfortably to sleep on
    • magenta or deep purple couch or yellow or dark blue or powder blue. Just not leather cuz it' ordinary. maybe a golden hue or sea green or neon pink. Just something unexpected.
    • A soft, warm throw blanket for the couch when I want to nap and too lazy to move to my bed or for when it gets a bit chilly when i read or watch tv.
    • Pillow cases with cutesy graphics on them that are romantic and wistful or clever.
      • Hopefully I'll have a guest bedroom for people to crash.
  • A nice view please of a park or a lively street and if I must see a wall, let it be a wall of other apartment windows so that I can be a peeping tom/ voyeur hehe
  • recycling bin of course for cans, bottles, and plastics and metals
    • compost bin for fruits leaves, veggies and ish alike
        • maybe a window box garden for growing mint leaves for tea or mojitos and herbs for food garnishing and flavor.
        • a potted plant, a pretty low maintenance flower
  • a closet by the exit please or at least room for a regal coat hanger and umbrella stand.
    • a big wide mirror in the bedroom on top of a set of drawers so I can see my entire outfit from foot to crown... and a view of the entire bed for less wholesome reasons teehee.
    • a skylight above my bed so i can sleep under the stars
  • bed must have a headboard bookcase, and on either side of me as well. Chic as fuck please.
  • a walk-in closet or if not, a huge, used, vintage wardrobe with room for current clothes and space for future apparel
    • a storage area for out of season clothes and things not in use.
  • art: paintings, sketches, photos:
    • Kurt Halsey painting
      • camera girl print - near my camera please so I can be reminded to use it
    • Banksy
    • little cute boy riding a red balloon
    • Alice: Madness Returns lithograph - "Wake Up Alice" - above my bed please
    • poster with 3d elements, cool stuff popping out with an interesting texture to it
    • Unknowns as well
    • Movie Posters, maybe spirited away or 3-iron or Amelie or something stunning like that
    • Music posters
      • Bruno Mars debut album signed
    • Get vanitas art for future apartment to remind self of death and concentrating on actual sweet living.
  • speakers for lappy. strong enough to be heard through out the entire place, even while in the shower. yip.
  • teddy bear or cute shaped bank for leftover change. Cash it when it's full and don't put it towards something responsible like bills or rent. Pay it towards vacay, Broadway tickets, online splurges, spa days, books, thrift store good shit, and yummy food
  • get a cute shape clear jar and make puffy paper stars to fill it up. Start only once you move in and see how many seasons it takes for you to completely inundate it.
  • a clear drawer set of at least three pull=outs that contain ephemera, like discarded photobooth pics, receipts, tags, stickers, postcards, post-its etc. and art supplies like gel pens, paint brushes, watercolors, markers, fountain pens, stamps, ink pads, crayons, pastels, etc. one drawer for each category. the third drawer can be a mix. Should probably make compartments or boxes for things to keep it somewhat organized.
    • should be next to the writing desk

LOCATION: Not too long of a commute from my NYC JOB in publishing. An hour tops, 1.5 if I love it. Would be great if it's in NYC but I'll take it if the fare is cheaper than my current $24.50/19 round trip {ughhhhh) even if it's a longer way. I'll bring a book lol.

  • near a downtown area like metuchen that's walkin distance from:
    • cute indie cafe with open mics and performances and serves great drinks and yummy desserts
    • (USED} bookstore for additional readings, screenings, and other ish. Where I can volunteer or work for. Awesome. Also free books would be nice or at least a good discount.
    • thrift store that has cheap clothes and other fantastic finds for my apartment. adorable
    • a big library for me to linger in and just sink.
    • an art gallery that shows mind-blowing shit.
    • a pretty park i can write in and take photos
    • a record store {used would be cool} where I can expand my tastes and get awesome buys.
    • comic book shop with designer toys and cool graphic novels and zines.
    • theater to see plays, musicals, operas, one acts, dramas, monologues and more!
    • movie theater. cheap tickets and good rewards for loyal patrons.
    • laundromat - washing machine would be wasteful and pricey for one person. It's just me. And it'd be a good way to meet people and I like watching clothes spin in a dryer.
    • And the cafe and library need free wi-fi internet access.
    • Japanese restaurant with cheap sushi and noodles
          • bubble tea shop with delicious shakes and smoothies
    • nearby photo booth to take tons of cheap pictures in.
    • adorable stationary store with great looking journals, sketchbooks, planners, and much more
    • Walkable subway/ bus stop
    • a unique museum of a sort. Like the Brooklyn Art Library which hosts scores and scores of Sketchbooks from all over the world, and soon I'll be on their shelves hehe.
  • by some sort of body of water: lake, river, sea, pond, whatever. I'll even settle for a fountain or aquarium haha. Supposedly it's good for cancer crabs. We'll see.
jul 12 2011 ∞
dec 13 2011 +