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❝ it's okay if you feel alone, but i'm here to tell you you're not. ❞

caitlin movies (watched in 2025)
The Girl in t... books (2025 Reads)
Erin products (2025 empties)
michelle readings (2025)
e mood ring ('25)
Allison furiousrose
Anna Livi gargoyles
Bea genelle
Clara gideon
Dani giulia
Erin greatimperson...
Ezra haru
Halle hayley
Hope heidi
IBelieveInPen... honeycreme
Johanna hypselis
Jordan iana
Kate ike
Katrina j u n o
Kay j'aime
Kelsey jam
Ketelen jara
LaPetiteHobbit jixeh
Laurene jodi
Lee john
Legacy jules
Lust for Lists julie
Max julie
MissS julyana
Mizu juno
Mori no Majou just a girl
Nana kari
Nicole katherine
Oh kellylouise
Oh! ken
Q kenny
Quinn laoise
Rebecca lauren
Rubab lennon
Sam lisa
Shannon littlewhitehouse
Sovadea lois
StormFyrie love
Taylor luna
The Girl in t... lótus
Tulio madu
Vicky malu
Zan marah
Zoe marcella
a mariana
a marido
a mary
a ~ meg
abby melora
alexithymia memory
amber mia
andie michael
angela michelle
anisha mila
anna miri
anna molly
anna. monday
annika moon
antoinette moon
aroceu moony
asy my
b nabs
baba yaga naomi
barbara neo
beable nessa
becca nico
belle o.
bia obliviate
birdie pami.
blarn peach
bloodbride petra
bren plum
broccomilie pérola
c ratjam
caitlin richie
cariatide riho
cassandra robyn
cassie rodi
celine ruptures
charlie s. n.
christina sab
chz sabina
clare sage
cláudia sam
corn shug avery
cristiana soel
czar soliloquist
daisy susan
damien teddy
dana thatsamazing
dani ti
demona trisha
devilman tristen
dina valeyvonne
dina vicky
e vienus
e. joy wanda
elise wandererjulia
elizabeth whit
ella youngerus
elodie yuu
emerson ɢʀɪᴍᴏɪʀᴇ
endlessness ʚɞ
enya ʝ
enykp ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
erika えりい
eve 敏卉
fitzin ꜱᴀᴡʏᴇʀ
floyd 알바
  • the smell of play-doh.
  • making farms with lego blocks.
  • swinging a broom handle around like an action star would with a weapon.
  • bulding a bed for a barbie i didn't play with out of cardboard and some fabric i'd sewn together.
  • watching the lion king and listening to the cd a million times with my brother.
    • always trying to skip be prepared, which is now my favourite song on the soundtrack.
  • jumping on the trampoline.
  • riding my bike down a hill at a much faster speed than was healthy.
  • my pink fairy curtains and bedding.
  • going to my grandparents' house for the holidays.
  • going to bingo games with my nan.
  • playing murder in the dark.
  • the time sally said "smexy is smelly with its legs crossed" and i was so confused but she wouldn't tell me what it meant.
    • i figured it out myself years later.
  • my obsession with bebo.
  • my obsession with chips and gravy (they just don't make 'em like they used to).
  • the times i went to visit crystal, who moved away too soon.
  • getting tic tacs after grocery shopping.
  • reading my childrens' encyclopedias cover to cover and highlighting everything.
    • which i started doing at the age of 4.
  • soccer, especially playing goalie.
  • playing mario on the pc at tanya's house.
  • putting on way too much kohl eyeliner (because i was emo).
  • writing. a lot.
  • the time my cousin josh showed me the "boom headshot" guy on youtube and we kept referencing it and cracking up.
  • snickering while reading dolly doctor.
  • the time my friend shelby had her 15th birthday party and we were all hanging out and katurah told me i had a big butt and i acted offended but i was secretly pleased.
  • blowing bubbles in the quad with a bunch of other 15/16/17 year olds as if we were kids at a birthday party.
  • the night we slept at the school as seniors and took the deputy's toy chicken, put it inside an empty kfc bucket, and hung it high on the wall of the school hall with a vaguely threatening message scrawled overhead.
    • it took a while for them to organize someone to take it down, too.
  • shelby entrusting me with reading and editing her writing.
  • constantly listening to in the shadows by the rasmus.
  • the conversations i had with kurt in maths that had me crying with laughter and the teacher telling me to stop disrupting the class.
sep 10 2020 ∞
oct 5 2020 +