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❝ it's okay if you feel alone, but i'm here to tell you you're not. ❞

caitlin movies (watched in 2025)
The Girl in t... books (2025 Reads)
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e mood ring ('25)
Allison furiousrose
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IBelieveInPen... honeycreme
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Ketelen jara
LaPetiteHobbit jixeh
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Lee john
Legacy jules
Lust for Lists julie
Max julie
MissS julyana
Mizu juno
Mori no Majou just a girl
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Nicole katherine
Oh kellylouise
Oh! ken
Q kenny
Quinn laoise
Rebecca lauren
Rubab lennon
Sam lisa
Shannon littlewhitehouse
Sovadea lois
StormFyrie love
Taylor luna
The Girl in t... lótus
Tulio madu
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a mariana
a marido
a mary
a ~ meg
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amber mia
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anna. monday
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antoinette moon
aroceu moony
asy my
b nabs
baba yaga naomi
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beable nessa
becca nico
belle o.
bia obliviate
birdie pami.
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bren plum
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c ratjam
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cassie rodi
celine ruptures
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chz sabina
clare sage
cláudia sam
corn shug avery
cristiana soel
czar soliloquist
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damien teddy
dana thatsamazing
dani ti
demona trisha
devilman tristen
dina valeyvonne
dina vicky
e vienus
e. joy wanda
elise wandererjulia
elizabeth whit
ella youngerus
elodie yuu
emerson ɢʀɪᴍᴏɪʀᴇ
endlessness ʚɞ
enya ʝ
enykp ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
erika えりい
eve 敏卉
fitzin ꜱᴀᴡʏᴇʀ
floyd 알바
  • -core
    • ocean/selkie/mermaid. you like to seem mysterious and unattainable, but you still have a heart of gold. you can be the black, stormy seas, or tropical turquoise waters. your moods change as the tides do, but when you love something, you stick to it- and you stick tight. you're adventurous, fun-loving, independent and strong, but perhaps a little overzealous and detached from reality. you have a soul as beautiful as the clearest water, and just as interesting.
  • avatar: the last airbender character
    • katara. people often underestimate you, and are surprised when you let your true talent shine through. it's ok though because you've worked hard for all your success and you know what you're capable of. you love helping other people but tend to take on too much, and then get stressed out from your own high standards for yourself.
  • bible heroine
    • esther. beautiful and sweet, you're a deep thinker and a bit of an introvert. people often make assumptions or underestimate you because of your physical appearance, not realizing that behind the pretty face is a ferociously intelligent mind and a passion for justice. although you prefer to stay out of the spotlight, nothing can stop you from standing up for the things you believe in. you're definitely going to change the world one day.
  • coming of age film theme
    • identity. your movie handles the idea of not knowing who you are. it explores the confusion of identity, of the potential of being we all have. the movie might not have a clear answer, you might not come out knowing every single detail about yourself, but you will be better. you find that the real worry was not the fear you do not know yourself, but that others will not love you for who you might be. you might not figure out who you are, but you know you are loved no matter what—and that is all that matters in the end.
  • cottagecore niche
    • grandmacore. this aesthetic has a lot of elements of classic cottagecore imagery, but with more of an antique feel. imagine yourself standing in a kitchen, the golden sunlight streaming through the faded yellow curtains. the smell of fresh bread permeates the room, wafting from the oven and the open wooden bread box that sits on the gingham-tableclothed counter. an earthenware pot from the 70s full to the brim of honey sits next to the bread, alongside handmade jam from the neighbor down the street that had been traded for a warm knitted scarf. a half-finished painting of a chicken sits near the window, overlooking the coop attached to the side of the house. recommendations: picnics with simple sweet baked goods and fresh apples, the album "ambivalence avenue" by bibio, crafts like pressing flowers and crocheting.
  • element personality
    • water. you don't always do things exactly the same way. rather, your energy is in a constant state of flux. you follow your intuition because it's never let you down. and you know how to deal with loss better than almost anyone else. that doesn't mean that you don't care — it’s just that you know that nothing is forever.
  • eeveelution
    • espeon. you are espeon, the sun pokemon! others would describe you as reserved, someone who has spent a long time quietly observing those around you. you're excellent at understanding different points of view and what they're thinking; the type of person your friends look to first for advice. if you feel like you don't quite understand your own emotions, don't worry; comprehending yourself is very different from comprehending other people!
  • forest creature
    • unicorn. you're quite unique, and some might say you don't belong in this generation. people may think you're obsessed with beauty, literature and knowledge, but in reality you just want to live your life in a way that's genuine to you. you surprise people with your depth of wisdom and ancient soul from all the beautiful lives you have lived. despite this, your heart can feel like a neglected garden sometimes, overgrown with weeds and roots and grass. you tend to be widely misunderstood and quite lonely, but when someone understands you, you can feel flowers and trees blossoming in your chest, which gives you powers to make wishes come true and heal both others and yourself. purity, kindness and loyalty are extremely meaningful to you, and you appreciate good things deeply, knowing how rare they are for you.
  • greek god/goddess
    • hecate. hecate was variously associated with crossroads, entrance-ways, light, magic, witchcraft, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, ghosts, necromancy, and sorcery. she is wise and powerful, and is often associated with the home and household and blessing.
  • greek god parents
    • apollo and atë. oh, sweet child of the sun and folly! your father is the radiant oracle of truth, and your mother the maker of misfortune among the gods. a life of greatness stands before you dictated by honor, heroism, and impulse. no man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of martyrs and fireworks as you grow into your power.
  • higher self
    • the hierophant. "a protector of traditions, offering spiritual guidance. the illuminating link between the most cherished beliefs and actual living. a stubborn teacher, but their counsel is worth receiving. they guide you toward inner harmony. a giver of hope, peace, and assurance."
  • horror character trope
    • final girl. you survived even though the odds were stacked against you. you are stubborn, strong willed and absolutely feral. you've been through hell. now go take a shower and wash that blood off... and get some therapy.
  • house that lives inside
    • haunted. you are an incredibly strong and complex individual. you don't always know how to deal with your demons, but sometimes the best course of action is to stop running from them. others may find your personality to be occasionally off-putting, but those with a few ghosts of your own find a kindred spirit in your walls.
  • lightsaber colour
    • white. wielders of white-bladed lightsabers tend to eschew labels and strict definitions, and cannot typically be categorized as either good or bad, but rather, capable of either. white lightsaber users, like the famed imperial knights, are adept force users, but typically only use the universal force abilities, and almost never train in light or dark force abilities. users of white lightsabers tend to have a great amount of control and focus.
  • literary melancholy
    • hellenistic. your melancholy is poetry steeped in the narratives of the ancient classical world. you identify greatly with νόστος ('nostos'), the greek term for yearning for home. you look upon the world through a lens of hopeful melancholy, not a despondent one, and you see beauty in all things.
  • melodrama song
    • sober ii (melodrama). "we told you this was melodrama; you wanted something that we offer" intense and dramatic; a repressed young man living in jazz age who provides unreliable narration. or you're just repressed with a tendency to run from your demons. you tend to be a bit of an outsider, watching the party from the edges instead of being in the middle of the action. you're also caring and trustworthy, putting you in a position to know the party's intricacies most intimately.
  • narator type
    • epistolary. the story is told through your diaries and letters, meaning everything has a deeply emotional and personal bent to it. you're not always the most objective narrator - and why should you be, it's your diary! - but you're usually truthful and always endearing. much of what the reader knows about the others comes from how you write to and about them, lending you a surprising amount of control over the narrative. whether or not you're entirely fair in your depictions depends on your genre... and what mood you're in that day.
  • nymph
    • celestial nymph. how do you do it? constantly radiate energy with purest intentions. too bad mankind constantly disappoints you, leaving you feeling used. don't give up, we can all see your intentions are pure. celestial nymphs are in charge of the unknown energy that causes everything to work out for the better. continue to radiate pure intentions and keep singing and dancing amongst the cosmos.
  • she-ra and the princesses of power character
    • scorpia. your personality matches scorpia. you're cunning, brave, and sweet. like scorpia, you see yourself as an outsider in some social situations. you love being surrounded by a big group of friends and you work hard to make sure everyone feels included.
  • tarot card
    • the sun. you have a natural vibrance that draws people in. how could you not? you’re positive and optimistic, enthusiastic and warm, energetic and fun. you can be a bit arrogant and have a hard time dealing with more serious situations, but there’s no denying you can make people happy.
  • time of day
    • 11pm. you're very soft deep inside and very sleepy all the time. sometimes you can be somewhere physically but spiritually you're always in your dream world. you wonder a little too much about the meanings of things and existential questions that no one knows the answers to. you're idealistic for a world you know you'll never see. you find comfort in the stars, outer space and the moon, which makes sense because you feel like an alien sometimes and were probably a star in your past life. you love rainy evenings and naming your plants. you're also an amazing listener. you just seem to understand.
  • tropical fish
    • red lionfish. a fiery personality with a flair for the dramatic! you are beautiful and dangerous, you have a quiet intensity and deep emotions which only your small group of close friends are privy to. you like to blend in with your surroundings for comfort, but in reality you can very easily stand out in a crowd. you have strong defenses and fear getting hurt so you do whatever you can to avoid that. thats pretty punk of you you funky fish!
  • weirdly specific trope
    • when a character mouths the words "i love you" to their beloved before heading to their death. you may have cried during a movie before, but what sticks with you more are the endings that keep you thinking even after you leave the theater. your favorite kinds of gifts are the type that remind you of the person who gave it to you, and you hope that the people you keep in your thoughts think about you too. you probably do more than your fair share of work during group projects; don't let people guilt trip you into things you don't want to do. and treat yourself to a reward for your service!
oct 14 2019 ∞
jan 16 2021 +