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❝ it's okay if you feel alone, but i'm here to tell you you're not. ❞

Sam books (recent/ongoing)
cariatide why fall in love when you can fall on the floor and cry over a tv show. (2025)
soel books (25.)
christina quotes (phrase that reveal intentions )
e  (monthly favs ☆)
Allison genelle
Anna Livi gideon
Bea giulia
Clara greatimperson...
Dani haru
Erin hayley
Ezra heidi
Halle honeybee
Hope honeycreme
IBelieveInPen... hypselis
Johanna iana
Jordan ike
Kate j u n o
Katrina j'aime
Kay jam
Kelsey jara
LaPetiteHobbit jixeh
Laurene jodi
Lee john
Legacy jules
Lust for Lists julie
Max julie
MissS julyana
Mizu juno
Mori no Majou just a girl
Nana kari
Nicole katherine
Oh kellylouise
Oh! ken
Q kenny
Quinn kety
Rebecca lauren
Rubab lennon
Sam lisa
Shannon littlewhitehouse
Sovadea lois
StormFyrie love
Taylor luna
The Girl in t... lótus
Tulio madu
Vicky malu
Zan marah
Zoe marcella
a mariana
a marido
a ~ mary
aang meg
abby melora
alexithymia memory
amber mia
andie michael
angela michelle
anisha mila
anna miri
anna molly
anna. monday
annika moon
antoinette moon
aroceu moony
asy my
b nabs
baba yaga naomi
barbara neo
beable nessa
belle nico
bia o.
birdie obliviate
blarn pami.
bloodbride peach
bren petra
broccomilie plum
c pérola
caitlin ratjam
cariatide richie
cassandra riho
cassie robyn
celine rodi
charlie ruptures
christina s. n.
chz sab
clare sabina
cláudia sage
corn sam
cristiana shug avery
czar soel
daisy soliloquist
damien susan
dana teddy
dani thatsamazing
demona ti
devilman trisha
dina tristen
dina valeyvonne
e vicky
e. joy vienus
elise wanda
elizabeth wandererjulia
ella whit
elodie youngerus
emerson yuu
endlessness ɢʀɪᴍᴏɪʀᴇ
enya ʚɞ
enykp ʝ
erika ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
eve えりい
fitzin 敏卉
floyd ꜱᴀᴡʏᴇʀ
furiousrose 알바

they/she. late 20s. non(bi)nary. aussie.

no longer active. might come back. who knows.

sep 10 2019 ∞
sep 8 2023 +