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❝ it's okay if you feel alone, but i'm here to tell you you're not. ❞

caitlin movies (watched in 2025)
The Girl in t... books (2025 Reads)
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michelle readings (2025)
e mood ring ('25)
Allison furiousrose
Anna Livi gargoyles
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Hope heidi
IBelieveInPen... honeycreme
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Katrina j u n o
Kay j'aime
Kelsey jam
Ketelen jara
LaPetiteHobbit jixeh
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Lee john
Legacy jules
Lust for Lists julie
Max julie
MissS julyana
Mizu juno
Mori no Majou just a girl
Nana kari
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Oh kellylouise
Oh! ken
Q kenny
Quinn laoise
Rebecca lauren
Rubab lennon
Sam lisa
Shannon littlewhitehouse
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StormFyrie love
Taylor luna
The Girl in t... lótus
Tulio madu
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a mariana
a marido
a mary
a ~ meg
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amber mia
andie michael
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anna. monday
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antoinette moon
aroceu moony
asy my
b nabs
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beable nessa
becca nico
belle o.
bia obliviate
birdie pami.
blarn peach
bloodbride petra
bren plum
broccomilie pérola
c ratjam
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cassie rodi
celine ruptures
charlie s. n.
christina sab
chz sabina
clare sage
cláudia sam
corn shug avery
cristiana soel
czar soliloquist
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damien teddy
dana thatsamazing
dani ti
demona trisha
devilman tristen
dina valeyvonne
dina vicky
e vienus
e. joy wanda
elise wandererjulia
elizabeth whit
ella youngerus
elodie yuu
emerson ɢʀɪᴍᴏɪʀᴇ
endlessness ʚɞ
enya ʝ
enykp ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
erika えりい
eve 敏卉
fitzin ꜱᴀᴡʏᴇʀ
floyd 알바

sagittarius ascendant (rising):

  • with your sagittarius ascendant, you see the world as filled with adventure, new things to experience, and, most of all, hope. there is an unmistakable faith and enthusiasm with sagittarius rising people. grand schemes, big promises, and a willingness to explore and experiment are themes, although follow-through is not a strong characteristic of this position. of course, other factors in your chart can modify this, but taken on its own, sagittarius ascendant may at least appear to be a free spirit.
  • you are enthusiastic, a good sport, and friendly. you are somewhat restless and often active. you always seem to be looking for something that is just out of grasp -- and many people who share this ascendant with you do this their entire lives. you can be quite direct at times, yet you are likable enough to be forgiven for their faux-pas. you are likely to have a lot to say and offer. your insights and opinions are usually interesting and exciting, although sometimes lacking in details.
  • you have opinions about everything, and you just love telling others exactly what they are! not all people who share this ascendant with you are outgoing folk, but they all have a way of moving about that at least exudes a certain level of confidence. some might even call you naive or overly optimistic. even the quiet ones don't shrink from life and from experience.
  • you are drawn to or attract talkative, mentally-oriented, and youthful (at least in spirit) partners. while you certainly have a fiery, physical approach to the world, you also place a lot of value on intellectual compatibility. a partner should be adaptable, as you prefer to live your life with options open. spontaneity is important to you in general and a stubborn or sedentary partner may be difficult for you to handle as a result.
  • people generally find you approachable and are attracted to your spontaneity and sincerity. others must learn not to take what you say or how you express yourself too personally - you seek to express the truth, and it's more philosophical than anything, as you have no interest in hurting others' feelings.
  • you seek answers and share your ideas and beliefs, and you're often one of the first to come up with new thoughts on matters. you can be quite wise and you can usually rise above petty matters. you may thoroughly dislike routine. physical characteristics vary but often sagittarius ascendants have a lot of hair when young but have a tendency to bald later in life. you may be known for a hearty, infectious laugh and a huge smile. you may have a somewhat disheveled, haphazard appearance.
  • you like to keep your options open! you aren't at your best if you're tied down or cooped up. you are always ready to cheer up others around you. you're also always learning and growing, or seeking to do so.
  • one of the most obvious and endearing traits of this position is your willingness to keep up a sense of humor. even when you're feeling low, you manage to find humor in life and have fun with whatever you do have. you always seek out inspiration, and you can be very inspiring yourself! you need to feel that there's some meaningful goal to work towards or something better off on the horizon for you, but you can be quite resistant to planning things out.


sep 26 2019 ∞
oct 9 2020 +