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may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground

ivyink things i love (january 2025)
えりい monthly media log
yrsa ANO. (metas para 2025)
rose knit & crochet (temperature blanket 2025 row 2)
Tanja memories (my top 10 moments of each year)
우주소녀 isabella
Amanda its
Amanda Montt ivyink
Ariel jam
Bru jay
Bárbara jessie
Charlotte jessie j
Cissa joao
D jolie
Ellen julia
Gabriela julia
Gabriele Babele julia
Han julie
Ingrid Marc jéssica
Josephine júlia
Ju Lee ka
Juliana kales
Júlia kari
Lari keuri
Lelis koi
Liz laoise
Luciana lauren
Lust for Lists lavi
Läu laísi
Maandy le
Mariana letícia
Matsu lia
Natália liraz
Patricia lol
Q louise
Sabrina Santiago love
Scarlett lu
Stavros lua f.
Tanja luana
Tiffany luca
V lucy
Vivs luisa
a ~ luiza
abby luiza
aivin lulu
alexia lulu
ally lulu
ana lune
andie lunnies
andressa lydia
ane mackenzie
anna maggie
anna maido
anna mali
anna malu
annie marah
antoinette marcela
ara marcella
arantxa marcella
ariel maria
astrid mariana
aura marido
ayden marina
b maroca
baba yaga marruá
baby girl maruyamaria
bea! mary
becca mayzinha
bel mei
bela meli
bela melinwonderland
belie meℓina and th...
belle mia
bia michelle
bianca mimi
bianca miya
bibi monday
bibia moony
birdie morimoonie
birdsong mæria
bloodbride na
bonafini naju
bre nathália
brigtter nicole
buni paty
callie paulinha
cami peach
carol peaches
carol petra
carolina plum
caroline priscila
caroline rae
caroline rafa
cassi rav
cedar rosa
chrissy rose
clara s.
cláudia sabine
dani shug avery
danielle sloane
dina softie
duda steph
duda sumire
e sydney
e t
elizabeth t.
ellen tahani
ellen tatabrandes
emi tay
eva thay
evelyn tigerhead
fefa trace
felipe turtle
florrie u
flávio vee
fura verdemusgo
g vickye
gabe wanda
gabi xofana
gigi yrsa
gillian yuu
giovanna zoe
giovanna ʚɞ
giulia искусство
henrique ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
ilya えりい
isa 알바
  • 15/11/2020: voting with sis; helping mom and ísio set up the christmas tree;
  • 09/11/2020: talking to mari and mimi; talking to tanure and mimi; darren criss rewatching his first glee episode live on instagram;
  • 18/07/2020: listening to the beatles with mom and isio;
  • 14/06/2020: went for a run and walked around for a long time just taking the sun in and it made me really happy; eating pizza and watching masterchef es with mom and ísio
  • 12/06/2020: ísio bought me flowers; listening to venturini on the yard drinking wine with mom and ísio; nhoque with mushrooms from mercado grano and wine with mom and ísio;
  • 07/06/2020: i made bolognese pasta with vegan meat and it tasted actually nice; sis made brownies; bought some clothing storages;
  • 06/06/2020: live lagum and bell marques; bought birthday gits @ loungerie (home fragrance + a bra); we ordered pizza; drinking white wine while talking to mom and ísio;
  • 21/04/2020: live S&J; treated myself to some nice gifts; went running;
  • 20/04/2020: watched too hot to handle;
  • 17/04/2020: watched the platform, the pursuit of happiness and the lovely bones;
  • 09/04/2020: video chat with mi; ísio bought oreos;
  • 08/04/2020: live marília mendonça;
  • 07/04/2020: the stuff i bought from loungerie arrived;
  • 06/04/2020: went for a run during lunch;
  • 05/04/2020: cleaning out my room;
  • 04/04/2020: live jorge e mateus; talking to carol and support group; went for a run and watched the sunset;
  • 03/04/2020: watching FIFA WC 98's final with mom and ísio; working out;
  • 02/04/2020: mom bought me chocolate;
  • 01/04/2020: went running during lunch; watching love is blind; listening to mgk;
  • 31/03/2020: hotmart fechou (graças a deus); prior eliminado!;
  • 29/03/2020: the stuff i bought online arrived!!!
  • 28/03/2020: went for a run; watching the office with mom & ísio while eating pizza and drinking beer;
  • 27/03/2020: playing guitar hero with mom & ísio;
  • 26/03/2020: talking to mi, carlos, duds & macholas on hangouts;
  • 25/03/2020: listening to music before bed;
  • 24/03/2020: we lit the fireplace; daniel eliminado;
  • 23/03/2020: talking to mi on hangouts;
  • 22/03/2020: shopping online @ época; shopping online @ loungerie; watching the office w/ mom and ísio;
mar 23 2020 ∞
dec 17 2020 +