- 1/1/16: yummy burger!; bought the tickets and made reservations for the trip to Barcelona; watched The Wonder Years with sis, mom, and ísio
- 3/1/16: puzzles with mom and isio
- 4/1/16: finished puzzles (1000 pieces); the wonder years with fam
- 5/1/16: talking to rodolfo like old times
- 7/1/16: shopping with mom and sis; driving
- 8/1/16: dinner with mom, sis, and ísio
- 9/1/16: going out with mom, sis, and ísio
- 10/1/16: mom and ísio bought me a tarta de framboesa
- 14/1/16: ficar conversando com mom durante a noite
- 15/1/16: fui ao mercado comprar verdura e legumes (sozinha)
- 16/1/16: going out with sis at night, in the cold, to buy ice cream feat. SVU marathon
- 20/1/16: pizza with migs at 1 am
- 21/1/16: day out with migs in madrid
- 22/1/16: häagen dazs with migs and sis; meeting dorian babunski asdfghjkl
- 23/1/16: barcelona with migs and sis
- 24/1/16: ressaca lmao; trator dormindo no quarto; gay friend
- 29/1/16: IKEA with mom and sis
- 30/1/16: primark with mom and sis; tommy mel's
- 4/2/16: starbucks with bernardo (surprisingly great)
- 5/2/16: touristing with bernardo; spen the night listening to old brazilian music and talking to mom and sis
- 7/2/16: rodolfo saiu com a tai e a ice
- 9/2/16: mexican for dinner
- 11/2/16: shopping; dinner with the fam
- 12/2/16: mom bought stationery for luiza and I <3
- 16/2/16: shopping with mom and sis
- 19/2/16: stationery shopping
- 21/2/16: rods picking us up from the airport; going back to retiro; rodolfo me comprou a lapiseira que eu queria e me escreveu uma carta <3
- 22/2/16: deadpool with rods
- 26/2/16: fim de tarde with laura, rodolfo, gaby, and tai
- 27/2/16: melhor pior role do mundo (não deu pra ir ao garota então eu, ice, rods, tai, ice, luiza e rafa fomos em um palio !!! até a savassi e comemos hamburguer e depois fomos pro major)
- 28/2/16: the revenant with rods; leo ganhou um oscar caraio
- 29/2/16: rever amigos da puc
- 2/3/16: date night with rods (the danish girl + pizza afterwards)
- 4/3/16: escondidinho de nutella; sleeping at rod's
- 5/3/16: mom's birthday
- 6/3/16: pizza with the family
- 7/3/16: migs trouxe presentes fofos
jan 1 2016 ∞
jan 17 2017 +