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may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground

evelyn television (03/25)
bibia concurso (auxiliar adm)
meli wishlist (comprar)
e academic diary (mar25)
우주소녀 honeybee
Amanda i
Amanda Montt inara
Ariel isa
Bru isa
Bárbara isabella
Charlotte its
Cissa ivyink
D jam
Ellen jay
Gabriela jessie
Gabriele Babele jessie j
Han joao
Ingrid Marc jolie
Jesly julia
Jo julia
Jodie julia
Josephine julie
Ju Lee jéssica
Juliana júlia
Júlia ka
Lari kales
Lelis kari
Liz kc
Luciana keuri
Lust for Lists koi
Läu lauren
Maandy lavi
Mariana laísi
Matsu le
Natália letícia
Patricia lia
Q liraz
Sabrina Santiago listography
Scarlett lol
Stavros louise
Tanja love
Tiffany lu
V lua f.
Vivs luana
a ~ luca
abby lucy
aivin luisa
alexia luiza
ally luiza
ana lulu
andie lulu
andressa lulu
ane lune
anna lunnies
anna lydia
anna mackenzie
anna maggie
annie maido
antoinette mali
ara malu
arantxa marah
ariel marcela
astrid marcella
aura marcella
ayden maria
b mariana
baba yaga marido
baby girl marina
bea! maroca
bel marruá
bela maruyamaria
bela mary
belie mayzinha
belle mei
beta meli
bia melinwonderland
bianca meℓina and th...
bianca mia
bibi michelle
bibia mimi
birdie misu
birdsong miya
bloodbride monday
bonafini moony
bre morimoonie
brigtter mæria
buni na
ca naju
callie nathália
cami nicole
carol paty
carol paulinha
carolina peach
caroline peaches
caroline petra
caroline plum
cassi priscila
cedar rae
chrissy rafa
clara rav
clara rosa
cláudia rose
daisy s.
dani sabine
danielle sav
dina shug avery
domi sloane
duda softie
duda steph
e sumire
e sydney
eduarda t
elizabeth t.
ellen tahani
ellen tali
emi tatabrandes
esteph tay
eva thay
evelyn tigerhead
fefa trace
felipe turtle
florrie u
flávio vee
folkmoss verdemusgo
fura vi
g wanda
g xofana
gabe yuu
gabi ʚɞ
gigi искусство
giovanna ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
giulia えりい
henrique 알바
  • 3/01: viajar para vila velha ft. sis and rodolfo
  • 4/01: reading at the beach; running at the beach; joguinhos no celular (word brain, zumbi tsunami)
  • 5/01: reading at the beach; rodolfo cooking dinner (peixe frito + salada e batata frita)
  • 6/01: beach (manguinhos); having dinner at madero (hambúrguer vegetariano + petit gateau de doce de leite)
  • 7/01: beach (meaípe) - mar super calmo e gostoso, melhor praia; gelato (pistache, ninho, sorbet limão)
  • 8/01: beach (meaípe); dinner at madero (macarrão primavera + brigadeiro de panela); watching nerve
  • 10/01: back to work
  • 11/01: watching shooter; rodolfo cooking dinner
  • 12/01: assassin's creed premiere with sis, rodolfo, cadu & ku; vivenda do camarão (camarão empanado + batata frita); buying my planner and a book for $10,90
  • 13/01: watching shooter with rodolfo
  • 15/01: barbecue with the whole family; shopping spree at forever 21; La La Land premire with sis and rodolfo
  • 16/01: major with marion, rodolfo, ice, sis, carol, ku & cadu
  • 18/01: ice's house ft. sis, rodolfo, marion, tai, mandy, sarah & binha; pizza and cookies; jogo do dedo; talking like the old times
  • 19/01: paulinha's birthday; guacamole, risotto de alho poró, alfajor; "trem bala"
  • 21/01: reading at mr. cheney; ísio fazendo ceasar salad sem frango para mim
  • 22/01: rodolfo's house (me, sis, rodolfo, carol, larica, tchem, cadu, laura, lizandra, kimo, gj); staying up until 2 am talking; mc donald's at 23h; zodiac; raw trailer; tesourão
  • 23/01: falar na reunião de membros na frente de todo mundo e não morrer; cooking dinner with rodolfo (macarrão ao molho branco com champignon)
  • 25/01: celebrating our 1 year anniversary (_olegário_: pizza três fungos; pizza mediterrâneo; petit gateau free; watching blindspot while eating häagen dazs)
  • 27/01: nina's birthday
  • 30/01: went to the dentist!!! finally!! also found out my insurance covers the appointment + x-rays; scrambled eggs (by rodolfo obviously) for lunch; went to mundo verde and i wanna buy a lot of things from there (they sell a lot of vegan products and it makes me happy)
  • 31/01: rodolfo cooked us dinner (strogonoff de berinjela + abobrinha + arroz + batata frita); saraiva had a dawn's sale and i bought 5 books for $58
  • 1/02: Cruzeiro 1 x 0 Atlético
  • 2/02: terminei meu artigo (obrigada, Deus)!!!
  • 3/02: sleeping after a whole week of sleeping for 3/4 hours maximum everyday
  • 4/02: retiro ucj (dinâmica da presidência surpreendentemente do caralho; nadar e ficar queimada; gabriel pedindo para fazerem macarrão separado do molho para eu poder comer; fábio correndo da helena; conversa com pipi, kimo, fábio, ítalo e vini; dançando com o sammy e a cecília; angelo me emprestando água termal; cecília penteando meu cabelo; conversa com a isadora e o savoi; rever a paulinha; almoçar com o kimo e o vini; forró com o pipi; tentando encher o colchão de ar com o saliba -e demorando 40 minutos para descobrir que o exaustor estava na saída errada)
  • 5/02: sleeping the entire day
  • 7/02: got my wisdom teeth out (okay, one of them hurt quite a lot but they're finally out and, hopefully i'll have a nice quiet post op); rodolfo taking care of me
  • 8/02: spent the day in bed trying to relax; 27/30 on my article
  • 11/02: bloquinho do grifo w/ rodolfo, sis, migs, ice, tai, mandy, ana; rei do pastel w/ carol, laura, basques
  • 12/02: watching the first eight episodes of designated survivor in one sitting
  • 13/02: stitches (from my wisdom teeth surgery) are out! (although it's still bothering and hurting quite a bit); aniversário da lu (she baked a vanilla strawberry cake that was divine); jack rock bar w/ rodolfo, cadu, ku, kams & gustavo (entrada 0800 + ca$h acústico)
  • 15/02: cecily sent me a text asking if we could meet up (I miss her so much); sis bought me large mc donald's fries (and then i also ate rice, noodles and ice cream because i'd had only one meal throughout the day); singing glee songs with sis
  • 16/02: meeting up with cecily (rodolfo and sis tagged along) at meet me and talking for hours
  • 18/02: rodolfo and i making up after the worst fight; guacamole + petit gateau de doce de leite; watching gilmore girls
  • 19/02: listening to random songs with sis; risotto de aspargos de almoço; watching american crime with sis and rodolfo; petit gatêau de doce de leite
  • 20/02: studying about the stock market and begining to understand it (it's time consuming, but it's something I'm really glad I have the opportunity/obligation to learn about and it's something I find rather fascinating so I'm happy I'm finally studying about it); rodolfo's wallet I bought as our 1 year anniversary gift arrived and he really liked it; outback with rodolfo, carol, ku, cadu, and ana; i bought the 1l cup i've had my sight on for a year (i'm broke af but happy af); watching american crime with sis
  • 21/02: worked some of my work related problems out
  • 22/02: rodolfo brough me a carrot cake and everyone at ucj ate it and it was nice; chama o síndico with rodolfo and carol
  • 23/02: went to del rey with ítalo, ku, gabriel, kimo, ana, júlia, and tais to have lunch; kimo gave me a chocolate (70% cacau) and ku gave me a bite of his white chocolate; i was able to talk to some defaulting costumers and sort things out; dinner at dad's with sis, rodolfo, migs, and binha
  • 24/02: car trip to rio with mom, ísio, sis, and rodolfo; watching tv with the family;
  • 25/02: bloco da favorita (although my phone was stolen but you know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯); lunch at lira; watching chicago bulls vs cleveland cavaliers while rodolfo tried to teach me and sis about basketball; guacamole and brigadeiro
  • 26/02: meeting gabe and spending all day with her and léo; starbucks' red velvet cake and iced green tea with lemonade; lunch at zona sul (margheritta pizza); oscars (although la la land didn't win best picture)
  • 27/02: sargento pimenta; using rio's subway (line 4 mostly); meeting up with gandra and isabella; epifania oriental contemporâneo (the sushi there is amazing and it's not that expensive); burger king's ice cream; riverdale and indiana pacers vs houston rockets with rodolfo when we got home
  • 28/02: starbucks; going to the beach for a little while; coming back home; watching american crime: the people vs oj simpson, josef fritzl: story of a monster, and amanda knox with sis; i prepared my own dinner and it wasn't just ramen
  • 01/03: logan's premiere with sis and rodolfo; eating french fries, popcorn and alfajor
  • 02/03: i found my keys!!!!; watching ultimate beastmaster and O.J.: Made in America with sis
  • 03/03: ultimate beastmaster (felipinho camargo rei do mundo maravilhoso quero casar com vocêee) and lucifer with rodolfo
  • 04/03: tata's birthday (eating lots of food and talking to the family); "já passou da hora dela morrer" - mom sobre bisa; donna margherita's all-you-can-eat (they had loads of vegetarian pizza and it made me very happy) with rodolfo, sis, migs, binha, tai, mandy, and paulo; driving back home and honking at binha and migs; we talked a lot and reminenscend about our school years and it's so nice to talk to them because we go from talking about happyland to feminism and aaa i love my friends a whole lot
  • 05/03: mom's birthday (we had a barbecue, obviously, and i ate a lot of garlic bread and coalho cheese); watching O.J.: Made in America with sis; nap with rodolfo; terminei o módulo 2 do curso de investimentos; i made peace with the fact i procrastinated much more than i should've and could've this week and that's okay and i'll work things out
  • 06/03: getting a new phone (because mine was stolen); watching ultimate beastmaster with sis and rodolfo; felipinho camargo rei do mundo, rei da vida, eu quero ter um filho com seu nome, você é maravilhoso, menino;
  • 07/03: work work work work; i can't find my old apps but sis' been trying to help me out; watching lucifer with rodolfo; leite ninho and nutella (puro, foi maravilhoso)
  • 08/03: rodolfo comprou bolo de pote de leite ninho e brigadeiro depois que eu, brincando, falei que ele era um péssimo namorado por não ter feito nada por mim hoje; barcelona 6 x 1 psg; mom made chinese food! and it was soooo good; left ucj early
  • 09/03: rodolfo trouxe chá e palha italiana para mim na ucj; managers' meeting ➝ marcelinha: "a helena tem preguiça de algumas pessoas da empresa" brenda: "fala pra ela que é recíproco"; cadu jumping over neuensch (i wish i had the video saved); realizing i have a lot of parties to attend this/next month
  • 10/03: dinner at dad's house with sis, migs, rodolfo, binha, ice and her soon to be boyfriend (mateos - idrk how to write his name lmao) ➝ we talked about clara texting me that day (which was weird and I still don't know why she did it) and ate ceasar salad, tacos, and strawberry with chantilly
  • 11/03: rodolfo taking care of me throughout the day (tô gripada, tá horrível, segue em frente); vinhada with rodolfo, sis, migs, and binha ➝ vi a laura, o que é sempre ótimo, apesar de ser praticamente impossível conversar de verdade com ela em festas; free glitter!!! it was impossible to take it off but super fun to have it on; mc donald's with rodolfo ater we left the party;
  • 12/03: watching lucifer with rodolfo (we thought netflix had already uploaded the new designated survivor episodes but no); a nutella estava acabando então o rodolfo deixou eu jogar leite ninho no pote e comer na colher (juro que era um dos sonhos da minha vida)
  • 13/03: back to college; woke up at 7am because i had a meeting at ucj at 9am and traffic was hellish and when i got there they guy had cancelled it aaaa (at least i was able to get one of the last parking spots) ➝ aliás, sempre vou falar o quanto eu odeio esses engenheiros/pessoas do igc que roubam as vagas do estacionamento da minha faculdade!!! saiam daqui!!!; lunch with rodolfo; my teachers are crazy and even though we haven't even had classes they've already uploaded a bunch of stuff on moodle??? i'm all aaaaaa because it's already giving me anxiety; eating ice cream and reading
  • 14/03: sis trouxe espetinho de brigadeiro para mim after a really awful day
  • 15/03: aula de inglês (com a ju, fofinha) para as meninas que fazem a limpeza da face ➝ elas falaram que adoram a gente e dá pra ver que elas estão super empolgadas e com vontade de aprender; talking with lê, lucas, luiz, matheus, and yasser; watching O.J.: Made in America with sis;
  • 16/03: managed to sort things out at the bank ➝ i had to pay my credit card bill twice this month and i was hella mad, but they're gonna credit the money back uhu; ed sheeran is a confirmed headliner of glastonbury 2017; nap with rodolfo after lunch (which turned into a 2-hour nap); no classes; terminei o curso "aprendendo a investir na bolsa de valores" e amei e quero muito estudar mais sobre isso; baked a carrot cake with rodolfo; mom cooked us dinner and sis, mom, ísio, rodolfo and i talked until mom went to bed ➝ it was super fun and we reminensced about the time our old apartment was under reconstruction. Also we talked about our zodiac signs and it was just a great night overall; descobri que a localiza utilizou no processo seletivo desse semestre a ideia de escape game que eu sugeri e conversei sobre com a Karina e isso me deixou tão tão feliz; going to McDonald's at 11pm so rodolfo could get the fries he was dreaming of;
  • 17/03: rodolfo's birthday!!! (we sang happy birthday at midnight); terminei de copiar os slides da primeira aula de cont IV;
  • 18/03: sleeping all day; eating brigadeiro with sis whilst watching Just My Luck
  • 19/03: rodolfo's birthday celebration; seeing migs and tai; lasanha de palmito e bolo de leite ninho com creme de avelã (não era nutella); i liked how my makeup turned out;
  • 20/03: managed to finish my accounting iv exercises and i got most of them right and the ones i didn't, i was able to understand what was i supposed to do; rodolfo slept over; i was able to read a little bit of clockwork princess
  • 21/03: reunião do comitê foi muito boa e eu tô muito animada para ver no que vai dar;
  • 22/03: ice menosprezando meu studygram aaa que raiva; finally had my eyebrows threaded and they look so good and it was so cheap ($20); talked to a lot of defaulting costumers and managed to get confirmed payment from two of them; rodolfo brought me a white truffle; went to mall and got lots of things done (including going to nespresso and asking them how to fix my coffee machine); i've been so unproductive lately and it's really bad and it's making me anxious and upset, however i've been readng quite a bit ➝ almost done with 50% of clockwork princess
  • 23/03: productive day at work uhuhu
  • 24/03: i decided to give it a go and applied for a scholarship for a two-week corporate finances course in Ohio
  • 25/03: welcome to the jungle with migs, rodolfo, and binha ➝ we danced a lot and it was hella fun, migs and I made fun of clara (her clothes, her hair, etc - she totally deserves it, btw, fucking bitch); cecily's birthday with sis at eddie's ➝ we talked about how disappointed she was at law in general and then we talked about our car experiences and how everyone crashes or scratches their car at some point; i studied a bit when i got home; my makeup looked good, yey
  • 26/03: ucj's 25 years barbecue ➝ ítalo and ana made out, which got her all happy, drove somewhere i didn't know and managed to park my car without much problems, i love my friends and i love how much they care about me and how all of them seem to genuinely enjoy me being around, rodolfo asking me all the time if i wanted more vegetarian food and if i was eating and it was super nice of him to worry like that, neuensch giving me a kiss and saying he remembered me from a party years ago and always wanted to talk to me 'cause i seemed nice, kimo walking me to the door 'cause he wanted to make sure i'd be okay, gandra and i talking while driving back home; seeing rodolfo at night and realising how much i'd missed him
  • 27/03: i'm understanding cont iv and it makes me happy (i hope it keeps on going like this eh); read a bit of clockwork princess before going to bed and aaaa i love sophie and gideon and i cecily and gabriel;
  • 29/03: açaí; jack with kumaira and rodolfo ➝ ku ganhou sete partidas seguidas de sinuca e foi muito massa, i ate a lot of fries and there was a couple who wasso weird bc the woman was like oldish??? and the guy looked 20-something and they were making out so hard and it was so uncomfortable aaa; sis bought me a cocoa and oreo brownie and left me a really cute note with it
  • 30/03: glastonbury's line-up is out and there are so many artists i love aaa i'm so excited; read a bit more of clockwork princess and gideon and sophie got engaged and she was so sassy and i luv them so muuuuch
  • 31/03: so i've been extremely unproductive this week but i slept a lot and read a lot and i truly believe i deserved a chill week in order to get ready for the chaos that shall become my life; croassonho (mussarela de búfala, rúcula e tomate seco) + bacio di latte; carol's birthday celebration ➝ we went to her house and talked and laughed and it was really nice. We kept on making jokes about carol and fábio and saliba and sammy (olé olé olé olá fábio ou salibaaa) and then we kept on turning songs into christian songs or drug-related songs and it was really funny
  • 01/04: sis' party with migs, rodolfo, binha, tai, paulo, and mandy ➝ we danced a lot and had so much fun; when we got home from the party rodolfo made pasta and it was very good; my makeup looked good!!! yey;
  • 02/04: studying studying studying; watching designated survivor and 13 reasons why with rodolfo while eating brigadeiro
  • 03/04: won a $75 worth gift card to spend on books because i had the best rsg in the 2016.2 semester; mom is cooking almost every night and i love it; no classes yey (more time for studying);
  • 04/04: sis and i tried to get a free cone at ben & jerry's but the line was too fucking long and we gave up and instead we bought a bacio di latte cone (passion fruit and nutella for me); bought two new books: tales from the shadowhunter academy and the wrath and the dawn; reading a chapter of clockwork princess when i got home
  • 05/04: ontem/hoje rolaram três acidentes no anel (um 22:30, outro 7:30 e o outro 8h) sendo que dois envolviam carretas e, no último, tiveram mais de 10 veículos envolvidos (o motorista retardado da carreta estava de ponto morto na descida e não conseguiu freiar); i'm really interested in financial administration and i want to do so well on the subject aaa but i need to study so much and it's making me lowkey crazy; cida começou a vender bolos no pote e a sarah levou um para eu e luiza experimentarmos (brigadeiro de café + cookies) e é a melhor coisa do mundo, não tô sabendo lidar;
  • 06/04: talking to sofia (she's so nice and so pretty aaa); talking to gandra about everything that's been happening at ucj; rodolfo was gonna bake us a cake but that didn't work out then we tried to make brigadeiro and it turned out awful because there was something wrong with the condensed milk and we just ended up eating pasta because nothing was working out the way it was supposed to (it was funny tho);
  • 7/04: vanilla cake with brigadeiro (rodolfo baked it, obv); watching designated survivor and 13 reasons why
  • 8/04: chamado do grifo (with tai, rodolfo, sis, migs, binha, and carol) ➝ we all drank and danced a lot and it was hella fun except for the aftermath with tai but eeeh it all turned out fine so it was a really good night (and i fell and bruised my knee because obv, nothing could be more me); rodolfo made pasta when we got home and it was fucking good and i slept like a baby because i was so tired
  • 9/04: rough day with tai, it left me emotionally exhausted so i went home after it was all over and slept (for like 12 hours straight and it was heavenlish)
  • 10/04: rodolfo bought me an alfajor aaa he's the best, i swear;
  • 11/04: *screams* i bought my plane tickets to porto seguro and it was $532,60 overall and i'm asjhfjdsh; i have the nicest friends in the world and i'm so lucy to have them; watching law & order: svu and modern family with sis while eating popcorn; ísio bought our pão de mel easter egg yey
  • 12/04: talking to vini about luiza; nevermind pub with ku, his brother, and rodolfo ➝ one of the best vegetarian burguers i've ever had; going to krug aftewards to meet up with everyone from ucj ➝ when i got there everyone was happy to see me and pifano literally carried me and screamed he loved me and it was hella fun. The boys were really drunk and talking on the street and idk how they didn't get run over; fábio's house ➝ kamil sleeping the minute we got there and the two annoying boys we didn't know
  • 13/04: slept the entire day basically; went to the movies to watch fast & furious 8 with sis and rodolfo; croassonho and popcorn; watching the perfect man with sis when we got home from the mall;
  • 14/04: watching modern family while studying; easter's lunch with dad's family @ grandma's ➝ dad was annoying as per usual and the lunch took forever to be served, as always too, and we left at around 8pm; carol, cadu, and gandra came over because rodolfo and i had already drunk and couldn't drive to meet them ➝ we stayed up talking and rodolfo made us a delicious pasta (i always feel so lucky to have the amazing friends i do)
  • 15/04: walking around retiro with rodolfo to see the sunset; studying stats and feeling productive; watching sherlock ➝ i cried like a baby on the ep (s04e01); rodolfo and i ordered pizza and it was niiice
  • 16/04: studying until 3 am and feeling tired yet proud of myself for pushing through
  • 17/04: studying until 5 a.m
  • 18/04: didn't go to uni so i could study; found out my lab teacher postponed out project that was due tomorow and now i'm very happy because i'll be able to dedicante the whole night to financial admn. yupii;
  • 19/04: meu primeiro relatório de gestão e eu sai no meio porque tinha prova e, sério, prioridades; financial admn. test and idk i'm pretty sure i got, at least, 3/20 questions wrong and i was upset because i studied so hard but eh okay
  • 20/04: we spent basically all of our manager's meeting talking about laura and it was making me low key crazy; stats test and i wouldn't be surprised if i got a 0, because i only started doing exercises 2h before the test and i should've dedicated myself more but ehhh there's nothing i can do about it now except for making sure i do better on the projects and keep up with the content
  • 21/04: i slept all day, literally, nothing else; iron and suri are staying with us and zito is a fuckboy and bit iron on his fucking throat and my poor baby is all scared and i feel so bad because zito is a good boy, he just can't deal with other dogs but aaaa i just wanna hug iron until i die; rodolfo and i made dinner (escondidinho de palmito) and it was really good
  • 22/04: migs and binha came over and we ate brigadeiro and walked around retiro and it was niiiice; tottenham lost obv, nothing new here; raquel's birthday party and me being anxious af as always but ehhh
  • 24/04: curso de comunicação do fred; going to bed early (12am early)
  • 25/04: curso de comunicação do fred (day 2);
  • 27/04: watching modern family with sis while eating popcorn and brigadeiro; playing guess that song with sis;
  • 28/04: rodolfo surprising me (he showed up out of the blue at retiro); studying cont iv pretty much the entire afternoon; nap with rodolfo; guacamole and pasta at night;
  • 29/04: studying the entire afternoon (financial admn.); meeting up with dad and grandpa; sorting things out with rodolfo???? kinda, idk; getting all dressed up (for no reason at all since the plans i had got cancelled) and feeling pretty; i was feeling sad throughout pretty much the entire day and ana and carol were super cute and supportive (it just means the world to me having friends who care so deeply about me, i love them);
  • 30/04: studying a bit (financial admn.); carol, ku, and ana came over and we ate guacamole and palha italiana; listening to biffy clyro on spotify; usei o "atingir meta" do excel com sucesso!!! ➝ isso é bem nerd, mas me deixou bem feliz. Eu amo excel real;
  • 01/05: started studying before 1pm; watching life with sis and rodolfo and complaining about it afterwards, teasing rodolfo we'd never allow him to pick a movie again; eating at pizza hut; cuddling with rodolfo because it was cold;
  • 02/05: sleeping in; rodolfo filling up my gas tank because i was too busy to go out and do it; 17/30 in my stats test (i thought i'd get a 0 so i'm actually happy); eating some leftovers at rodolfo's house while talking about how weird are couples that don't fight often; watching fbe: teens react to 13 reasons why with sis; looking at old pictures saved on my usb with sis; the harry potter version of faroeste caboclo that had me crying like a baby;
  • 03/05: went to bed at 6 am, but managed to study all i intended to; busy day at work, didn't stop for a minute and still have lots of things to do this week but it's nice to feel productive;
  • 04/05: went to the post office by myself and managed to park the car on the street uhu; talking to gabe and vick and nina about gabe's relationship with léo; got one of the highest grandes on the firt delivery of my article???; ate fruit loops; talking to sis about out favourite subject: us politics; looking at tinder guys with sis (ole the norwigian guy who is probably the prettiest person i've ever seen???)
  • 05/05: ítalo and i were the only ones who managed to do 5 questions in financial admn.; 16/20 in financial admn; watching designated survivor with rodolfo and eating queijo coalho;
  • 06/05: spent the day in the car basically driving sis around and going to places with rodolfo; rodolfo and i bought our traditional marguerita & palmito pizza at his bakery and some oreos and ate it for dinner; rodolfo made canjica and it was amazing; studied until 6 a.m.;
  • 07/05: didn't study much and it made me lowkey anxious as my test is tomorrow and i still have a good amount of stuff to go over; mom and ísio bought me paul mccartney tickets!!!!; mandy's party which was amazing and i love her and paulo and i love hanging out with the girls because we always have such a great time together; naiara went to said party with her new boyfriend (??) and they all look the same and the girls and i kept laughing about it; sleeping with rodolfo in his new bed aaa it was great and i went to bed at like 10pm and fell asleep instantly which was pretty nice because i've been pretty tired lately; lara's birthday
  • 08/05: bê's birthday (wish i could celebrate with him); macron was elected france's president which is nice and i like him; i don't think i did good on my accounting iv test and it makes me upset because i studied a lot for it, but eh mistakes also make you learn etc;
  • 10/05: palestra icp ➝ eu e luiza chegamos lá 9h e, apesar do voucher no e-mail não querer abrir, deu tudo certo etc. Nossas senhas acabaram ficando para aquele dia 14:20 então, depois da palestra a gente foi almoçar e voltamos pra una, mas tava tudo atrasado e eu só fui fazer minha entrevista 18h e já estava tão exausta que me embolei toda e não sei se fui tão bem quanto poderia. E depois descobri que as palestras em sp vão ser na semana do enej e aaa, estou super confusa com o que fazer da minha vida e isso tá me deixando mal real; lunch at sol café: caprese pizza + cinnamon capuccino; tive que vir pra ufmg pelo centro às 18:30 e, caralho, que experiência do demo;
  • 11/05: slept until noon; reunião de gerência ➝ kimo ficou puto que os consultores estavam criticando ele e acabou rolando treta porque o vini foi comentar de implementação de projeto e gerou o caos que sempre gera; rodolfo gave me a tupperware bottle;
  • 12/05: red velvet cake from cida (which means heavenly); listening to random songs with sis;
  • 13/05: raíssa's birthday; waking up at 3pm; going over the notes on my article; sábado ucj ➝ my uber driver was the drummer from putzgrilla and he gave me his number so i could call him if i ever needed a drive and couldn't get it through the app (also the entire drive we were listening to ac/dc and it was great); carol and fábio and ana and ítalo (i love them and i love seeing them happy); binho telling me i was the boys' favourite girl and they all loved me; vini and i talking the entire night and joking about how unfortunate it was we both met while dating other people; celso being a cutie and hanging around me; saliba took his girlfriend and istg i barely saw him??? they were making out the entire time and i thought carol was gonna be upset but she was with fábio and all happy and that made me happy; talking to ju about joão and finally meeting him (he's really cute); ítalo asking me to text him so that he knew i was home safe; a great night overall, i really love my friends and i love being with them
  • 14/05: mother's day/grandma's birthday! we had lunch at aunt's (salmon with potatoes and onions) and it was really nice seeing everyone and nina is so big, omg; watching gilmore girls until 1am; i did nothing school related this weekend and, though i'm sure it'll drive me insane this week, i believe i deserved a break;
  • 15/05: pedro dias' birthday; sleeping until noon (yey); talking to ju, carol, ana, and laura about boys ➝ "nossa lari, você ia pegar muita gente gata se fosse solteira" carol "vamos parar de falar sobre isso que tá me deixando chateada"; fábio giving back carol's bra ➝ he got her backpack and put it on it and then gave it back to her and they high-fived and i burst into laughter;
  • 16/05: carol helping me printing out contracts; vinicíus gave me his coffee because he knew i liked the flavour; listening to music with sis;
  • 17/05: outback with carol, rodolfo, cadu, kimo and ku ➝ primavera pasta (zucchini, bread, carrots and cauliflower) and lots of cranberry ice tea; cadu flirting with the waitress and handing out his ucj card (even though she had a boyfriend who worked there); feeling happy about my friends and how nice it is to be around them; os donos da jbs têm gravações que incriminam o temer e o aécio e o mundo vai pegar fogo; watching flamengo's match with mom, sis, and ísio (and remembering why i always suffer so much);
  • 18/05: cadu hugging me and saying i was cute; vini offering to help me with my financial admn. exercises; talking to vini about his relationship until 2am (he's okay and he expects things will be okay when luiza comes back);
  • 19/05: getting a lot of my financial admn. exercises correct yey; spent the entire day @ srg doing my financial admn. exercises and talking to bruninho, vini, cadu, gj, and ítalo;
  • 20/05: having my hair cut short ➝ i will donate my hair and i received lots of compliments about how good it looked (although most people, when i told them i'd have it cut, told me not to do it because my hair was really beautiful etc) and i really liked how it turned out; rodolfo meeting me @ Bia and saying how good it looked and how he didn't think i'd have the courage to cut it as short as i did; lunch at Applebee's with rodolfo to celebrate my birthday (we both hated ourselves because we totally forgot about madero); pizza hut with mandy, sis, tai, ice, and migs ➝ migs didn't say a word and it was so weird; sleepover with mandy and tai and we watched the breakfast club and talked a lot and kept trying to figure out what happened with sarah (newsflash: we didn't) ➝ i just love being with them because we've been friends for so long and it's so nice to have them around, i luv them forever;
  • 21/05: sleeping until 3pm; talking to vini about his relationship (and mine); my friendship with carol and ana which is so unbelievable and amazing; ísio bought me a veggie yakisoba and i've never felt so loved; studying studying studying (i'll make it through); studying
  • 23/05: went to the psychiatrist (apparently i have a somewhat social anxiety); rodolfo studying a lot; talking to vini until 5am;
  • 24/05: thank god for ana and carol and our frienship; listening to music with sis;
  • 26/05: início, meio e fim with rodolfo, his sister and her friends, sis and her friends ➝ we danced and drank a lot and had lots of fun; everyone saying how good i looked all dressed up at ucj; i was looking for vini because he had to give me the meeting minutes and i'd just finished getting ready for the party and i couldn't find him (because he had his hair cut and i didn't recognize him) and when i fnially realized it was him i approached him and started asking for the minutes and he said "oi amor" because he was talking to luiza and we both started laughing a lot; saliba telling carol how good i looked;
  • 27/05: waking up at 7am, still drunk as fuck, and having to go to my excel course (which was pretty good); sarah, raiza, pry, mandy, and paulo came over to celebrate our birthday and sarah was talking and it was great; rodolfo gave me the first two editions of the ilustrated harry potter books and i cried because it's so beautiful and he's the best; degust later at night with cadu, ku, rodolfo, carol, ju, bruninho, gandra, ana, ítalo, marcelinha, pifano, and laura ➝ pifano did go!!! cadu bought me minnie ears that light up; carol and ana bought me a picture frame that's magnetized and comes with a bunch of letters/words to turn into sentences and they'd already put together "nossa amizade é muito amor";
  • 28/05: lunch with grandma, roberto, nilton, nina, aunt, sis, and rodolfo at alphaville ➝ aunt gave me a really beautiful choker; best birthday celebrations ever, i'm so happy i have the people i do in my life and how amazing they all are and how much they care about me; mom thinks she did well on her bar exam; listening to some glasto songs with sis, mom, and ísio;
  • 29/05: 21st birthday!!!; carol bought me a cake; all the nice messages i received; dinner at dad's with sis, rodolfo, tai, migs, binha, and sis' friends (minus all the drama with dad and rodolfo yelling at me afterwards etc); a lot of gifts!!!;
  • 30/05: ed sheeran's concert ➝ he's a cutie and i loved all the songs and i was almost front stage (with tai, sis, and victor) and it was so great and amazing; i managed to get presence in both my classes even though i wasn't even there; driving back home singing along with sis and living the dream because we went to mc donald's;
  • 31/05: talking to vini about literally daddy issues and him being super rational (i even said it was hard to believe he was so rational considering the relationship he has); rodolfo made dinner for us (veggie pasta + bolo de leite ninho maravilhoso incrível a+); vini and i both had huge fights with our s.o's and managed to laugh it off;
  • 01/06: vini bought me coffee; carol and ana exist and that makes me happy; the books rodolfo bought me arrived and we are good; listening to halsey and i really want to go to her concert aaa; laying in the car, listening to music and taking time off from life; listening to music with sis;
  • 02/06: i had to organize ucj's library and vini and cadu helped me ➝ we stayed at ufmg until midnight and vini and i kept listening to music while checking if all the listed books were indeed in here. Cadu was practicing for psp and after he was done he helped me put all the books back on the shelves; rodolfo bought me mcdonald's; "cê sabe que o trem de aplicar case no cadu era migué né" vini
  • 03/06: ucj carreiras ➝ all the pannels were so nice and interesting and daniela !!! jfc, what a woman !!! she worked in a lot of different places during her career and when brazil was begining to use ifrs she was one of the few who actually knew how to work with them and she went from a 5k salary to a 15k one (she literally asked them to triplicate her salary and they accepted it). Also, great coffee break; rei do pastel with everyone afterwards; wpp with vini;
  • 04/06: celebrating my birthday with family and getting drunk on champagne; watching the sunset with rodolfo; rodolfo taking care of me;
  • 05/06: all time low's new album;
  • 06/06: mr. hoppy with carol, cadu, vini, gj, ku, and gandra; dropping ku and vini off; driving back home listening to great music;
  • 09/06: carol acertou o case do psp; "tava esperando você sair da prova, mas você demorou"; rodolfo asking me to stay upstairs because i was giving the cavs bad luck; dinner with rodolfo;
  • 10/06: vini, cadu, carol, ana, marcelinha, kimo, gj, ku, and gandra came over and we drank a lot and talked a lot and had lots of fun; rodolfo made canjica and pasta and they were both amazing; the stars looked amazing; zito going to bed as soon as rodolfo did; vini playing the acoustic guitar as we all sang along (and gj doing crazy dances); cadu and gj basically naked just for fun; ku and cadu "fighting"; carol e cadu passaram no psp; vini helping me clean up the kitchen; everything everything everything;
  • 11/06: sleeping all day after everyone left; "a casa tá mais arrumada do que quando a gente saiu" mom; celebrating valentine's day with rodolfo ➝ madero (palmito com manteiga, sal e limão; hambúrguer vegetarino, pink lemonade), ice cream cone, popcorn while watching wonder woman; leaving the mall and then coming back just so we could pay less; rodolfo gave me a pokeball portable charger
  • 12/06: reunião de membros; veggie burguer; car;
  • 13/06: sis packing for me; rodolfo sleeping over; the boys hugging me and saying they'd miss me; "quem vai se arrepender mais disso?";
  • 14/06: saliba's birthday; travelling all day; we left for sp at 9 am and then we left for madrid at 3 pm; mom and ísio staying at the vip waiting room and sis and i eating at the sports place ➝ i ordered fries because that's the only thing i can eat when there's no vegetarian dish + sis and i shared a mojito; iberia now has those tv's in front of the seats so i watched some movies (hidden figures, glastonbury 2016 highlights and collateral beauty); i managed to sleep quite lots on the plane (that's never happened before);
  • 15/06: vini's birthday; madrid once again (i'll never stop feeling at home) ➝ we went to retiro (tinto verano will always be my fave) and street xo (my fave restaurant, i'll nver get over it); the kids waiting for the school bus with their super cute uniforms and me and sis talking about it; sunset from the airplane; arriving in amsterdam and staying at a super cute hotel; taking a nice long shower; ísio ordered a vegetarian wok so i could eat it;
  • 16/06: amsterdam, day 1; we had brunch at a nice cute place and i ordered a brooklyn ceasar salad that was just heavenly; we walked around the entire day, visiting the central area of the city ➝ i honestly fell in love with amsterdam and all the canals and boat houses and flowers; sis and i managed to get some pictures at the i amsterdam sign; we stopped at a nice bar and i ordered a beer (the beer here is really nice, actually, i might be starting to like it) and we were boat watching and ísio kept making remarks about the captains of each boat (we also ordered some tasty vegetarian rolls and ate it while talking about the weird drunk guy on the stairs); we went to some coffee shops because apparently ísio always smokes weed??? (interesting, i'd never have guessed); at night we had dinner at a nice tourist trap (i ate soup and it was pretty damn good); the waterhole ➝ they had a british band live that day and they were amazing (the girl had the most incredible voice ever) and sis and i drank lots of ice and we were upset when we had to leave it; eating at wok to walk before going back to the hotel;
  • 17/06: amsterdam, day 2; we left early to get our campervan; the arab taxist who drove us (his sons play on ajax); we had breakfast at a nice local place (i ate a toast with cheese and tomatoes) and, next to us, sat an English man who was having an interesting conversation with the mother of his daughter about prostitues???; all the trouble to get to the camping site (these damn narrow netherlands streets); sunny amsterdam; drinking coke & vodka while boat watching and talking to mom and sis about british people; the waterhole again ➝ they played a lot of john forgerty; new york pizza before heading home (i had a plain cheese one that was amazing);
  • 18/06: bruges, darling, you're amazing; all the pretty houses with their bricks and me and sis saying we'll move there one day; having lunch at a nice place and our waiter knew how to say 'obrigado' so he kept saying it all the time ➝ pasta with curry and sis ordered a salmon with white wine sauce and mashed potatoes that was the best out of all dishes, apparently; drinking and talking at the camping; i miss my friends and they mean the world to me;
  • 19/06: calais-dover trip (the seagulls mom kept calling rita) and all the teens on board; my starbucks took ages to be made; sunny london is my fave london; walking around london and stopping at hunter (all the cute wellies and boots there); drinking at stable's market with mom, ísio, sis, and bê; "o glasto é a disney do rock e da bebedeira"; nice live music; eating carbonara (without the bacon, please) before heading back to the zoo; sleeping at the zoo!!! (craziest thing ever? maybe?); the drunk guy at the bathroom;
  • 20/06: glasto journey; our tickets arrived in brazil; we managed to get our tickets and people were really helpful; mom passed her bar exam; sunset at glasto;
  • 21/06: walking around glasto with the fam; eating a heavenly veggie burger; frenc fries with garlic butter (best thing ever made???); napping at shangri-la; i love glastonbury more than anything. honestly, best place on earth; gecko ➝ guanabama, the monalisa song (which is such a fun yet beautiful song), the phone song, library song (if you want knowledge then go to the library, if you want a book go to the bookstore), the seasons change, these feelings don't, we sat at the top of the volcano, is not yet set in stone; silent disco at chameleon ➝ louis, tom and riley "you two are the most good looking twins i've ever met" and they kept complimenting us on our teeth? we went to their tent and stayed up talking and drinking with them until 4am (i'll miss them forever); getting lost on our way back home and, by the time we got to the campervan, it was already day;
  • 22/06: the hummus at the veggie place, jfc, wtf i need this in my life more often; walking around william's green the entire day; amazing but short guilty pleasures :(;
  • 23/06: lots of concerts!!! first aid kit; circa waves; glass animals (and all the pineapples floating around, the girl with the big boobs and her friend with the tiny shorts); royal blood (their album became #1 while they were on stage so they celebrated it with champagne on stage - and they only have drums and bass so i'm like fucking in love); george ezra (my baby played song 6 and did you hear the rain so sis and i were the happiest people on earth and i love this boy with all of my heart); lorde (cutest person in the world and i was on the verge of tears when she sang liability); major lazer (i almost died but it was fucking amazing; fritos everywhere, socorro, pra que mosh pit meus amigos???); chameleon ➝ a really cute guy asked sis for her number; vini foi eleito aaa;
  • 24/06: kaiser chiefs ("who's excited for liam gallagher"); liam gallagher (he played slide away which made me cry for obvious reasons and he fucking sang don't look back in anger and it was one of the greatest moments i've ever witnessed); the national (the lead singer talked about a ohio senator and the health bill and sis and i were just moments before talking about how we weren't even talking about politics); foo fighters (aaa they played fucking arlandria!!! and it was the most amazing concert i've ever been to and dave grohl is the greatest human being ever; "ooooooo"; people singing the wrong lines to these days; taylor singing queen and dave on the drums; fucking fireworks; dave breaking adele's record of number of 'fuck's' said); chameleon as per usual ➝ hey jude was the last song and people took their shoes off and ???; also strange guy asking to take a picture with sis and i;
  • 25/06: laura marling; barry gibb (security people dancing to staying alive; the guys with the bee gees outfit and the jacket they made and barry wore it; "barry wear the jacket, barry wear the jacket"; mom and ísio showing up on the screen twice); chic (they guy beat a fucking cancer and he co-wrote all these amazing songs i.e. get lucky; the children on stage); biffy clyro (i did love it but i was so tired jfc); ed sheeran (he played fucking lego house, i love him; edinho being the cutie he is; nancy mulligan and the band he invited on stage; his grandpa at his first concert; it was great and i was super proud); chameleon for the final night ➝ sis and drink 2l of ice in 15 min and got super drunk; "foda-se a comida, eu quero beber"; buying pints; the noy sis kissed and his super nice friends; the girl we saw the other night was one of his frinds and she bought me two pints, jfc, i was too drunk; went to bed drunk, woke up drunk;
  • 26/06: antwerp and the fucking amazing hotel we stayed at; being able to have a proper shower and use a proper bathroom; catching up on instagram, facebook and life in general; watching bbc the entire day; sis and i managed to go out and get ourselves some amazing food; such a cute little city, i hope i get to go back one day and explore it better;
  • 27/06: back in amsterdam; the stairs at the hotel (they were scay and they didn't have an elevator); huge hotel room; peppermint candy; sleeping the entire afternoon; dinner at the best japanese restaurant i've ever been to ➝ the lobsters on the aquarium and the fight they had; the shimeji on the butter and the fried vegetables, jfc, honestly best place i've ever eaten; sleeping well;
  • 28/06: walking around amsterdam; eating the best brownie i've ever had; the place we had lunch at with the super nice waiter and the brazilian guy having a business lunch next to us; the hot chocolate at the place we stopped by before going back to the hotel; free shopping; whopper without the meat at burger king; our flight back home went smoothly and the only upsetting part was that there was no veggie dinner and i wasn't able to sleep; i watched beauty and the beast, notting hill, sing, and blindspot s02e01;
  • 29/06: pão de queijo while waiting for our flight in sp; azul now has personal tv's even on domestic flights and they had a bunch of food (comi biscoito de polvilho, bolinho de baunilha e gummy planes); seeing everyone again aaaa; nice nice nice night;
  • 30/06: meio médico, but i was too tired so i came back home too early; "vamo se encontrar"; ítalo, lucas, and matheus offering me help in financial admn and being super nice and cute to me; ítalo leaving a note on my car;
  • 01/07: slept until 1pm; trying to study and failing; another fun night;
  • 02/07: awful day; rodolfo brought me madero and a chocolate bar and i love him;
  • 03/07: fucking cold; tests tests test but a nice ending to the night;
  • 04/07: rodolfo's grandfather died and he was very sad and it was a bad day; eating with rodolfo; nice night;
  • 05/07: saying goodbye to vini; awful night; listening to music while looking at the stars;
  • 07/07: stressful day with my financial admn. final; festa junina da face with cadu, ku, carol, ana, and ítalo; carol na bateria inflacionária; rochinha in an alternative universe while playing; cadu setting the paper flags on fire; sleeping with rodolfo;
  • 08/07: excel with carol; rolé na poeira with rodolfo, mandy, paulo, melo, sis, and laura;
  • 09/07: rodolfo making dinner; no more financial admn. thank you Jesus; vini recording beautiful day and one;
  • 10/07: thank you world for my family and friends;
  • 11/07: vini broke up and i'm all aaa; eating with tai and sis and tai talking about her crazy boy experiences; gabe calling me to give me advice on how to deal with my break up; despicable me 3 with ku, cadu, ana, and carol; cadu buying me a gift so i wouldn't be sad; carol and ana waiting for sis to pick me up; my friends are the greatest and i don't know where i'd be without them;
  • 12/07: açaí with ítalo, gabriel josé, and cadu ➝ zoar o gj que eles está namorando;
  • 13/07: watching the sunset; ana's house with carol and her ➝ i arrived there and ana's doorman allowed me in and when i got to her apartment, carol and ana weren't there 'cause they'd gone to the supermarket; talking about people and eating chips, pasta, and brigadeiro;
  • 14/07: tai's house with all the girls ➝ eating pão de queijo and talking about everything that's happened and it was really nice because we were all talkative and friendly and it was amazing;
  • 15/07: festa junina da família with lots of food and fireplace; isadora's birthday and the greatest cake in the world;
  • 16/07: spending the day with carol; madero with leti;
  • 17/07: the circle and eddie's with carol, ku, cadu, vini, and ana; watching law & order: svu, house, and kung fu panda 3 with ku; i was able to follow him and actually park well uhu;
  • 18/07: going to bed early;
  • 19/07: drinking at ana's house with her, carol, and cadu; krug with sis, ice, and tai; got wasted and didn't lose my phone and documents; ana, vini, and cadu being cuties and taking care of me; "porra ana paulaaaa" carol;
  • 20/07: listening to music throughout the night;
  • 21/07: mom e ísio foram à troca de gestão e falaram que ficaram muito orgulhosos de mim e que eu falei muito bem; the after party at fábio; staying up until 7am with fábio, vini, and carol;
  • 22/07: eating mcdonald's with sis; mom buying subway so we could share it and then forgetting i don't eat meat; the maine's concert with tai, sis, migs, and vic ➝ they played raining in paris and john was like 5cm from me and they're such a special band and their bond with their fans is so special, i truly love them;
  • 23/07: ísio made us pasta for lunch because i asked him to; ice's house with mandy, sis, tai, and migs ➝ we ordered pizza and watched mtv while talking about everything and they're truly my best friends and i don't know where i'd be without them;
  • 24/07: outback with vini, carol, ku, and gabriel (i also met tai there); ku's house with everyone ➝ we kept listening to music and ku gave me a champagne;
  • 25/07: htgawm with sis + popcorn and brigadeiro; seeing sis playing the sims; sis and i organised our books;
  • 26/07: "queria muito te ver agora"; listening to music; cruzeiro classificado;
  • 27/07: lunch with cecily; afternoon nap; studying cont iv; going to mc donald's with sis;
  • 28/07: lunch with vini at ah bon!; samba da quadra with sis, migs, ice, tai, mandy, and paulo ➝ we ordered red bull + orloff and me and sis went broke and we'll cry when we receive our billing statement, but okay. We met with marina lopes and it was fun and tai was hella drunk and we all danced and had fun like the old times; rei do pastel with tai, sis, and mandy; sleeping at tai's;
  • 29/07: spent the day at tai's grandmother's house eating and talking to her family and i love them; tai's mom baked sis and i a chocolate cake because she knows we love it; went to see seu madruga with mom and ísio;
  • 30/07: carol, ana, cadu, vini, ítalo, and gabriel came over and we watched scarry movies and the boys played fifa and we all had a really good time (also, ana and cadu are a thing so that was funny);
  • 01/08: vini gave me a ride to ufmg and aaaaa so cute;
  • 02/08: i ran;
  • 03/08: got piazza (a blue uno) and managed to get back home from fiat without getting lost; tio gugu's birthday with all the family and it was so nice having everyone together and we all talking; sol with vini and sis ➝ i ordered a coconut cake that was absolutely heavenly and vini paid for it and aaaa he's so nice;
  • 04/08: ran again; kimo's birthday party ➝ there was chandon and ciroc therefore i was a pretty happy person. There was all the drama with carol and ana but we talked it out and they`re honestly my loves. Vini being super cute and talking to me about what had happened;
  • 05/08: sleeping in; fondue with mom, ísio, and sis while watching paul's concert; watching moonlight and stuck in love with sis;
  • 06/08: looking through my old pictures; watching baby driver with carol; meeting up with vini and driving around;
  • 07/08: classes are back;
  • 09/08: vini and ku helping me out with piazza; vini talking to me to make sure i was okay; rodolfo coming over to ufmg to help me out with piazza; ku giving me a ride to localiza; going back home with mom; having my eyebrows threaded;
  • 10/08: cabral; camila was elected; "tô triste que tem gente na ucj e não dá pra voltar pra lá";
  • 11/08: bar do grifo with tai and lara; retiro with vini (things are okay);
  • 12/08: father's day lucnh at dorival (i was wearing pj's and flip flops and it was funny); seeing a buch of fancy cars; sofia's birthday (meeting leslie); barbecue with lara, matheus, vini, and bárbara ➝ "ai eu fui andar", "dar?", playing the acoustic guitar; packing;
  • 13/08: mom repacking everything; travelling to porto with gj; drinking at the beach; sauna with carol and ana; sleeping with vini;
  • 14/08: spent the day at the pool sun bathing and drinking; dinner with ana, cadu, and vini;
  • 15/08: spent the day at the beack and then at the pool; vini bought grey goose and it's really really good, i'm amazed; carol visiting me at 1 am;
  • 16/08: enej started; drinking a lot with carol and kamil; festa do brasil;
  • 17/08: enej day 2 ➝ meeting carol; festa à fantasia; drinking with everyone (top top, é engetop); palestra do mocinho da google/apple; palestra max milhas;
  • 18/08: enej day 3 ➝ falconi; heinz; reading aristoteles and dante; sun bathing at the pool; festa no axé moi; dinner with carol, ku, kams, and tutu;
  • 19/08: enej day 4 ➝ reserva; fundação estudar; eating all day with carol; dormir na palestra final; festa da espuma;
  • 20/08: my flight got delayed 9 hours so i jsut spent the day at the airpoart eating; sis bought me french fries when i arrived home; sleeping!!!!;
  • 21/08: hot chocolate with marshmallow; seeing vini and talking to him; studying a bit of accounting iv;
  • 22/08: hot chocolate at night with sis; playing 'guess that song' and getting most of it within a second; vini and i talking before my 2nd class; "eu realmente fico feliz de uma forma bizarra com você" and everything else;
  • 23/08: reading a bunch of articles and creating a nice presentation; lunch was nice; "to retribuindo o favor de ontem", vini showing me the sunset;
  • 24/08: talking to lê and lu at class about relationships; finishing our theory exercise; vini and i spending some time together;
  • 25/08: "que horas você chega? só pra saber quando vou te ver"; new black mirror trailer; ateliê da wäls with kimo, ana, cadu, gj, and vini; "você tá muito bonita";
  • 26/08: retiro da ucj ➝ talking to helena and realizing she's a really nice and fun person to be around; making brigadeiro with ana and everyone saying it tasted really nice; talking to everyone; "quem você mataria dessa roda?" "a laura"; celso, cálcio, nelson, gerson; dancing with carol; coming to the conclusion everyone in this goddamn je breaks up; sleeping with vini;
  • 27/08: vini bringing me home; sleeping all day; black tower with sis ➝ we also ate pizza hut; parents brought chocolate cake and food i can eat, yey;
  • 28/08: classes were cancelled;
  • 29/08: duke 'n' duke with vini ➝ burned my tongue with the hamburguer but eh okay;
  • 30/08: nice, easy, fun talk with vini; dinner with sis while showing each other songs we've downloaded;
  • 31/08: batemos a meta de fechamento de projetos para agosto; hb with vini, ana, and cadu; "vocês iam ficar sabendo por causa de projetos e a larissa ia ficar sabendo porque é minha namorada" "oi?" "nada";
  • 01/09: ísio's birthday; 19 years later... all was well; hanging out with vini in the car; watching the change up and ¿qué culpa tiene el niño? with sis while eating popcorn;
  • 02/09: lunch at ísio's parents' apartment ➝ bibia and ana catarina were really cute and we had dark chocolate haagen dazs, pistachio ice cream and mousse de limão so i was pretty happy and well fed; i liked how my makeup turned out; rei do pastel with vini, ana, and cadu ➝ sis, binha, and migs met us afterwards. Vini bought ana and i chocolate and later on he bought sis and i some cute bracelets from an argentinian girl. There was also a cute little dog hanging around and i hope he's safe and has a home.
  • 03/09: barbecue at aunt's to celebrate everyone's birthday ➝ drank lots of beer and kept talking to tiaguinho and sis. Ate like a pig but all the food was delicious. Met lola (she's so cute and tiny); nice nap when i got home; the whole fake instagram account to stalk me and just how funny is that;
  • 04/09: watching atypical with sis;
  • 05/09: vini giving me a ride to cad; painting our costume at ana's with her, carol, and cecília;
  • 06/09: nice text from vini when i woke up; drove alone to wax and then to ufmg and things were ok;
  • 07/09: economíadas, day 1 ➝ arrived at vini's in 20 min or less; listening to music together in the bus; the hotel is great; jogo de peteca com a carol vs. ufv; neon party (i met up with ice, carol kissed torresmo, i had a great time and danced a lot); slept with vini;
  • 08/09: economíadas, day 2 ➝ "ninguém dormiu no próprio quarto"; ku won the silver medal and ping pong; amazing breakfast (6 types of cake); dancing and drinking at the arena; costume party (my highlighter was very much on point); "pau no cu da juba, pau no cu do lounge"; "to deitando escutando don't look back in anger"; slept with vini;
  • 09/09: economíadas, day 3 ➝ gj being amazing at his handball match; having lunch with everyone; eating pizza with binho, kams, vini, and carol; festa das atléticas (todo mundo da inflacionária é muito legal e eu adorei ficar com eles); talking to xande on the way back to the hotel; slept with vini;
  • 10/09: binho's driver picked us up in joão monlevade; vini giving me a drive back home and stopping at mccdonald's to get us fries; sleeping sleeping sleeping; watching it with sis;
  • 13/09: vini buying me sonho de valsa because i was too stressed over my test and hadn't eaten the entire day; spurs 3x1 bvb_ @ wembley;
  • 14/09: watching atypical with sis (i love casey and evan sfm) while eating brigadeiro;
  • 15/09: slept in; watching a lei é para todos with vini; vini sleeping over;
  • 16/09: spent the day with vini ➝ we went to madero, he bought me cold medicine and we spent the entire morning/afternoon watching football (spurs tied, though that was expected, and barça won); dad's house ➝ saw grandpa and grandma again; dad brought me a messi jersey and a barcelona sweatshirt;
  • 17/09: brigadeiro; sis helping me out with tax law;
  • 18/09: sis teaching me about (american) football; bought my lolla tickets;
  • 19/09: 17/20 on my mqa test;
  • 21/09: didn't go to college because of an accident at anel rodoviário (as per usual) and it'd take me 2:30h to get there; matheus being an angel and printing out my tax law test; slept a lot; watched gilmore girls;
  • 22/09: managed to study quite a bit for my international accounting test; binho's birthday with carol, lara, vini, gj, ítalo, ku, ana, and cadu ➝ carol and i texted yuri. everyone was drunk and we had lots of fun; vini slept over;
  • 23/09: sis helping me out at the gas station (because i'd forgotten my credit card); ice's party with migs, binha, mandy, paulo, tai, and carol; vini picking me up and taking me home; i made strogonoff and it was good (and vini helped me out); watching a bit og guns 'n' roses concert at rir;
  • 24/09: hermes bbq with everyone ➝ i got very drunk and had lots of fun and the guy who was making the food always made sure i had something to eat; vini driving me home and spending a little more time with me;
  • 25/09: sis and i managed to take mom's car to the dealership and sort things out there; angs passou no psp :));
  • 26/09: madero with vini (he also bought sis a piece of pecan pie); he's so nice and i like him a lot; freaking out with sis over tomorrow's game;
  • 27/09: lolla's line up is out and i'll see liam gallagher, the killers, imagine dragons, milky chance, rhcp, kygo, the nbhd... so happy; cruzeiro pentacampão da copa do brasil (5x3 nos penaltis contra o flamengo);
  • 28/09: american made with vini; listening to music with sis;
  • 29/09: worked the entire day but it was okay; entre folhas to celebrate marcelinha's birthday ➝ dad met cadu and it was funny. Everyone knew who i was when i arrived and i was treated super nicely and got hella drunk for free. 2nd best veggie burger i've ever eaten; vini gave me a ride to and from ufmg;
  • 30/09: bbq with denis, lucas, and matheus; seeing vini and talking for a little while; eating mc donald's with sis;
  • 01/10: mom and ísio bought sis and i lunch; sleeping in; vini bought me the amazon hp collection;
  • 02/10: dinner with vini; vini being all fitness and whatnot, so cute; sis being super mad at the girls who keep gossiping about me;
  • 03/10: entreguei o lanchonete; done with my theory project; talking to vini for a while before and after class (it's quite incredible how happy i am with him);
  • 04/10: vini shaved his beard and he looks so good; matheus was 3rd place at the accounting olympics and he's going to the nationals and he got an EY backpack with a book about the IFRS and i'm so happy for him; looking at clothes + listening to music with sis;
  • 05/10: vini me pediu em namoro e foi muito engraçado porque eu estava literalmente indo embora e eu achei que ele estava brincando (como sempre) e fiquei olhando pra cara dele e ele ficou assustado achando que eu fosse falar não;
  • 06/10: festa latina da face; vini bought me a bar of milka; binha being super nice to me when i told him about vini (honestly, i feel much closer to him than to sarah and that's just fucked up, i wish she'd just actually try to be a better friend instead of acting as if the world was against her);
  • 07/10: lunch date with sis at outback ➝ we ate a ridiculous amount of food, istg. Raiza, Felipe, Larissa, and Gustavo met us and they're really nice; sábado ucj with everyone;
  • 08/10: looking at sis' pictures; buying pizza with sis so we wouldn't starve to death;
  • 09/10: aunt's birthday; ku's house with vini, carol, and cadu; vini picked me up and dropped me off at home; brenda and i talked about vini and luiza and apparently everyone hates me but oh well not much i can do about that. i got upset because people don't even try and talk to vini about what happened and just keep making assumptions and it makes him sad;
  • 10/10: vini and i went to applebees and watched brazil vs chile there (they had the vegetarian pasta which was nice because i wouldn't have been able to eat otherwise); argentina won with 4 goals by messi; watching grey's anatomy with sis;
  • 11/10: kingsman: the golden circle with vini;
  • 12/10: watching designated survivor with vini; trips burger has one of the best vegetarian hamburguers i've ever eaten;
  • 13/10: watching designated survivor with vini; making brigadeiro and watching grey's anatomy and mindhunter with sis when she got home from brenda's party;
  • 14/10: finished s01 of designated survivor; experimente with mom, ísio, nilton, aunt, and nina; eating pizza at verdemar with the entire family;
  • 15/10: watching broncos vs giants with sis (broncos played like shit so i was kinda mad kinda happy); finding out jes did the broncos' cheerleaders' hair (i'm so proud of her);
  • 16/10: not much of a good day but i'm glad i have the people i do in my life for they're always trying to help me out; vini staying on the phone with me until 2 am just so i wouldn't be sad and alone;
  • 17/10: paul mccartney's concert ➝ honestly one of the best days of my life! sis and i wasted like $20 because we bought pop corn but we couldn't eat it inside so we threw it away because we really wanted to get in; they handed out some meat free monday ads and mom and ísio said we should do it at home (as i laughed and said i already do it everyday); the whole concert was amazing and i cried tears of joy because it was very emotional and the whole thing was just so special; mom saying her biggest acomplishment, more than passing her bar exam, was being able to take us to paul's concert front stage; i got my first beer cup from a concert and it's very pretty if i may say so; mom and ísio were very drunk and kept saying we were embarassed of them when we really weren't; the dog (amarelinha) we met when we left mineirão and its owner (JB): mom sat on the floor to play with it and both her and ísio kept talking with the guy and it was making sis lowkey stressed but they sang raul seixas together and it was cute; sis drove us back home and it was a really fun and special night;
  • 18/10: found my laptop!!!; slept in;
  • 20/10: james' burger with vini;
  • 21/10: studio bar with vini and ku;
  • 22/10: having lunch with mom and ísio;
  • 23/10: aced my mqa test;
  • 24/10: stayed up on the phone with vini helping him with financial math;
  • 25/10: talking to the vini on the parking lot for a little while;
  • 26/10: watched mindhunter and one of us with sis;
  • 27/10: busy day ➝ did my nails while watching stranger things, went to wax then to bia (didn't make the correct route but it all worked out) then picked alair up at espaço província so he could shower at my house then drove him back and then drove back home to finish getting ready; ucj 25 anos
jan 17 2017 ∞
nov 12 2017 +