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may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground

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evelyn _entregas
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rose 101 in 1001 (the list)
우주소녀 jam
Amanda jay
Amanda Montt jessie
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Bru joao
Bárbara jolie
Charlotte julia
Cissa julia
D julie
Gabriela jéssica
Gabriele Babele júlia
Giulia júlia
Han ka
Ingrid Marc kales
Josephine kari
Lari keegan
Lelis keuri
Liz koi
Luciana lacy
Lust for Lists lauren
Läu lavi
Maandy laísi
Mariana le
Matsu letícia
Natália liraz
Patricia lol
Sabrina Santiago louise
Scarlett lu
Stavros lua f.
Tanja luana
Taynan luca
Tiffany lucy
V luisa
Vivs luiza
a ~ luiza
abby lulu
aivin lulu
alexia lulu
ally lune
ana lunnies
andie lydia
andressa m
ane maggie
anna maido
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anna malu
anna marah
annie marcela
antoinette marcella
ara marcella
arantxa maria
ariel mariana
astrid marido
b marina
baba yaga maroca
baby girl marruá
bea! maruyamaria
becca mayzinha
bela mei
bela meli
belie melinwonderland
belle meℓina and th...
bia mia
bianca michelle
bianca mimi
bibi misa
bibia miya
birdie monday
birdsong moony
bloodbride morimoonie
bonafini mæria
brenda na
brigtter naju
callie nathália
cami nicole
carol paty
carol paulinha
carolina peach
caroline peaches
caroline petra
caroline plum
cassi priscila
chrissy rafa
clara rav
dani rosa
danielle rose
dina s.
duda sabine
duda smackenzie
elizabeth softie
ellen steph
ellen sumire
emi sydney
eri t
eva t.
evelyn tatabrandes
fefa tigerhead
felipe trace
florrie turtle
flávio u
fura vee
g vi
gabe vic
gabi vickye
gigi wanda
gillian xofana
giovanna yuu
giovanna ʚɞ
giv искусство
honeybee ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
inara えりい
isabella 알바
  • Secret Society Girl - Diana Peterfreund ★★★
  • Under the Rose - Diana Peterfreund ★★★★
    • amy haskel is one of the best female characters i've ever encountered
  • Lady Midnight - Cassandra Clare ★★★★
    • I love all of the characters a lot except for julian and emma, of course. Also, really nice plot twists!! AND A NEW HERONDALE!!! MY HEART!!!
  • Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare ★★★★★
    • Such a great ending. I loved Tess with Will and then with Jem and how Jem managed to be a part of their lives and the whole background on Tess. Also Cecily and Gabriel, I just love them so much!
  • Minha Vida Fora de Série - 4 temporada - Paula Pimenta ★★★★★
    • I read it all in one sitting (literally, 7 hours) and now my heart has a hole in it that can only be filled by the 5th's book release. I loved all the characters and the plot and how Rodrigo is moving on, but I miss Pri and aaa I honestly cannot wait for the next one
  • The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business - Charles Duhigg ★★★★★
    • I loved this one and I honestly can't wait to test it out
jan 17 2017 ∞
jan 8 2018 +