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may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground

ivyink things i love (january 2025)
えりい 原神
love media consumption (articles read - january '25)
yrsa ANO. (metas para 2025)
Tanja memories (my top 10 moments of each year)
우주소녀 isabella
Amanda its
Amanda Montt ivyink
Ariel jam
Bru jay
Bárbara jessie
Charlotte jessie j
Cissa joao
D jolie
Ellen julia
Gabriela julia
Gabriele Babele julia
Han julie
Ingrid Marc jéssica
Josephine júlia
Ju Lee ka
Juliana kales
Júlia kari
Lari keuri
Lelis koi
Liz laoise
Luciana lauren
Lust for Lists lavi
Läu laísi
Maandy le
Mariana letícia
Matsu lia
Natália liraz
Patricia lol
Q louise
Sabrina Santiago love
Scarlett lu
Stavros lua f.
Tanja luana
Tiffany luca
V lucy
Vivs luisa
a ~ luiza
abby luiza
aivin lulu
alexia lulu
ally lulu
ana lune
andie lunnies
andressa lydia
ane mackenzie
anna maggie
anna maido
anna mali
anna malu
annie marah
antoinette marcela
ara marcella
arantxa marcella
ariel maria
astrid mariana
aura marido
ayden marina
b maroca
baba yaga marruá
baby girl maruyamaria
bea! mary
becca mayzinha
bel mei
bela meli
bela melinwonderland
belie meℓina and th...
belle mia
bia michelle
bianca mimi
bianca miya
bibi monday
bibia moony
birdie morimoonie
birdsong mæria
bloodbride na
bonafini naju
bre nathália
brigtter nicole
buni paty
callie paulinha
cami peach
carol peaches
carol petra
carolina plum
caroline priscila
caroline rae
caroline rafa
cassi rav
cedar rosa
chrissy rose
clara s.
cláudia sabine
dani shug avery
danielle sloane
dina softie
duda steph
duda sumire
e sydney
e t
elizabeth t.
ellen tahani
ellen tatabrandes
emi tay
eva thay
evelyn tigerhead
fefa trace
felipe turtle
florrie u
flávio vee
fura verdemusgo
g vickye
gabe wanda
gabi xofana
gigi yrsa
gillian yuu
giovanna zoe
giovanna ʚɞ
giulia искусство
henrique ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
ilya えりい
isa 알바

bold is for movies that i'd buy; italic is for documentaries

  • Black Panther, ★★★★★ - best marvel movie ever, honestly
  • Captain America: The First Avenger, ★★★☆☆
  • Darkest Hour, ★★★★☆ - such an amazing movie with spectacular performance, though the middle to the end part dragged on a little bit more than i'd have liked to
  • Iron Man 3, ★★★☆☆
  • Step Sisters, ★★☆☆☆ - uh, it was your typical rom-com movie with a black twist. it was nice tho, i enjoyed it, just not a masterpiece or anything
  • The Avengers, ★★★★★
  • The Big Short,★★★★★ - great movie with a lot of financial info
  • The Secret, ★★★★☆
  • Thor, ★★★★☆ - i love thor and loki
  • Thor: The Dark World, ★★★★☆ - my baby loki is the best
  • Very Good Girls, ★★★☆☆ - i was quite pleased with the ending and it was a nice indie movie overall
  • What the Health, ★★★★★
  • Tropa de Elite, ★★★★☆
  • Love, Simon, ★★★★☆ - such a great movie and so important
  • Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room, ★★★★☆
  • The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3, ★★★☆☆
  • The Avengers: Infinity War, ★★★★★ - i can't believe i'll have to wait a whole year to watch the outcome aaa
  • The Rachel Divide, ★★★★☆ - okay, i still stand by my point she shouldn't be saying she's black becauses she didn't have to go through all the things that a black person has to, but i did start seeing her in a gentler way
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, ★★★☆☆ - so i love snow white and the dwarfs (and her animal friends aww). i really did love the movie even with the questionable things that were said (and i get it, it was released in fucking 1937); the soundtrack is niiiice
  • Pinocchio, ★★★☆☆ - such a beautiful movie with great teachings (specially for kids) although there were some bits i was like (hmm a bit too much for a kid's movie, but i mean it was realeased in like 1940 so all good). i love figaro!!! i wanna adopt him
  • Fantasia, ★★☆☆☆ - the movie is truly incredible and the soundtrack is just amazing, but it took me a little while to finish watching it because i kinda missed the dialogues and got a little sleepy through it
  • Dumbo, ★★★★★ - i love this movie sooooo much, i cannot not cry watching it. such an amazing story and dumbo's mom is just the sweetest, truly a remarkable classic
  • Bambi, ★★★★★ - i thought i'd cry way way more, but it's such a great movie with that daily reminder that humans are trash and hunting is dumb. A+
  • Saludos Amigos, ★★★☆☆ - i loved the whole live action/cartoon crossover and it warmed my heart how everything truly represented south america (specially the bit in brazil)
  • Cuatro Lunas, ★★★★☆ - obv. i cried puddles of tears; loved all the storylines and the characters
  • Set It Up, ★★★★★ - is it trash rom-com? yes! will i watch it every year? YES! omg, i just loved this one so so so much, the soundtrack was perfect and the ending was surprisingly amazing. also harper is me in an AU
  • To All the Boys I've Loved Before, ★★★★★ - i love room coms where the characters are not entirely STUPID!
  • Sierra Burges Is a Loser, ★★★★☆ - i did have some problems with it but great chick flick nonetheless.
jan 8 2018 ∞
dec 23 2019 +