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may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground

Jodie 2025 (books read)
chrissy monthly (2025-3)
meli wishlist (comprar)
우주소녀 honeybee
Amanda i
Amanda Montt inara
Ariel isa
Bru isa
Bárbara isabella
Charlotte its
Cissa ivyink
D jam
Ellen jay
Gabriela jessie
Gabriele Babele jessie j
Han joao
Ingrid Marc jolie
Jesly julia
Jo julia
Jodie julia
Josephine julie
Ju Lee jéssica
Juliana júlia
Júlia ka
Lari kales
Lelis kari
Liz kc
Luciana keuri
Lust for Lists koi
Läu lauren
Maandy lavi
Mariana laísi
Matsu le
Natália letícia
Patricia lia
Q liraz
Sabrina Santiago listography
Scarlett lol
Stavros louise
Tanja love
Tiffany lu
V lua f.
Vivs luana
a ~ luca
abby lucy
aivin luisa
alexia luiza
ally luiza
ana lulu
andie lulu
andressa lulu
ane lune
anna lunnies
anna lydia
anna mackenzie
anna maggie
annie maido
antoinette mali
ara malu
arantxa marah
ariel marcela
astrid marcella
aura marcella
ayden maria
b mariana
baba yaga marido
baby girl marina
bea! maroca
bel marruá
bela maruyamaria
bela mary
belie mayzinha
belle mei
beta meli
bia melinwonderland
bianca meℓina and th...
bianca mia
bibi michelle
bibia mimi
birdie misu
birdsong miya
bloodbride monday
bonafini moony
bre morimoonie
brigtter mæria
buni na
ca naju
callie nathália
cami nicole
carol paty
carol paulinha
carolina peach
caroline peaches
caroline petra
caroline plum
cassi priscila
cedar rae
chrissy rafa
clara rav
clara rosa
cláudia rose
daisy s.
dani sabine
danielle sav
dina shug avery
domi sloane
duda softie
duda steph
e sumire
e sydney
eduarda t
elizabeth t.
ellen tahani
ellen tali
emi tatabrandes
esteph tay
eva thay
evelyn tigerhead
fefa trace
felipe turtle
florrie u
flávio vee
folkmoss verdemusgo
fura vi
g wanda
g xofana
gabe yuu
gabi ʚɞ
gigi искусство
giovanna ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
giulia えりい
henrique 알바


  • reading:
    • sapiens
    • to all the boys i've loved before
  • watching:
    • grey's anatomy s10
  • shopping:
    • colored pens bc why not
    • stabilo highlighters (pastel)
    • books!!
    • zara sale
  • notes:
    • i deeply HATE how much it rains (not the rain itself, it's the thunders/lightnings that bother me the most) during the beginning of the year... can it just stop already?
    • under pressure, underpaid and working overtime;
    • so much anxiety i might die???
    • really grateful for the amazing friends i have in my life;
    • my siblings are for real the cutest kids on earth, don't @ me;
    • really really anxious.... i don't even remember the last time it was this bad;
    • 17/01: finalmente aprovaram essa desgraça de vacinaaaa!!! torcendo pra vacinarem logo o povo e começar a imunidade de rebanho pra eu ter meus showzinhos e festivais novamente;


  • notes:
    • johnny's battery died again????? but honestly, thank god for good friends and fuck my anxiety???
    • am i alive or am i just working 9-9? uptade: i'm just working 8-11
    • my friends are the best and i really do not deserve them.
    • i actually want to kms, there's no way i can handle this much anxiety.
    • so lolla got cancelled... glasto got cancelled... no reasons to smile.
    • planned a trip with mimi, cacaus and mari mari for april so okay i have to keep myself alive until then.
    • i sent out the first draft of my tcc....... it's utter shite though.
    • 26/02: in a wild turn of events, i actually passed the CRC test???

mar apr

  • reading:
    • to all the boys i've loved before
    • p.s. i still love you
  • watching:
    • bbb
    • de férias com o ex celebs (s07)
    • shadow and bone
  • shopping:
    • bikinis (2 pairs) @ cila
    • airbnb and travel expenditures
  • notes:
    • i got a much needed week off and it was great. mimi, cacaus, mari mari, macholas and i headed over to his aunt's airbnb in sete lagoas and had a wonderful time there! mimi fez uma moqueca de palmito maravilhosa que quero inclusive replicar no dia das mães and we cooked pasta/risotto, which was really nice. we also drank a lot and had lots of fun playing darts, going to the sauna, playing cards and just talking in general (principalmente as histórias do macholas kaakka);
    • everyday i think i'm shitty at my job and that i'm gonna get fired;
    • reached the conclusion that i really really need to focus on my health because work is not worth dying at 35 from a heart attack;


  • reading:
    • p.s. i still love you
    • always and forever, lara jean
    • chain of gold
  • watching:
    • grey's anatomy s10
    • unsolved mysteries s2
  • shopping:
    • birthday party decoration (mamma mia themed)
    • cake (for my birthday party)
    • sis' gift
    • outfits for my birthday;
  • notes:
    • aunt being very upset i didn't tell her i'd been cheated on... lmao, it was pretty funny;
    • sis and i are throwing a mamma mia themed birthday party for our 25th!!! sadly not many people will be able to come because corona is still a thing :(. buttt we ordered two different cakes, i bought decoration stuff and we're gonna dress up so i'm sure we'll have a good time regardless;
    • i'm really tired and i really need some vacation!
    • zappa vai sair da pwc...... dias que nunca imaginei que iriam rolar;
    • mimi got vaccinated!
    • mimi and cacaus are going to cancun;
    • vini dating again.... not even gonna write about it so i don't make myself even more miserable


  • reading:
    • chain of gold
  • shopping:
    • vini's gift (a clown, i know)
    • my glasses (that were expensive af and i'm lazy af so i didn't go somewhere cheap bc i'm dumb and lazy, nothing new)
  • watching:
    • grey's anatomy s11
    • the bold type s1
    • dom s1
  • notes:
    • i can't stop listening to olivia rodrigo... does that mean i'm depressed? hell yeah;
    • i really cannot wait for my time off!!!! my brain is quite literally fried and i have no motivation left in my body;
    • trying to lose weight but pretending i'm not trying to do that lmao;
    • i... i have depression;
    • búzios with the family!!! it was actually really nice and it was really wholesome seeing my brothers at the beach and spending more time with them (also the restaurants and places sis, vitor and i went while we were there were great and we had a really good time);
    • wish i could live forever on vacation;
    • still really fucking sad, but hoping it will get better;
    • ana and cadu broke up so we're basically living the same life lmao


    • reading:
    • watching:
      • carnaval (movie)
      • gossip girl reboot s1
      • grey's anatomy s11
      • drive to survive s1, s2
    • shopping:
      • nail polish
      • cacau's gift
      • harry potter books (nothing new)
    • notes:
      • mimi is gonna leave pwc, lmao, i've been going through a lot of breakups and losses.... do not quite enjoy it;
      • i've been consistently painting my own nails and i'm very proud of myself because of it;
      • pwc is a chaos, what is new? i'm so not ready to be a senior associate lmao, what were they thinking when they promoted me;
      • i'm actually being able to keep a consistent workout routine and i'm happy about it;
      • obsessed with f1 and driving to survive! absurdly in love with daniel ricciardo!
      • watching the olympics non-stop (and in love with skating because of it);


  • reading:
  • watching:
    • drive to survive, s3
    • love is blind, after the reunion
    • outer banks, s1
    • twilight saga
  • shopping:
    • sallve
    • pff2 masks (i'm a protected bitch)
    • mimi's gifts
  • notes:
    • applied somewhere else but did not get the job! yay!
    • fechei bs2 (it was chaotic and i didn't sleep for two whole nights)
    • huge fight with my parents with me crying in public, lmao real nice;
    • tanurinho vacinou e mimi tomou a segunda dose! i hope i get mine soon; vick, gabe, dede and nina also vaccinated;
    • dede went to harvard;
    • 'cause i'm still so fucked in love with youuuu i try to move on i even kiss every girl on the VIP list;
    • sis and i are rewatching the twilight saga movies and bro, jacob is such a good being lmao, i've always loved him but now that i'm not a teenager it's even more obvious how nice he is (i didn't even want bella to be with him bc he deserves the actual best and her and edward are annoying as fuck and therefore perfect for each other). also, it'd be great to have a series on emmett/rosalie and alice/jasper;
    • 22/08: 1st dose of the vaccine! this girl is on pfizerrr
    • i'm in love with outer banks lmao;
    • mari is pregnant and we're very excited about it!
    • jukia and i went out for dinner again and it was great as usual


  • reading:
    • chain of gold
    • the ballad of songbirds and snakes
  • watching:
    • drive to survive, s3
    • gossip girl, s1
    • new girl, s1, s2
    • turning point: 9/11 and the war on terror
  • shopping:
    • clothes(work)
    • chain of iron
    • nail polish
  • notes:
    • went on a run with ku and júlia and it was really nice (though i almost died); there were a couple of stores doing a kind of show up together and there was free gin&tonic and a guy playing the violin and it was a great saturday morning (also júlia said she was really sad vini and i broke up and i was like ME TOO GIRLIE);
    • went out for dinner with ana and carol (ana and cadu are gonna try to work things out between them and i could not even pretend i was happy for her, i was just speechless);
    • nfl is back which is nice, although the giants are shit!
    • 12/09: ricci won in monza!!! 1-2 for mclaren and a huge crash between lewis and max, it was incredible;
    • being on vacation is awesome, i honestly hate the fact we have to pay to exist in this world and cannot just enjoy our lives;
    • sis and i went on a shopping spree for work clothes and it was really fun (did i spend a lot of money? yes! but worth it)
    • addicted to tlh!!!! the whole alastair-thomas-charles thing and lucie and jesse and james and cordelia and matthew being amazing and all the different layers to the characters and the whole bracelet thing!!!!! aaa, just amazing, thank you for everything cassandra clare;


    • reading:
      • the ballad of songbirds and snakes
      • us
    • watching:
      • nfl - broncos are shit and so are the giants, nothing new
      • f1 - i just want lewis to win the WC, damn it
      • epl - tottenham just makes me mad 24/7
      • love is blind brazil - men are trash, what's new
    • shopping:
      • masks masks masks
      • nail polish
      • airplane tickets (lolla)
    • notes:
      • changed jobs, wtf??? but i'm liking it so far, though i feel dumb 24/7
      • still talking about vini on therapy *grunts*
      • reading more, happy girl
      • went to another nutritionist and i'm excited!
      • lolla's lineup is out! mgk!!!! and foo fighters!!!
      • 1st halloween with raul and gus trick or treating;


    • reading:
      • us
    • watching:
      • euphoria, s1
      • parks and recreation, s1
      • teen wolf, s1
      • criminal minds, s1
      • eternals
    • shopping:
      • make up
      • skincare stuff
      • haircare stuff
      • bodycare stuff
    • notes:
      • 03/11: fully vaxxed!
      • tv show characters personality quiz got me thinking i'm a really nice person!
      • i'll admit it: aquela barrinha da bold aquecida no micro-ondas fica realmente gostosinha; (nvm, got sick after eating it)
      • brazil's gp week!!! i'm so excited, it makes me feel like i'm a teenager again, awaiting for the drivers to get to the airport, wanting to know where they're at etc. so nice, i miss this
      • 14/11: GP de interlagos just fucking incredible, oh my god! O que é lewis hamilton, pqp, eu sou cachorrinha desse homem sim senhor, melhor ser humano!!! comprei bonezinho da merc, agora só falta da mclaren! como eu amo amo amo esportes e fazer coisas que eu amo
      • red (taylor's version) is just amazing, i have it on repeat lmao;
      • luiza falou que lembrou de mim com o filme de all too well 10 minute version and i was like lmao yes, sad
      • dinner with vick at eataly (the food really is delicious!!!)
      • dinner with laura at cabana (pls come to bh, juro que é um dos melhores hámburgueres que já comi na vida)
      • patties rewatching the brazil gp (yes, sp was all about f1 and food, and i was really happy about it)
      • went to the movies for the first time after the world ended and i missed it so much;
      • trying to get things right at my new job and feeling like i'm failing, but i enjoy it so much more (:
      • i've got to get back to my good reading habits, idk why i self sabotage myself so mcuh, istg
      • bought tickets to yet another music festival, someone stop me;
      • need to get my finances back in order bro;
      • went batshit crazy on black friday lmao;


  • reading:
    • us
  • watching:
    • criminal minds, s1
    • outer banks, s2
    • spider-man: no way home
    • emily in paris, s2
  • shopping:
    • xmas gifts
  • notes:
    • i just wanna get over it, oh my god, when will it go away;
    • not being very productive lately and anxious because of it :/;
    • spotify wrapped is my favorite event of the year!!!! new light was my #1 song, lmao, what a year;
    • crying almost every therapy session, amazing;
    • sp with cacaus and going to xp! everyone is really nice and it was a really fun trip! we went to eataly with duds and alberto and the food there is really something else;
    • lewis losing the wdc because of mistakes by FIA. i cried.
    • christmas time is my favorite time! neuzi fez uma sobremesa de moranga com coco que tem tudo pra ser ruim, mas é perfeita???
    • everyone asking if my nails are acrylic lmao;
    • bought the flight tickets to glastonbury and nearly died as i paid for it (11k lmaoooo what the fuck is this);
    • actually making progress regarding my exercises + eating habits;
    • i love the end of the year because it actually gives me perspective on how much i grew + planning for the upcoming year;
    • i hate xmas traffic, everytime i leave the house i have to pray to God to grant me patience not to kill anyone;
    • cried a lottt watching the new spider man movie (i love it even more bc tom holland is perfect and he is a spurs fan so i deeply identify with him);
    • obsessed with the coffee's iced vanilla latte;
    • christmas was really nice! everyone loved the gifts i bought for them and that made me happy :). it was sweet seeing the babies im pompeu for the first time and gus loved the ice cream (obviously); getting there was a bit of a hassle as the last 20km were under complete downpour and i could not see a thing in front of me and the road was in awful conditions, which made it worse, but everything worked out;
    • binge-watched emily in paris! very silly but it's nice to get my mind off things (emily should be with alfie ffs)
    • new year's at bambu's country house with mimi, cacaus and his friends :) cacaus and mimi were really nice and kept me company the entire time! we all played cards against humanity and dinxit and it was pretty fun!
jan 1 2021 ∞
jan 3 2022 +