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may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground

evelyn television (03/25)
chrissy monthly (2025-3)
bibia *ੈ✩‧₊˚ (daily log)
meli wishlist (comprar)
우주소녀 honeybee
Amanda i
Amanda Montt inara
Ariel isa
Bru isa
Bárbara isabella
Charlotte its
Cissa ivyink
D jam
Ellen jay
Gabriela jessie
Gabriele Babele jessie j
Han joao
Ingrid Marc jolie
Jesly julia
Jo julia
Jodie julia
Josephine julie
Ju Lee jéssica
Juliana júlia
Júlia ka
Lari kales
Lelis kari
Liz kc
Luciana keuri
Lust for Lists koi
Läu lauren
Maandy lavi
Mariana laísi
Matsu le
Natália letícia
Patricia lia
Q liraz
Sabrina Santiago listography
Scarlett lol
Stavros louise
Tanja love
Tiffany lu
V lua f.
Vivs luana
a ~ luca
abby lucy
aivin luisa
alexia luiza
ally luiza
ana lulu
andie lulu
andressa lulu
ane lune
anna lunnies
anna lydia
anna mackenzie
anna maggie
annie maido
antoinette mali
ara malu
arantxa marah
ariel marcela
astrid marcella
aura marcella
ayden maria
b mariana
baba yaga marido
baby girl marina
bea! maroca
bel marruá
bela maruyamaria
bela mary
belie mayzinha
belle mei
beta meli
bia melinwonderland
bianca meℓina and th...
bianca mia
bibi michelle
bibia mimi
birdie misu
birdsong miya
bloodbride monday
bonafini moony
bre morimoonie
brigtter mæria
buni na
ca naju
callie nathália
cami nicole
carol paty
carol paulinha
carolina peach
caroline peaches
caroline petra
caroline plum
cassi priscila
cedar rae
chrissy rafa
clara rav
clara rosa
cláudia rose
daisy s.
dani sabine
danielle sav
dina shug avery
domi sloane
duda softie
duda steph
e sumire
e sydney
eduarda t
elizabeth t.
ellen tahani
ellen tali
emi tatabrandes
esteph tay
eva thay
evelyn tigerhead
fefa trace
felipe turtle
florrie u
flávio vee
folkmoss verdemusgo
fura vi
g wanda
g xofana
gabe yuu
gabi ʚɞ
gigi искусство
giovanna ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
giulia えりい
henrique 알바

—— albums listened

—— calendar

  • 02 | cruzeiro vs. américa
  • 03 | tiaguinho
  • 04 | comemoração aniversário emmerick
  • 05 | spurs vs. brighton, cruzeiro vs. caldense, emmerick, laser 12:00
  • 06 | barça vs. atleti
  • 09 | spurs vs. southampton, cruzeiro vs. democrata
  • 11 | comemoração aniversário ninoca
  • 12 | cruzeiro vs. tombense, comemoração aniversário ninoca
  • 13 | spurs vs. wolves, barça vs. espanyol, super bowl lvi, comemoração aniversário ninoca
  • 15 | nutricionista 08:00
  • 17 | barça vs. napoli, cruzeiro vs. uberlândia
  • 19 | spurs vs. manchester city, laura
  • 20 | barça vs. valencia, cruzeiro vs. villa nova
  • 23 | cruzeiro vs. sergipe, spurs vs. burnley
  • 24 | barça vs. napoli
  • 25 | baile do dennis
  • 26 | spurs vs. leeds, laser 09:30, gusttavo lima
  • 27 | barça vs. bilbao, letícia

—— expenses

  • covid test, negative
  • gym membership
  • pharmacy sutff
  • pt classes
  • plane tickets
  • f1 tickets
  • brilho corporal lola

—— goals

  • assistir 03 filmes disney (0/3)
  • assistir 03 filmes/séries marvel (0/3)
  • assistir 03 filmes/séries star wars (0/3)
  • comprar passagens (mita, despedida mimi)
  • exame sangue
  • fazer pudim nozes vovó
  • imprimir passaporte
  • ipva carro
  • levar roupas vovó arrumar
  • limpar caixa recordações
  • limpar escrivaninha
  • marcar cabelo casamento
  • marcar dentista
  • marcar dermatologista
  • marcar maquiagem casamento
  • orçar clareamento
  • orçar despedida mimi
  • pedir mesa xp
  • presente carlos
  • presente mari
  • separar docs registro crc

—— movies

  • the tinder swindler

—— podcasts

—— reading

  • us

—— tv shows

  • agent carter
  • bbb
  • euphoria
  • neymar: the perfect chaos
  • love is blind
  • criminal minds

—— current affairs

  • palmeiras x chelsea playing the club's wc final
  • rams won the sb lvi
  • 50 cent, eminem, snoop dogg, dr. dre, mj blige and kendrick lamar played the halftime show and it was incredible
  • wwiii approaching??? madness
  • f1 pre-season underway
  • russia invaded ukraine and they're bombing it and ppl have to leave their houses and seek refugee in other countries. there are a lot of economic sanctions going on and even switzerland opposed putin publicly

—— life notes

  • i'm really annoyed at people and at life and things are really tough to handle right now because i have a bunch of things to decide and a lot of expenses going on and it's all too much, i'm fucking stressed
  • bought f1 tickets and nothing can bring me down
  • tottenham will eventually make me kms, istg
  • gotta get back on track with my work outs, i've been going mostly 2x a week and it does make a huge difference on my mental health
  • a lot of decisions to make and communicate and i hate disappointing people :(
  • tired of feeling like shit and being so guilty and sad all the time, i wish i'd just get over it and be actually fine with everything that went down
  • watching the sb lvi with sis as our annual tradition, eating cheese pizza from pizza hut :) the game was amazing and it's always one my favorite moments of the entire year!
  • about to give up on the book i'm currently reading because *insert audio* it's so bad, i wanna give it a zero
  • so fucking cold, all the fucking time!!! i hate rain, i know it's good for the planet and stuff but i hate rain and gloomy weather, it makes me so damn depressed and unproductive
  • obsessed with lexi and fez (euphoria)
  • 22/02 | on the brink of tears while working out, embarassing but i hope it means i'm truly dedicating myself on the exercises
  • am sick and miserable, but at least sis and i bing watched love is blind during carnival — i really cannot believe shayne and natalie did not get married, like wtf???
  • spent the day on the country club sunbathing with sis and it was a really really really good day, i felt so so so happy :)

—— relationships

  • 01 | @ mineirão w/ face
  • 04 | @ protótipo w/ time de bancos and tanure
  • 11-13 | @ hotel fazenda confins w/ family
  • 19 | @ mercearia 130 w/ mimi cacaus and mari mari
  • 20 | @ amadeus w/ fael
  • 20 | @ si señor w/ laura and sis
  • 25 | @ mirante beagá w/ mimi cacaus and face
jan 31 2022 ∞
mar 2 2022 +