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may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground

ivyink things i love (january 2025)
えりい wishlist&goals
yrsa ANO. (metas para 2025)
rose podcasts (january 2025)
Tanja memories (my top 10 moments of each year)
우주소녀 isabella
Amanda its
Amanda Montt ivyink
Ariel jam
Bru jay
Bárbara jessie
Charlotte jessie j
Cissa joao
D jolie
Ellen julia
Gabriela julia
Gabriele Babele julia
Han julie
Ingrid Marc jéssica
Josephine júlia
Ju Lee ka
Juliana kales
Júlia kari
Lari keuri
Lelis koi
Liz laoise
Luciana lauren
Lust for Lists lavi
Läu laísi
Maandy le
Mariana letícia
Matsu lia
Natália liraz
Patricia lol
Q louise
Sabrina Santiago love
Scarlett lu
Stavros lua f.
Tanja luana
Tiffany luca
V lucy
Vivs luisa
a ~ luiza
abby luiza
aivin lulu
alexia lulu
ally lulu
ana lune
andie lunnies
andressa lydia
ane mackenzie
anna maggie
anna maido
anna mali
anna malu
annie marah
antoinette marcela
ara marcella
arantxa marcella
ariel maria
astrid mariana
aura marido
ayden marina
b maroca
baba yaga marruá
baby girl maruyamaria
bea! mary
becca mayzinha
bel mei
bela meli
bela melinwonderland
belie meℓina and th...
belle mia
bia michelle
bianca mimi
bianca miya
bibi monday
bibia moony
birdie morimoonie
birdsong mæria
bloodbride na
bonafini naju
bre nathália
brigtter nicole
buni paty
callie paulinha
cami peach
carol peaches
carol petra
carolina plum
caroline priscila
caroline rae
caroline rafa
cassi rav
cedar rosa
chrissy rose
clara s.
cláudia sabine
dani shug avery
danielle sloane
dina softie
duda steph
duda sumire
e sydney
e t
elizabeth t.
ellen tahani
ellen tatabrandes
emi tay
eva thay
evelyn tigerhead
fefa trace
felipe turtle
florrie u
flávio vee
fura verdemusgo
g vickye
gabe wanda
gabi xofana
gigi yrsa
gillian yuu
giovanna zoe
giovanna ʚɞ
giulia искусство
henrique ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
ilya えりい
isa 알바

—— albums listened

—— calendar

  • 09 | spurs vs. morecambe
  • 12 | spurs vs. chelsea; barça vs madrid; therapy
  • 15 | bengals vs. raiders; bills vs. patriots;
  • 16 | spurs vs. arsenal; buccaneers vs. eagles; cowboys vs. 49ers; chiefs vs. steelers
  • 17 | rams vs. cardinals
  • 19 | spurs vs. leicester; therapy
  • 20 | barça vs. bilbao
  • 21 | ginecologista, 16:40
  • 22 | comemoração de aniversário do ku
  • 23 | spurs vs. chelsea; barça vs. alavés
  • 26 | tia papaula; fotos mimi e cacaus; cruzeiro vs. urt
  • 27 | kumaira; ninoca
  • 28 | clínico geral, 13:30
  • 30 | cruzeiro vs. athletic
  • 31 | eyebrows, 19:00

—— current affairs

  • colored tattoos prohibited in the EU
  • lando and luisinha going official lmao what a joy
  • omicron and the surge in covid cases
  • rain chaos (again) - ~200mm in bh in just a weekend; 040 interditada e acidente em capitólio;
  • brazil received the 1st shipment of pfizer's vaccine for children (~ 1m doses)
  • spurs x arsenal postponed bc arsenal are the shittiest team out there and said they don't havel a full squad due to covid-19 (only one player has tested positive, just like tottenham) but in reality it's because they don't know how to manage a team :) and the epl just overlooked all of this and postponed the match without even consulting us
  • djokovic deported from australia because he refused to vaccinate; lmao good for the world
  • the spurs game against leicester :))) we were down 2x1 on the 94' and we scored on the 95' and 96' and won the game
  • russia and ukraine tensions
  • nadal won his 21st grand slam making him the male player with most titles :))
  • best playoffs ever!!!!

—— goals

  • anotar aniversários e calendário esportivo
    • google calendar
    • listography
    • planner
  • arrumar armário
  • assistir 06 filmes da disney (3/6)
  • assistir 06 filmes/séries da marvel (1/6)
  • assistir 06 filmes/séries de star wars (0/6)
  • criar novas listas do listography
  • curso de python
  • definir compras do mês
  • marcar clínico geral
  • marcar ginecologista
  • mudar plano do santander
  • orçamento financeiro 2022
  • responder todo mundo no wpp
  • revisão carro
  • separar roupas para doar

—— life notes

  • aunt asking me if motels are still a thing;
  • i love hp more than... anything???? the reunion was so wholesome
  • i need to buy a dehumidifier but whyyyy so expensive
  • it's 2022, how's it possible we still have homophobes who aren't afraid to voice out their disgusting opinions???
  • o bolo é realmente péssimo! não acredito que a mari vai mesmo ter um filho com ele;
  • started going to the gym and mom is paying a PT to help me out; bless her
  • cacau's grandama died and i went to the funeral and it was all very sad and although it's part of life, it's still really weird and depressing;
  • "se isso já aconteceu antes e tá acontecendo agora de novo é um problema dele pra resolver e não seu";
  • watching the playoffs with sis. cowboys vs 49ers was pure entertainment, istg, good games are really really good games. lmaooo, on this note, we watched the safety to pick 6 on the rams x cardinals game and we nearly died
  • watching big brother! é muito bom ser alienada
  • all the nfl games are being perfection??? chiefs x bills was one of the best games i've ever watched but bro, the overtime rules in nfl are pure shit! how is it possible that a team can win without the other team getting a chance to actually play???
  • will the guilt ever go away? i guess not
  • sis and i trauma sharing and realising we're more fucked up than we imagined, how nice
  • i really need to get my sleep sorted out because nowadays all i wanna do is sleep and it's been fucking up my life pretty bad — tired of being tired and never getting enough rest
  • working out at the gym and even though i'm not seeing physical progress, it really is nice doing everything with a PT to help me out
  • mimi and cacaus took their pre wedding photos here at retiro and they looked lovely, it was nice to be a part of it somehow
  • cleaned out my closet and it amazes me how much stuff i owned and did not wear.... i do hope all of the things i'll be donating help people out :)

—— movies

  • harry potter 20th anniversary: return to hogwarts
  • the reluctant dragon
  • the three caballeros
  • fun and fancy free
  • melody time

—— relationships

  • 01 | @ home w/ sis ➝ hp reunion + queer eye - we cried a lot, lmao
  • 08 | @ hermes pardini w/ mari e mimi; @ home w/ tia bia, ninoca, nilton, mom, ísio e babies
  • 15 | @ casa da carol w/ carol, breno and fael
  • 30 | @ lagoa seca w/ ku

—— podcasts

—— reading

  • us
  • the nest

—— expenses

  • car maintenance
  • pads
  • oreos :)
  • nail art brushes
  • new phone charger 'cause mine died

—— tv shows

  • euphoria
  • queer eye
  • rebelde
  • agent carter
  • bbb 22
dec 3 2021 ∞
feb 1 2022 +