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may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground

chrissy monthly (2025-3)
bibia *ੈ✩‧₊˚ (daily log)
meli wishlist (comprar)
우주소녀 honeybee
Amanda i
Amanda Montt inara
Ariel isa
Bru isa
Bárbara isabella
Charlotte its
Cissa ivyink
D jam
Ellen jay
Gabriela jessie
Gabriele Babele jessie j
Han joao
Ingrid Marc jolie
Jesly julia
Jo julia
Jodie julia
Josephine julie
Ju Lee jéssica
Juliana júlia
Júlia ka
Lari kales
Lelis kari
Liz kc
Luciana keuri
Lust for Lists koi
Läu lauren
Maandy lavi
Mariana laísi
Matsu le
Natália letícia
Patricia lia
Q liraz
Sabrina Santiago listography
Scarlett lol
Stavros louise
Tanja love
Tiffany lu
V lua f.
Vivs luana
a ~ luca
abby lucy
aivin luisa
alexia luiza
ally luiza
ana lulu
andie lulu
andressa lulu
ane lune
anna lunnies
anna lydia
anna mackenzie
anna maggie
annie maido
antoinette mali
ara malu
arantxa marah
ariel marcela
astrid marcella
aura marcella
ayden maria
b mariana
baba yaga marido
baby girl marina
bea! maroca
bel marruá
bela maruyamaria
bela mary
belie mayzinha
belle mei
beta meli
bia melinwonderland
bianca meℓina and th...
bianca mia
bibi michelle
bibia mimi
birdie misu
birdsong miya
bloodbride monday
bonafini moony
bre morimoonie
brigtter mæria
buni na
ca naju
callie nathália
cami nicole
carol paty
carol paulinha
carolina peach
caroline peaches
caroline petra
caroline plum
cassi priscila
cedar rae
chrissy rafa
clara rav
clara rosa
cláudia rose
daisy s.
dani sabine
danielle sav
dina shug avery
domi sloane
duda softie
duda steph
e sumire
e sydney
eduarda t
elizabeth t.
ellen tahani
ellen tali
emi tatabrandes
esteph tay
eva thay
evelyn tigerhead
fefa trace
felipe turtle
florrie u
flávio vee
folkmoss verdemusgo
fura vi
g wanda
g xofana
gabe yuu
gabi ʚɞ
gigi искусство
giovanna ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
giulia えりい
henrique 알바


  • 📙: empire of pain;
  • 🎬:
  • 📺: criminal minds s07; agent carter s01; agent carter s02;
  • 📰: why people who overconsume have no sense of style; the ai that apparently wants elon musk to die; trump x zelensky; musk again asking workers to justify their employment activities; sam nordquist's murder; us tariffs on canada and mexico; starline;
  • 🎙️: história em meia hora ▸ conferência de berlim | rubens paiva; notícia no seu tempo ▸ trump redobra aposta em tarifaço para obter concessões; the psychology of your 20s ▸ is it anxiety or intuition?
  • 🎧: sabrina carpenter; alec benjamin;
  • 🧠: legacy of swiss design: –actually one of the nicest pieces i've come across in terms of understanding the swiss mentality/style in graphic design; sean onno talking about the mind games deluxe box set; inside casa do povo; it's time we talk about police suicide;
  • ⚽:
  • 🏈:
  • 🏎️: thank god i have mercedes bc wtf is ferrari (x2); ferrari managed to have both lewis and charles dsq????;
  • 🎟️: d'orsay; louvre; pompidou; petit palais; atelier des lumieres; sabrina carpenter; alec benjamin;
  • 🎨: ac/dc's turntable; cheetos other hand font; armani's all in collection; henry rousseau; naïve art;
  • 💅🏻: me poupe mas quem me dera (risqué, gray); flor de sal (dailus white); café cremoso (impala, red);
  • 💭: really into art and fashion lately, specially with the international fashion weeks; doing things for me!!!; gatilhos e mais gatilhos; i've been hating my body so much mehhhh :(; i love paris so so so much lmao, who would've guessed???;
  • 🗣️: arttttt; paris;
  • 💳: gym shoes!!!; uniqlo bag;
  • 🎯: ✔ doctor's appt.; study french; open investments account; declaração ir (começar); psych appt.; talk to mom & ísio; organize my 2025 budget spreadhseet;

fev |

mar 1 2025 ∞
mar 25 2025 +