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may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground

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ca naju
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clara rosa
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dina shug avery
domi sloane
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duda steph
e sumire
e sydney
eduarda t
elizabeth t.
ellen tahani
ellen tali
emi tatabrandes
esteph tay
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flávio vee
folkmoss verdemusgo
fura vi
g wanda
g xofana
gabe yuu
gabi ʚɞ
gigi искусство
giovanna ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
giulia えりい
henrique 알바

good things that happened

—— august

  • eating ice cream during the week with sis and vitor and just laughing and talking about going to gym and f1's silly season
  • lewis hamilton!!!! (he's always the best thing about this world)
  • raul and gus singing the beatles and learning colour names in english
  • "lalá, o raul tá fazendo muita bagunça" <3
  • hanging out with sis, vitor and his friends — they're all so nice! nina was so sweet to invite me to her birthday party
  • sobremesa de moranga com coco, melhor coisa do mundo!
  • seeing bernardo again and nothing has changed, his friendship was really a turning point for me and i'm so glad we'll be able to meet up more often
  • gb10's birthday party | carol, jukia and i went as velma, fred and daphne from scooby-doo and everyone had such great costumes on and we all danced and talked all night long and it was super nice, i love hanging out with them! jukia's parents are really the best and the food was great as well and i feel very blessed to have them in my life!!!!
  • spending time with my family is always so so good and i love them dearly, specially my parents and my aunt <3
  • "o coração fica no meio do peito ou no lado esquerdo?"
  • working out + running on the same day at the gym :)
  • ísio's gig — it was very cold but it was nice nevertheless

—— june

  • have dinner with carol at outback and talk about how she's been feeling and actually have her open up to me — also she got me make up and a face mask as a birthday gift and i love how well she knows me
  • casamento dani e clara with everyone from pwc :)) i love how close we all got and dani looked v handsome and clara's dress was amazing and we all had such a great time
  • projeto sabor w/ sis, the usual
  • stranger things + lareira
  • chai latte e muffins do starbucks :)) amo
  • 07 | cinejoia, sis, show de lany. laura abrigou a gente na casa dela e o ap é muito grande e bonito e eu fiquei trabalhando com ela e foi muito legal, eu amo nossa amizade e ela foi muito gentil de deixar eu e luiza ficarmos lá :). o show em si foi incrível, como o lugar é pequeno a gente ficou colada no palco e todo mundo conhecia as músicas então a atmosfera foi muito muito legal! e o paul é lindo kkkk e um fofo, ele pegava e usava tudo que jogavam pra ele
  • compras com a luiza pro glastonbury
  • viajar pra pompéu com a luiza escutando música
  • 11 | pompéu, família, aniversário da bisa. tia bia estava muito bêbada, lmao! i love spending time with my family and talking to them and we just ate the entire day, it was great. sis and i watched the race at the hotel, which wasn't so nice as max won it but we had fun going on a roadtrip just the two of us. we also watched the blind side (and then we cried)
  • 12 | shopping, jukia + fael + basques. we went to eddie's and shared milkshakes and talked about life and just had fun, i love spending time with them, it's such a nice friendship to have! we watched top gun together as well and we were almost all alone on the movie session so we laughed a lot (basques fell asleep) and sis was very kind to come get me late at night after the movie had ended

—— april

  • 01 | m130, mimi + cacaus + mari mari + tanurinho + raul, we all talked a lot and mimi and cacaus handed out their wedding invitation which looks beautiful and mari is due anytime now. we hadn't seen each other in a long time, so it was very nice
  • 03 | belô, sis + cecily + pedro, we had brunch and food was really really good :) i miss cecily a lot and it is always so great when we get to hang out because we can really talk about everything and pedro is always so sweet and fun to be around as well (and food was really good, just had to reinforce it)
  • 08 | the house, fael i had to wait up while sis was at Jack with her friends so fael and i met up and ate at the house while we talked about everything. once the house closed and we were (literally) kicked out we went to rei do pastel and continued talking there. it was really nice because we can talk about everything (from F1 to internal dilemmas) and we had lots of fun
  • 09 | burgos, fael and jukia, we had dinner and talked for hourssss, it was really fun! the food was amazing, as per usual, and jukia and fael were talking about how negative i am and how bad they wish i could see myself through their eyes — and fael gave me shit about how i settle for ugly people when vini should be my benchmark and not my "once in a lifetime"
  • 15 | ana's house, ana's friends, ana's farewell party. sis was kind enough to drive me there so i was able to drink and ana was very sweet and bought mostly vegetarian finger foods so i could eat :) ku, carol, breno and i talked for hours and ana was so happy everyone was there! carol and i got slightly worried about ku's relationship because julia seems really controlling but we didn't want to say anything because she already isn't our biggest fan. it'd been a long time since i last got to drink with my friends and i missed it
  • 16 | cacau's aunts house, mimi's friends, mimi's lingerie party. though i don't really get the hype of doing multiple events for a bachelor party and the day was chaotic, mimi was really happy that i managed to go and i was happy to celebrate that with her as well. the decoration was really fun and the food was amazing, her mom baked a cake and made some sweets and there was a charturier board that was really good! we played a game in which her friends sent cacaus some questions and she had to give the same answer he did and she also had to guess who gave her each lingerie set
  • 17 | belô + lullo, logosofofas, we had brunch at belo and i always love when we all go out together because we talk about so many things and it's so much fun :) we also went to lullo and the ice cream was amazing! it was a really nice day, we spent like 5 hours (????) together

—— march

  • 05 | divino, family, mom's birthday celebration :). ísio, sis and i kinda made it as a surprise party and the entire family was there, as well as some of mom's friends and she was very happy about it. sis and i spent most of the time talking to ligia and greg and it was very nice bc we hadn't seen them in forever! i drank lots of wine lmao and the food was really really good and it ended up being such a nice day overall
  • 11 | mix garden, sis' graduation party. it was such a great night! i mostly danced the entire night with carol and sis, lmao! drank lots of champagne and had the most wonderful time! sis and i did not eat a lot tho, upsetting as the food seemed great. our family seems to have had a great time as well, even if the music wasn't the best! sis looked really pretty and i got a lot of compliments on my dress (aunt's dress tbh) as well. carol slept over and we spent the next day watching football and it was great, she's the absolute best
  • 12 | mercearia 130, sis leti and brisa, it was really fun, specially as we hadn't seen brisa since 2014??? we talked a lot and had a reall good time - the food was great as well, as per usual
  • 13 | outland, lele luiz and their ey friends, lelê's birthday celebration! i felt bad for her as a lot of people didn't show up, but we had a great time there! the fries were pretty good and we talked and laughed a lot :) i took like 700 pictures of her and she kept hugging me all the time lmaooo. i posted a stories with luiz and everyone was replying asking if he was my bf and i was like omg people he's gayyyy. a really good day (we arrived at like 13/14h and left at 19/20h already)
  • 19 | grandma's house, grandma, i actually learned how to make my grandmother's pudim :) it was very nice spending the afternoon with her as i know it means a lot. we talked about my sister's graduation party and how my dad should've gone to therapy as a kid lmao it makes me upset how she struggles so much with pain nowadays but i hope i was able to provide her with some nice memories
  • 20 | carol's house, all of our friends, carol's surprise birthday party. breno, jukia and i organised everything and we ordered cake and some finger food and planned everything on her house, she was actually shocked and very happy and it was amazing to see her being loved by everyone :) i watched el clasico with yuri, gb10 and breno and it was nice very fun! i miss hanging out with everyone and it's so very nice when it does happen :)
  • 25-27 | lollapalooza, sis juju and gb10, it was so amazing being back at a music festival :') sis and i legit teared up when the first concert started. we stayed at a really nice hotel that was near one of the line 9's stations so we walked there everyday and at night we ubered to the hotel, just out of safety. on friday we watched most of the concerts with gb10 and then at night we watched the strokes with juju (and i also met up with gabizinha really quickly) and the other days it was just sis and i and juju at times. the wombats was interrupted due to rain/lightning (again!!!! they really need to start doing the festival out of rain season bro) and foo fighters did not perform bc of taylor's death, which was really sad. i had lots of fun and watched some great concerts (specially mgk, adtr and marina) and the food there was really amazing as well, it was incredible! i really missed the feeling of getting ready for a festival and walking everywhere, getting to know new bands and just to be in an environment where everyone is kind of connected through music

—— february

  • 01 | mineirão, face, brazil's match! there was a fight between máfia azul and galoucura because they're all dumb pieces of shit, but police arrived and things calmed down. i was drenched due to the rain and it took forever to get to mineirão, but the match was nice, we all laughed a lot and i dropped lulu at home and she was really nice the entire time :)
  • 04 | protótipo, time de bancos + tanurinho, i missed everyone so it was really nice catching up and it doesn't feel like they hate me so that's good i guess lmao i mostly talked to marco and his new gf (she's super pretty and nice), tanurinho, emmerick and nick
  • 11-13 | hotel fazenda confins, family, it was great! saw a lot of cute animals and spent some quality time with my siblings, we even slept on the same room! i was very tired by sunday, but it was really great
  • 18 | mercearia 130, mari mimi cacaus macholas, just our usual, almost, weekly meet ups! mimi gave us our bridesmaids' gift (a beautiful wood box with a necessaire with out initial letter on it and that stuff you put on drawers to make them smell nice). the food was great and we had a wonderful time, as usual. i deeply love our friendship
  • 19 | aunt's house, family, everyone was drunk and we just ate, drank wine and talked about family and life in general, it was great! i know i'm lucky enough to be so close with my family and to actually have a good relationship with most of them
  • 20 | amadeus, fael, we talked about everything and it was a great lunch overall! he said i was really empathic and that made me smile because it's hard being like that sometimes
  • 20 | si señor, laura, we celebrated her birthday and the food was really good :) i love our friendship and how no matter what happens we manage to stay close, even if we don't talk for months because we're all busy living life
  • 25 | mirante beagá, mimi cacaus and pessoal da face, ôooo o dennis chegouuuuu! i missed going to parties so bad! i was upset i wasn't able to be with everyone at the same time, but i think i made it work quite well. i had a lot of fun and it was very nice going to a party with carol and ana like the good old days and just having lots of fun with people i love :) i had to leave earlier than i'd have liked to because i had to go to ana's house to help her deal with the whole cadu and his new gf situation, but i had lots of fun nevertheless

—— january

  • 08 | hermes pardini, mimi e mari, it was pouring down and i spent the entire time complaining about bolo lmao. but honestly, the mother of your soon to be born child needs to do medical exams and you don't go with her? i hate him lmao, why is it that my friends are always getting with the most awful men in the world? but we talked and laughed about everything, so it was nice nevertheless
  • 08 | home, family, we basically ate, drank wine and talked about how much it's been raining and how antivax people are insane and dumb
  • 15 | casa da carol, carol fael e breno, we talked about football and f1 and carol made us some really good risotto; we kept reminiscing about our college and ucj days and how much stuff we lived together, it was really nice and wholesome and i'm really glad i made such good friends in uni
  • 30 | lagoa seca, kumaira, we went on a run and it was one of my best paces ever??? we ran 5k while talking about life and then we had açaí at projeto sabor and it was really cool! i love him a lot, his vibes are always the nicest ones and i can talk to him about everything
jan 12 2022 ∞
apr 27 2023 +