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may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground

Jodie about me (Currently)
evelyn television (03/25)
petra 2025 (monthly joys)
vee about me
우주소녀 honeybee
Amanda i
Amanda Montt inara
Ariel isa
Bru isa
Bárbara isabella
Charlotte its
Cissa ivyink
D jam
Ellen jay
Gabriela jessie
Gabriele Babele jessie j
Han joao
Ingrid Marc jolie
Jesly julia
Jo julia
Jodie julia
Josephine julie
Ju Lee jéssica
Juliana júlia
Júlia ka
Lari kales
Lelis kari
Liz kc
Luciana keuri
Lust for Lists koi
Läu lauren
Maandy lavi
Mariana laísi
Matsu le
Natália letícia
Patricia lia
Q liraz
Sabrina Santiago listography
Scarlett lol
Stavros louise
Tanja love
Tiffany lu
V lua f.
Vivs luana
a ~ luca
abby lucy
aivin luisa
alexia luiza
ally luiza
ana lulu
andie lulu
andressa lulu
ane lune
anna lunnies
anna lydia
anna mackenzie
anna maggie
annie maido
antoinette mali
ara malu
arantxa marah
ariel marcela
astrid marcella
aura marcella
ayden maria
b mariana
baba yaga marido
baby girl marina
bea! maroca
bel marruá
bela maruyamaria
bela mary
belie mayzinha
belle mei
beta meli
bia melinwonderland
bianca meℓina and th...
bianca mia
bibi michelle
bibia mimi
birdie misu
birdsong miya
bloodbride monday
bonafini moony
bre morimoonie
brigtter mæria
buni na
ca naju
callie nathália
cami nicole
carol paty
carol paulinha
carolina peach
caroline peaches
caroline petra
caroline plum
cassi priscila
cedar rae
chrissy rafa
clara rav
clara rosa
cláudia rose
daisy s.
dani sabine
danielle sav
dina shug avery
domi sloane
duda softie
duda steph
e sumire
e sydney
eduarda t
elizabeth t.
ellen tahani
ellen tali
emi tatabrandes
esteph tay
eva thay
evelyn tigerhead
fefa trace
felipe turtle
florrie u
flávio vee
folkmoss verdemusgo
fura vi
g wanda
g xofana
gabe yuu
gabi ʚɞ
gigi искусство
giovanna ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
giulia えりい
henrique 알바

my therapist asked me to write down 10 things a day that made me happy | bold denotates specially good days/moments

—— december

  • 06: ísio bought me mcdonalds;
  • 05: paul mccartney with parents and siblings in paris (there was a really cute guy in front of us as well);
  • 03: watching criminal minds; having money to be able to afford things i want to purchase; making new friends;
  • 02: eating while watching criminal minds; studying;
  • 01: doing my nails;

—— november

  • 30: christmas market with sis (filled with amazing music, dancing with sis and glühwein); joão and dani's engagement;
  • 29: year's end party at my work with the entire family coming along;
  • 28: people actually handwriting stuff because of my stories; researching about art;
  • 26: talking to yuri about photography;
  • 25: the sunrise looked really pretty;
  • 21: fer putting taylor swift on her presentation because of me;
  • 20: watching criminal minds!; first fall of snow;
  • 19: studied a bit of french;
  • 18: my hair was feeling soft today; studied a bit of french; watching criminal mids;
  • 17: glasto tickets!!!; watching criminal minds; watching the guts world tour movie with sis while doing our nails;
  • 16: uniqlo shopping with sis;
  • 15: mamão com leite em pó e coco ralado; having dinner with my parents and sis; actually managed to work a bit!!!;
  • 13: singing taylor swift with sis on the way to the gym;
  • 12: i read!; nice dinner;
  • 05: went to the gym;
  • 04: blood test;
  • 03: watching the gp with my siblings and parents (a great gp at that); lewis driving senna's mclaren; my siblings excited about watching football; ran 10km

—— october

  • 29: went to the gym tehehehe; talking to people i love; managed to eat somewhat okay; could stay home;
  • 28: people laughing at my jokes; somewhat organizing my life; conversation with friends;
  • 26: urban with sis and tania;
  • 24: managed to get a run in; eating lucky charms; vegan nutella;
  • 17: croissant + tiramissu for breakfast; i have a sister who's always down to do things with me;
  • 16: coconut yopro + whey protein tasted really good;
  • 15: the driver era and almost monday with sis; having dinner at a nice burger place; slipping and falling on my butt right after sis told me to be careful;
  • 14: did not sleep during the work day!!!; reading about senna and taylor to my siblings;
  • 13: dinner with gb10 at the game; broncos waiting for me to start watching the game to start playing like an actual team;
  • 12: shopping at uniqlo with sis; wallows at den atelier
  • 11: pumpkin spice espresso;
  • 10: my corsx has arrived!!! and so did my ayrton lego!!!
  • 08: having nice friends to talk to;
  • 07: early morning run;
  • 06: cyring christopher's death out with sis;
  • 05: walking with sis and tri (5,5km)
  • 03: jeffrey messaging me to know if everything was good bc i hadn't messaged him;

—— september

  • 30: eating the cake mom baked!!!!;
  • 29: walking with tri for like 1 hour; getting my nails done while watching nfl;
  • 28: shopping with sis; eating mcdonalds
  • 27: went to the gym (shitty workout but i did go to the gym at least); being able to work from my room again;
  • 26: sleeping on my own bed!!!!!!!
  • 23: worked but like felt somewhat as if i was working my brain, which is good;
  • 22: raul and gus' birthday party with lots of cake, docinhos and food;
  • 21: managed to go to the gym; planning my trip to ghent; helping mom set up the birthday party;
  • 20: kantin with the family;
  • 19: lux business run;
  • 18: read; went to bed early; having friends who love me and support me;
  • 17: running + weights; going out with sis, and vitor and a new friend!!!!;
  • 16: running + weights; did not sleep during the day; eating croissant and pain au chocolat; studied french and spanish;
  • 14: bastogne with sis and vitor;
  • 12: was able to get a run in;
  • 11: was able to get a run in; vitor cooked pasta for dinner and it was rather good;
  • 10: went to the gym; my instax case arrived; pasta for dinner;
  • 08: nfl is back!; ran 9k; crafting friendship bracelets; nice breakfast;
  • 07: reading and sleeping under the sun;
  • 03: went to the gym;
  • 02: went for a run before work; finished work on time; playing mario kart with vitor;
  • 01: celebrating ísio's birthday with a lot of food and brigadeiro; watching f1; watching someone great with sis; doing my nails while listening to gostosas também choram; managed to read before bed;

—— august

  • 31: schueber with my siblings and vitor; watching anyone but you with sis;
  • 29: listening to taylor with my siblings; coconut + white chocolate;
  • 28: vitor and vovó arrived;
  • 27: clara's pamper party at ambev with pizza! sis came and we had a good time;
  • 22-26: italy with carol and yuri
  • 19: went to the gym;
  • 17: listening to evermore and 1989; friendship bracelets; hanging out with my siblings; walking with triana;
  • 16: date with dani; went to the gym in the afternoon;
  • 15: holiday!!!!; went to the gym with sis; mcdonalds with sis; sunny day;
  • 13: went to the gym; got up early;
  • 10: walking around lux with sis; sunny lux; watching the eras tour with sis;
  • 02: doing my silly excel spreadsheets; bia winning gold in judô;
  • 01: date with dani — he made us pasta and it was quite nice; talking with sis at night before going to bed; actually being able to do some things on closing by myself; reb winning silver on the all-around competition;

—— july

  • 29: watching the olympics (men's skate street final was amazing and jaggerito came in second!!!!);
  • 27 & 28: watching the olympics with the entire family; making friendship bracelets; friendship bracelets;
  • 24: playing with tri in the backyard;
  • 19-22: trip to mallorca with lulu and jukia; lulu and i swam in a cave; diferença entre saudades e boas lembranças; driving a stick after a long time and being okay at it;
  • 17: date with dani;
  • 16: my zara clothes have arrived; cooking while listening to a podcast;
  • 15: went to the gym; lunchtime nap;
  • 14: watching the euro's final with mom and sis while making friendship bracelets;
  • 08: best news ever from sis 💖;
  • 07: lewis won!!!!!!

—— june

  • 26: slept well ish; having lunch alone!!!!;
  • 25: went to the gym in the morning; pão de quejo & capuccino for breakfast;
  • 24: went for a run after work; reading before bed; pão de queijo;
  • 23: finished watching ni una más; did my nails; lewis hamilton podium;
  • 22: grand duke's party; dani's birtdhay party; i walked 1 hour back to my car and it was fun actually; watching ni una mas;
  • 21: went to the gym!;
  • 20: compliments on my playlist!!!; managed to go to the gym in the morning; i have a car and i'm able to drive and make my life more comfortable; good therpay session;
  • 19: managed to go to the gym in the morning; watching hotd with sis; sis made us brigadeiro;
  • 16: ran 8km; drinking champagne; having lunch with my parents;
  • 05: i can do hard things;
  • 01-03: madrid with sis; eating at streetxo;

—— may

  • 28-31: madrid with sis; taylor sang sparks fly/i can fix him and snow on the beach/i look in people's windows as our surprise songs; meeting 2 really nice guys on the airport and then, by chance, spending the concert with them and some other really nice girlies; touristing with yago; having drinks at a terraza; reina sofia and museo del traje; sunny madrid;
  • 27: having jukia as a friend;
  • 26: charles leclerc won in monaco; triana arrived; watching tv with sis; eating brigadeiro with sis;
  • 22: seeing olivia rodrigo live with sis; having a car and a license that allow me to travel with my sis;
  • 17: working out; greateful i have a car on rainy days like today so i don't have to wair for the bus in the rain;
  • 15: working out; thankful i have money saved so when things get slightly out of control as they did this year, i can kind of start again assured i won't be in debt;
  • 14: working out again;
  • 12: touristing around paris with sis; eiffel tower and louvre; we had breakfast at a super delicious place; a swiftie stopped us on the arc de triomphe to exchange friendship bracelets and took pictures of us;
  • 11: touristing around paris with sis; we walked a lot and had a really nice time and the weather was absolutely perfect; super nice waiter at the restaurant we had dinner at and the pizza was amazing; slept super well;
  • 10: the eras tour in paris; taylor sang the is it over now?/ootw mashup and mbobhft as surprise songs; meeting nice swifties; we spent the entire concert with 2 other brazilians who were the sweetest; did not get lost once!!!
  • 09: travelling by train for the first time to paris;
  • 08: actually speaking the words 'tomorrow i'll be going to paris' and realizing how insane and amazing my life is;
  • 07: went to the gym; mom bought clothes for her; singing who's afraid of little old me with sis and talking about how much it fits lewis; mom bought sis and i little storage boxes for our beads 🩷;
  • 06: really didn't want to go to the gym but did it anyways; sonequinha after lunch 🤩; vox crosswords; met gala 2024
  • 05: ísio's friends came over and we spent the day talking to them and it was very nice 'cause i actually managed to practice my spanish as well;
  • 04: shopping day with sis; making friendship bracelets; mom organizing our beads for us; acquired ttpd's vinyl and my parents actually enjoyed the album; going to the gym;
  • 03: sunny day; managed to run even though i really didn't want to; kind of decided my outfit for taylor's concert in paris;
  • 02: doing things that make me anxious but doing it anyways; mom bought flowers to decorate the house; i have a car to drive to the gym and my day is easier because of it; therapy; listening to taylor swift;
  • 01: spending time with my siblings; slept in; reorganizing my bathroom;

—— apr

  • 29: went to the gym; have lunch with my siblings; i have money to book a nice hotel to stay at with my sister!!!;
  • 17: went to the gym with mom;
  • 15: sunny day; went to the gym; family arrived in lux;
  • 14: finished reading chain of iron; did my nails; listened to a nice podcast;
  • 13: wearing shorts, t-shirt and a bucket hat; sunny warm day; went on a run; drinking champagne with my parents and their friends; taking pictures with my siblings; bought my kindle;
  • 11: did something i'd been procrastinating doing; my parents made me some salad; ice cream after lunch;
  • 10: went to the gym; eating chocolate;
  • 09: sunshine; managed to connect my phone to the printer; did something i was feeling anxious about (not exactly a good thing but i have hard time facing discomfort so it's something i was glad today i was able to confront);
  • 08: went to the gym; eating chocolate;
  • 07: went to the gym; did my nails and really liked the result; nice nap;
  • 06: went to bed early; read; running in the sun; amazing weather; contern is filled with flowers;
  • 05: watching paw patrol with my siblings; comida temperadaaa; chosing ts' best and worst songs with cecily;
  • 03: running again;
  • 02: 40 min workout but i still pushed myself to go!!!!; reading chain of iron;
  • 01: back to the gym; read a little bit before bed;

—— mar

  • 31: updating habit tracker; easter lunch na casa da ruth; ft hour with sis;
  • 30: baked my grandmothers' pudim with my mom for easter;
  • 29: exploring lux with mimi and cacaus: we went to the vianden castle, walked around the city (grand rue, adolph bridge, pfaffenthal elevator, crossed the red bridge running for our lives...) and went to a birthday party! the party was really good, the bday guy's wife was a patient of mimi's mom lmao. we met some really nice people and had a lot of fun;
  • 28: entreguei o relatório do bacen finalmente!!!!; managed to charge my car (finally); picking up mimi and cacaus from the airport and staying up talking to them + mom and ísio;
  • 27: nubank ultravioleta;
  • 25: 10k out in the sun; arroz feijão e legumes no almoço 🍚, como sou feliz; "come for the pretty face stay pelo gostinho musical legal";
  • 24: worked out; watched tv;
  • 23: didn't want to work but i am and being able to focus somewhat; tom, mark and travis posting videos from yesterday's concert 👽😭; listening to 1989 (taylor's version) vinyl with gus; did not procrastinate putting my clothes away;
  • 22: went for a run even though i did not want to exercise at all; eating chocolate;
  • 21: mom organizing my room; bought chocolate!!!; driving to the gym in the sun;
  • 20: double caramel magnum ice cream after lunch; i was able to register my car's charging card by myself; singing on the way home from my siblings' school with them; le soleil;
  • 19: went to the gym; sunny day; drinking my a+++ whey protein;
  • 18: was finally able to go to the gym; little bit of sunshine; drinking whey (tasty whey) on my new (pink) shaker 💗;
  • 13: managed to get sis business class seats; watched tv;
  • 12: went to the gym;
  • 11: went to the gym; eating chocolate mousse;
  • 02-08: snowboarding trip to meribel ❄️; watching f1 with newfound friends; road trip with sis;
  • 01: my new car arrived 🤩;

—— feb

  • 29: quick run but i did it anyways when it'd have been much easier to sleep in;
  • 28: slept during lunch; sis and i got taylor tickets for madrid on my birthday!!! 😭; mom bought us the 1989 (taylor's version) vinyl; went to the gym in spite of having mixed up the busses and ending up at lalux instead of kirchberg;
  • 27: went to the gym; ran 5k with a ~6' pace; sunny day in lux;
  • 26: went to the gym; cooking while listening to podcasts; asked my mom if she had some chocolate and then she asked my stepdad to buy me some;
  • 25: james blunt; eating out with sis; walking around belval;
  • 21: went to the gym; singing on the car with sis; lunch was good; a little bit of sunshine;
  • 20: went back to the gym; nice talk with carol; ate chocolate; jukia talking about politics;
  • 05: taylor announcing ts11 (the tortured poets department); went to the gym; good lunch; talking to sis and vitor; eating chocolate; eating healthy on my afternoon snack; felt somewhat productive;
  • 04: raul and gus being funny; went on a run; warm shower; nice dinner; eating chocolate; managed to get some work done; planning and organizing things; drank a nice amount of water even though it's the weekend;
  • 03: running; worked out; sis and i met met two really nice brazilians at the gym; visiting the library; watching silo with sis; isio bought a really good chocolate mousse;
  • 02: slept +6 hours; went to the gym; got my cardio in; release radar; mercedes' social mediam admin <3;
  • 01: lewis hamilton is set to leave mercedes so what's good about this day??? idk i'll have to think about it;

—— jan

  • 30: slept +6 hours; went to the gym; did some cardio; vegetables for lunch; my taylor vip package arrived; coffee with melted kinder;
  • 29: managed to arrive on time for my appt at the immigration center; had startbucks; walked around grand rue; sunshine in lux; terminei o wf de políticas; my id card's photo looks good; my new pants arrived;
  • 28: went for a run; watching nfl with sis; making friendship bracelets with my siblings; managed to work; banho premium; ice cream after dinner; guac after run; actually had dinner; taylor swift on the afc championship game;
apr 27 2023 ∞
jan 23 2025 +