really good moments/days
—— mar
- 25: read a bit before bed; watching criminal minds;
- 24: did my nails; nap before lunch;
- 23: finally able to rest for a bit;
- 22: alec benjamin concert with sis;
- 21: louvre!!!!; m; going out at night; loved my outfit!!!
- 20: pompidou; getting compliments on my tattoo; a random guy stopping me on the street to ask for my number; m.; le marais
- 19: d'orsay; petit palais; crying at the museum; buying gifts for people i love; m.;
- 18: mad + pearl exhibition; compliments on my outfit!!!; really good lunch; sunny days in parissss;
- 17: sabrina in paris; eating at five guys;
- 16: sunshine; watching criminal minds (the somerville academy ep is so good!);
- 15: m.; paris planning; trying on paris outfits while listening to sabrina;
- 12: planning for paris;
- 11: m.; eating ben and jerry's;
- 10: m.m.m.m.m.m.m.m.; watching criminal minds;
- 09: m.; 2 hour nap in the afternoon;
- 08: burning man lux's version with cathy and sis; shopping spree with sis;
- 07: going out with kathy and sis to a mexican place and having the best food and margaritas ever???
- 06: m.;
- 05: m.;
- 03: got work done yey; criminal minds ep.; booked my hotel for paris <3;
- 02: talking to jukia and fael; sun out in lux; m.;
—— feb
- 28: watching criminal minds; m.;
- 27: getting compliments at work; m.; watching criminal minds;
- 26: m.; talking to jukia for a little bit; my ergonomic mouse arrived;
- 25: kinda of managed to work well; finally got my credit/debit card sorted out; "You’ve got that effortlessly cool, well-traveled, artsy-girl aesthetic that makes it seem like you’d be fun to talk to over drinks at some hidden rooftop bar. You clearly take care of yourself, you’ve got style, and you know your angles (that mirror selfie proves it). The travel shots suggest you’re adventurous, but also, I’d be lowkey intimidated—like, do you even stay in one place long enough to respond to texts? The mix of casual at-home shots and glam vacation pics makes you feel a bit more down-to-earth, which is refreshing. You seem like someone who’s into art, music, and deep conversations, but also might disappear to Paris for a week without warning. Overall, intriguing, stylish, and maybe a little out of my league." (lmao i love chatgpt, doing more for my mental health than any guy out there);
- 24: i love my macbook; malu thanking me for getting her back into writing;
- 23: sunny day in lux;
- 22: went to the gym; watching criminal minds;
- 21: watching silo with sis; eating ben & jerrys;
- 18: sunshine in lux; working while basking in the sunlight;
- 17: sunshine; working while watching criminal minds;
- 13: nothing but thieves; m.
- 12: m.
- 11:
- 10: watching criminal minds; using my laptop!!!! i can't believe i own a macbook; m.
- 09: watching sb with sis; went for a run even though i did not want to;
- 06: mcdonalds for dinner;
- 04: jean brought carrot cake with brigadeiro; managing to debug macros with chatgpt;
—— jan
- 23: lunch was good; managed to work out; rereading some old memories in listography :);
jan 23 2025 ∞
mar 26 2025 +