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may your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground

marido television (tv shows seen in 2025)
birdie favorites (2025)
vickye to do (final de semana)
petra shopping list (to buy)
e mood ring ('25)
우주소녀 isa
Amanda isabella
Amanda Montt its
Ariel ivyink
Bru jam
Bárbara jay
Charlotte jessie
Cissa jessie j
D joao
Ellen jolie
Gabriela julia
Gabriele Babele julia
Han julia
Ingrid Marc julie
Jo jéssica
Josephine júlia
Ju Lee ka
Juliana kales
Júlia kari
Lari keuri
Lelis koi
Liz laoise
Luciana lauren
Lust for Lists lavi
Läu laísi
Maandy le
Mariana letícia
Matsu lia
Natália liraz
Patricia lol
Q louise
Sabrina Santiago love
Scarlett lu
Stavros lua f.
Tanja luana
Tiffany luca
V lucy
Vivs luisa
a ~ luiza
abby luiza
aivin lulu
alexia lulu
ally lulu
ana lune
andie lunnies
andressa lydia
ane mackenzie
anna maggie
anna maido
anna mali
anna malu
annie marah
antoinette marcela
ara marcella
arantxa marcella
ariel maria
astrid mariana
aura marido
ayden marina
b maroca
baba yaga marruá
baby girl maruyamaria
bea! mary
bel mayzinha
bela mei
bela meli
belie melinwonderland
belle meℓina and th...
bia mia
bianca michelle
bianca mimi
bibi misu
bibia miya
birdie monday
birdsong moony
bloodbride morimoonie
bonafini mæria
bre na
brigtter naju
buni nathália
ca nicole
callie paty
cami paulinha
carol peach
carol peaches
carolina petra
caroline plum
caroline priscila
caroline rae
cassi rafa
cedar rav
chrissy rosa
clara rose
cláudia s.
dani sabine
danielle shug avery
dina sloane
duda softie
duda steph
e sumire
e sydney
elizabeth t
ellen t.
ellen tahani
emi tatabrandes
eva tay
evelyn thay
fefa tigerhead
felipe trace
florrie turtle
flávio u
fura vee
g vi
gabe vickye
gabi wanda
gigi xofana
gillian yuu
giovanna ʚɞ
giovanna искусство
goeth ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
i えりい
inara 알바
  • "always remember how lucky you are to have yourself" ♪ the lyrics written as to make up the shape of hugging self
  • "don't wait for luck" ♪ the script, hall of fame
  • "i’m not afraid of god i am afraid of man”, marina ♪ written above and under a blade of ice in the middle ♪ "and she was like a blade of ice always sharp and cold always beautiful"
  • "my feet are mine to follow you don’t get to decide” ♪ the maine
  • "only one hotspur" or "to dare is to do"
  • "strenght will find you sooner than you ever thought it would" written in a fortune paper with the fortune cookie cracked open - the maine, waiting for my sun to shine
  • ✔ black heart - yungblud
  • 80107 or Colorado's outline
  • a bird flying ♪ birds, imagine dragons
  • a bouquet of wildflowers ♪ wildflowers by miley
  • a cow with half its face filled with flowers and "here with us" written above
  • a dandelion and a four-leaf clover ♪ "i'm a dandelion, you're a four-leaf clover", blink-182
  • a fox with Cruzeiro's crown on its head
  • a hurricane ♪ "don't belong to no city, don't belong to no man"
  • a lion with blood running down the chin ♪ migraine by twenty one pilots
  • a pumpkin carved tangled in Christmas lights ♪ “we’ll have halloween on Christmas” by blink 182
  • across the universe's strawberry painting in watercolor splash ♪ the beatles
  • glastonbury coordinates
  • gusgus the rat
  • hufflepuff's crest
  • lewis' helmet
  • madrid's bear
  • moon ♪ harvest moon by neil young
  • parabatai rune with sis
  • ✔ planets and galaxies ♪ "the universe is shifting and it's all for me", maisie
  • small angel halo with devil’s tail or smth ♪ “i talk to god as much i talk to satan cause i want to hear both sides”
  • small red triangle (minas gerais)
  • some kind of self love representation (holding self in the shape of a heart) ♪ "i found what i was looking for in myself”, marina
  • spider man
  • thread of gold with sis ♪ "isn't it so pretty to think all along there was an invisible string tying you to me"
  • vai viver ou tá com dó?
  • wood helm
  • zito and rita’s paw or pic
oct 23 2014 ∞
dec 17 2024 +