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she moved with shameless wonder

marido episodes (episodes seen in 2025)
cariatide books (2025)
christina to do (02.24.25)
えりい bookshelf
petra games (hello kitty island adventure)
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  • almost entirely plant-based
  • falls in love with books, not characters
  • reads while it rains outside
  • descended from vikings, probably
  • mornings are for coffee, afternoons are for tea
  • anxious, obsessive brain
  • heart-shaped sunglasses in three colours
  • dresses and smocks and cosy jumpers
  • reads unrelated non-fiction in times of distress
  • owns an obscene amount of books
  • won a television quiz show once
  • never folds the corner but sometimes writes on the page
  • books are organised by colour
jul 27 2021 ∞
oct 22 2023 +