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she moved with shameless wonder

tenneil television (watched in 2025)
marido television (tv shows seen in 2025)
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shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)
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  • 01/01: greeted the new year feeling incredibly sick after eating 7 chocolates and drinking a cup of tea (lol); set up a new (old) aquarium; spent most of the day watching Friday Night Dinner; ordered pizza w/ mum.
  • 02/01: went shopping with mum, had lunch, bought books, a jumper, two DVDs; came home with a female betta named Poe Dameron.
  • 16/01: is new years depression a thing?
  • 19/01: bought a plant, which triggered a long conversation on the bus with a man in camouflage trousers, a cowboy hat, piercings and leather boots, all about his garden.
  • 13/01-15/01: saw my human in London. we saw Les Mis, went to Lady Dinah's and Madame Tussaud's, and had a lovely time generally.
  • 19/02: my bus was involved in an accident...
  • 28/02: the Jonas Brothers are back
  • 05/03: celebrated mum's birthday
jan 1 2019 ∞
apr 11 2019 +