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i’d block the sun
if you want it done

Luciana notes (lugares para conhecer no Rio)
cariatide why fall in love when you can fall on the floor and cry over a tv show. (2024)
louise mood (2024)
christina to do (06.25.24)
petra diary.
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  • T's graduation, a very, very long day, but most definitely worth it, and quite emotional
  • having to rush home to my "ill" dog, whose mood improved once I was there and who the vet could find nothing wrong with
  • quit my godawful waitressing job!
  • got a long overdue haircut because it was a day for change.
  • spent some time at T's dad's house. I love when they make us food.
  • started writing a little something. I'm calling it a novel in the hopes that will encourage me to make it one.
  • moved out of T's mum's house and in with his dad and step-mum... seems nicer already.
  • went to M's birthday night out, ended up in a casino sharing a veggie burger with S, and bonded with friends of friends and complete strangers. stayed up until 5am.
aug 10 2017 ∞
aug 8 2021 +