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my birthday month!

  • went home for an early birthday meal with T, my mum, and our friends. also met with J. I cried when I had to say goodbye to my pets again.
  • voted in the general election (vote labour!)
  • had my last swimming lesson (for now). swim teacher said I don't necessarily need lessons any more and to get in lots of practice over summer because I have no excuse when I'm going to be living by the ocean.
  • had my first ever eye test, and found out I need glasses, have astigmatism, and that my head is slightly too big for women's glasses and I had to buy "unisex" ones.
  • celebrated our 1 year anniversary over two days; on the first day we went out for breakfast and then went swimming before he had to work, and on the second day we went to the aquarium, wandered around central for a while, and went to an arcade and won a Kylo Ren plush on the claw machine, before having dinner at Pizza Express with a view of St. Paul's, then going home and playing video games.
    • on the Saturday I also went out with Lauren for goodbye cupcakes.
    • on Sunday we met a dog called Ludo on the tube, an angelic golden retriever.
  • moved to south Devon with my boyfriend for summer. we're staying with his mum, who I adore.
  • birthday week:
    • Saturday: T's mum threw a garden party for me, and also a little bit for M (T's brother's girlfriend) whose birthday was a week or so before mine.
    • Sunday: spent some of the day at the beach with Tom and Sam, who caught a pair of hermit crabs while we were in the water. I became very attached to the one I was holding, who I named Joseph. later, my mum arrived to spend a few days here.
    • Monday: my actual birthday! I opened all my presents which were wonderful. we went to the zoo and I fell in love with a handful of goats. we then had tea in the garden which was lovely. so much food! we then watched the Jersey Boys film (a present from T) which didn't quite live up to the show.
    • Tuesday: the four of us, me, T, and our mums, went to the beach and the pier. I bought a bright pink rubber ring and a bright pink, extendable net for crabbing. met with Tom's dad during dinner and he called me a 'grockle'.
    • my mother went home the next day but missed her connection because she is ridiculous.
  • had an induction day at the gym which was so fun! found out I don't really eat enough though, which explains how I don't seem to be losing weight.
  • I just want to add that Steps covered Story of a Heart by the Benny Andersson Band and it's all kinds of wrong.
jun 1 2017 ∞
aug 8 2021 +