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she moved with shameless wonder

marido episodes (episodes seen in 2025)
cariatide books (2025)
christina to do (02.24.25)
えりい bookshelf
petra games (hello kitty island adventure)
list icon
  • moved into a new flat
  • long distance relationship again
  • lovely Valentine's day (aquarium, Lady Windermere's Fan)
  • saw Reservoir Dogs on the big screen
  • snow, snow, snow
  • visited the British Museum for the first time with T
  • read Other Minds (a random gift from T)
  • went to the Horniman Museum
  • saw a film - Isle of Dogs - at the cinema twice for the first time
  • new Abba songs were announced!
  • my first wedding, realised I really am part of the family
  • had a psychoanalytical evaluation
  • bought a new (second-hand) laptop
  • finished my dissertation
  • read The Travelling Cat Chronicles
  • watched Loving Vincent
  • went to the ABBA exhibit at the Southbank Centre, guide was very appreciative of my nerdiness, got a 20% discount in the gift shop because of my enthusiasm for ABBA
  • saw Mamma Mia! for the second time
  • went to the Tower of London
  • saw Chess, which was amazing
  • moved back home (boyfriend helped)
  • had a lovely couple of days with boyfriend; visited York; celebrated two years
  • appeared on national tv, Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier
  • T. gave me a bee hotel for my birthday!!
  • I got a job at a small fashion retailer, working with an old friend from school
  • I got a 2:1 overall in my degree!
  • I got a Siamese Fighting Fish called Fernando
    • Fernando died due to fin rot, which he contracted in store and I did my best to treat
  • I was gifted a second fish, due to what happened to Fernando. the people at customer service and at the store were lovely and kept using Fernando's name when we talked about him.
  • new fish is named Earl Grey
  • new favourite drink: caramel latte
  • completed my goodreads reading challenge
  • quit my terrible job
  • got two jobs in one day
  • met with a friend from school and we saw Mamma Mia! 2 together
  • started working at the bookshop!
  • served my old history teacher at work, one of my first transactions - slightly terrifying
  • had to get yet another new laptop, but at least it cost me pretty much next to nothing
  • quit my job at the health shop because they wanted me to be there for 5+ years, and I don't want that
  • got an iPhone XS
  • Earl died, inexplicably & I am done with fish, especially fish from pet stores (I took such good care of him)
  • T. and I met up in London, went to the cat cafe, met our friends at the pub, went to Harrods, explored the West End, made little lego figures of each other, entered the prize draw for Book of Mormon, went to Winter Wonderland, ate lots of food, had an amazing time.
may 17 2018 ∞
oct 16 2019 +