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she moved with shameless wonder

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shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)
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  • taking up swimming again after two years; it was nerve-wracking but the feeling I had when I got into the pool and started swimming was amazing.
  • abandoning goodreads and therefore the pressure it creates to read, read, read. the goal should not be to read as many books as possible in a 52 week period, it should be to read in a way that is enjoyable and suited to me.
  • stopped putting pressure on myself at work and realising that the more relaxed I am the easier it is.
  • spending more money on tights. comfortable, high-quality tights can change your life.
  • only wearing comfortable clothes generally. maybe the day will come when I can feel comfortable in jeans again, but right now I don't and that's okay.
  • realising that positive change doesn't come from hating and chastising yourself constantly. it comes from forgiving and loving yourself.
aug 3 2019 ∞
oct 16 2019 +