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she moved with shameless wonder

marido episodes (episodes seen in 2025)
cariatide books (2025)
christina to do (02.24.25)
えりい bookshelf
petra games (hello kitty island adventure)
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  • 24/03/20: 33 pages of Goblet of Fire; more episodes of Hannah Montana than I care to admit; completed furniture for new residents on Animal Crossing: New Horizons
  • 25/03/20: Jessie Cave print arrived and she shared my pic on her story; Ten Tonnes Weekly playlist
  • 26/03/20: 95 pages of Goblet of Fire; very blah
  • 27/03/20: Friday Night Dinner binge in time for the new episode; pizza delivery guy left my food on the hedge
  • 28/03/20: largely did nothing; new Drag Race episode.
  • 29/03/20: read 80 or 90 pages; subscribed to Jessie Cave's patreon
  • 30/03/20: did not sleep well; plenty of reading done.
  • 31/03/20: didn't wake up until 11:00; amended grocery order; Subtle Changes by Ten Tonnes. noticed that I have four sea monkeys more than two months after trying to hatch the eggs, I've no idea how long they've been hatched but I've named them all Jennifer. stupid sparrowhawk flew into my front door before taking a bird from my garden.
  • 01/04/20: food delivery arrived. made ratatouille. almost done with Goblet of Fire.
  • 02/04/20: finished Goblet of Fire, sad about Cedric Diggory.
  • 03/04/20: started reading the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness omnibus I have; very much reverting to childhood.
  • 04/04/20: baked a blueberry cake. made a delicious stir fry I then drowned in miso. watched Prisoner of Azkaban.
  • 05/04/20: finished Wolf Brother in Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, started Spirit Walker. Sunday lunch, followed by The Princess Bride. the madness that is Tiger King.
  • 06/04/20: two hours of work done on MA app.
  • 07/04/20: more work on app. Susie and I sat outside for a while. finished Spirit Walker.
  • 10/04/20: really hard day. I took a walk which was nice, but I spent a lot of the day crying. I miss Duchess so much.
  • 19/04/20: even in a lockdown I'm bad at keeping a daily log. finished If I Was Your Girl today though and it was stunning.
  • 20/04/20: I think I'm an anarchist
  • 21/04/20: my sea monkeys keep mating and its pretty gross.
  • 22/04/20: two separate elderly couples on my walk let me go ahead of them, saying "you'll be faster than us," which made me walk faster and I did the trail in a personal record time.
  • 24/04/20: saw the wonderful huge dog again.
  • 25/04/20: started reading Les Mis
mar 25 2020 ∞
may 3 2020 +