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she moved with shameless wonder

tenneil television (watched in 2025)
marido television (tv shows seen in 2025)
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shug avery twenty 20 five. (five things.)
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  • mum's hugs, and when she took pictures of bees collecting nectar to show me when I was sad
  • taking my cat up to bed to snuggle and sleep, and sharing my bed with my dog
  • Duchess' pure joy when she realises we're about to go for a walk
  • relaxing with a documentary playing in the background
  • Duchess comforting me when I'm sad, and subsequently trying to drink my tea
  • it's so lovely and cosy and quiet in the house
  • mum's cooking, especially Sunday dinners and breakfast
    • and the cups of tea she makes for me around 5 times a day
  • Susie's attachment to me; she is either laying on me, next to me, or is no more than 3ft away from me
apr 2 2016 ∞
jun 14 2018 +