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꒰✿ˊᗜˋ ꒱ 𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 ‹𝟹

ivyink films (films & series i've watched 2025)
Gleam Galore wishlist (dvds )
bonafini books (lidos em 2025)
the moonrise to read
rae calendar. (2025)
우주소녀 idk
125 isa
169w isabella
Aileen ivyink
Alexcchia jax
Alice/Lydia jay
Allison jenjen
Alyosha jenny
Amanda jes
Anagnotes joao
Anny johnny
Apartmentcat juli
Arya juli
Ava julia
Bea julia
Blaze julia
Bliss julie
Bru junipop
C.D. júlia
Chloe ka
Clave de Vênus kales
Constance kamiekw
CrownedBrunette karamelomeh
Deer50 karlee
Elizabeth karma
Ella kat
Ellie kc
Eloah keisha
Emma kelly's home
EstroJen kellylouise
Gabie ky
Ghostopedia lars
Gleam Galore lauren
Haeleigh le
Han leaf
HeadlessBob lele
Hex leo
Ingrid letícia
Iris letícia
Jamal lexi/chorona
Jenn lilackuma
Jenni lisa
Jessica Cappu... livia
Joey lizzie
Juc lo
Juliana lois
Juliani lol
Juliet lorenzo
Júlia louise
Júlia lovlocket
Karina lui
Kate luisa
Kore luiza
L luka
L lulis or niel
LAU lulu
LAYNE luna
Lara luna
Latch luuh
Lawlie lynne
Leticia lyvia
Lini m
Louise m
Lupin m
M mackenzie
M madeleine
MVK maggie
Master Avalon maggie
Max mags
Mikka mai
Mila mai
Min mali
Misha malu
MissS malu
Miyye! mana
Nana marah
Nico marcella
Nitrate mari
Oh! mari
Pia mariana
Quiralyon marianne
RK marido
Racheline marie
Reiven marina
Rhonda marlene
Rita maroline
Rory marruá
Sans Patronymic marta
Sash mau
Sil me
Starvian mei
Stebbiino mel
Tea melina
Toby meol
Venisse meℓina and th...
Verbo mia
WulluW miana
Wyvurn mibs
Zakaria michaela
Zan mila
a min
aagminn minnie
abby missy
aden moby
ainè willows monday
ais kacang moony
aivin mush
akemi na
alex nara
alexa nastassja
alexia nat
amber natália ヅ
ana nephos
andy nicole
angel noa
anna nori
anna northern
anna not a llama
anna null
anna nyanbot
araclips ooze
arantxa p
arcade pastelcoyotes
ari penguin
aria petra
ash pica
ash primaverila
asmileforyou pétala
asterids r a c h e l
aura rae
barb4toes rafa
beatrice raquel
bee ray
bel ree
bel rem
bela ren
belle renzel
bia riles
bia ro
blandine robyn
bloodbride rose
blush roxana
bonafini s.
bre s. n.
brigtter sabrina
brna sad avocado
brookie! sam
brubru sasza
bunny satsuha
c scater
c. scribs
cad selena
camille shellebelle
cariatide shhh
carmen shug avery
cee sloane
charlotte softie
christina solanin
ciel solar
cindy the skull sorbet
codex stanley
constelacione... star
corpsentry sumire
crowlas syane
czar t.
dahlia tahani
daisy tamz
damien tarfrimmer
dashcooler tawriie
davi tay
de paula tea
den thai
dhampir the moonrise
dina thes
doki. tigerhead
doll tiredsleepy
e tom's wierd
edmund triz
edran v i e d
eduarda val
ella vee
ellen venn's haha f...
elodie verzephobe
ely vi
emaa vickye
emi victoria
emi viettro
emily vivi
emily volencia
eneida wanda
envy wave
evelyn windy
faora winnie
faye xavier
fefa xiagallery
felipe xuan
fleshinald yams
florrie yan
fria yaniv
gabrielle z
galaco zero
gillian zoey
giulia Ƹ̵̡oӜ̵̨̄oƷ
goeth ɴᴀʏʟᴀ
gone ʝ
happy togethe... ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
hazelaries 乙女解剖
hepatica 五夏
hsau 遠海

"You haven't been good for long." - Tired

"Is it the sound of your own thoughts that always keep you up at night?" - Tired

"Maybe it's time to say goodbye cause I'm getting pretty fucking tired." - Tired

"You haven't felt right for days, is it the fact you never say what comes in your mind that day?" - Tired

"Maybe it's time to shut away cause I've never really felt okay" - Tired

"Cause I've been eating less all day to give my brain some extra space to think bout all the things to do to help distract me from the rude of heart" - Tired

"You ought to know that I think we're one and the same" - the perfect pair

"We don't talk much, guess cause nothing has changed, and I'm not sure I like it, and I'm so tired of fighting" - the perfect pair

"If I told you, you'd know how to go and break my heart in two" - the perfect pair

"I've never known someone like you" - Glue Song

"Tangled in love, stuck by you, from the glue" - Glue Song

"Don't forget to kiss me or else you'll have to miss me" - Glue Song

"I guess I'm stuck forever by the glue, oh, and you" - Glue Song

"Never thought I'd find you, but you're here, and so I love you" - Glue Song

"I'm not wrong when I say, "I've been stuck by the glue onto you"" - Glue Song

jul 19 2024 ∞
jul 29 2024 +