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19 | chromophile | ☕🕰️🦢

Jodie 2025 (books)
movies (2025)
mezzo piano ୨୧ habit tracker (— Misc tracker Mar 2025)
୨୧ music (— Song of the month 2025)
08. (2025)
#2222 juliette
7 k.
Bea kari
Beatriz kate
C0ZM1C kc
Cherie kelly
Clarins Sasmaya kelly ୭ৎ
Debbie kellylouise
E kendall
Emil kewpie
Evy king
Gigi kit
Gira kiwi
Jackal kotty
Jasminé krista
Jo kye
Jodie ladywind
Jords lani
KT lari
Kate laris
Kendall laura
LL leah
Lovely Mie lee
Maddie leo
Madeline lety
Matsu leukas
Metsäkettu lia
Nana lil_usagi
Nerea lilli
Nicodemus lily
Panda lina
Plouf linnie
Rini liraz
Robin lisa
Rubab listography
Rubity Dubity... littlelaura
Salem liz
Sen lo
Soleil louise
Soli Deo Gloria love
V lu
Vivian lunna
a girl m.
a girl is a gun ma
aang madeleine
abby maha
abney mammoth
aimeé mandie
alexia manu
alexithymia manzanita
aline maow
ally marah
amber marcella
amora marie
amy marina
ana marley
andie marta
ane matilde
ange! mau
angel max
angel maxy
anna may
arantxa maya
ary meg
ascella mei
atlas mei
aura melissa
avarice melo
ayden mezzo piano
azzy meℓina and th...
babydoll mia
ban mia
baz michelle
bee michelle
bel mika
bella mika
berlingot milk
bibi mimi
bibia mimi
binha mina
birdie miya
bizi molly
blair momomo
bloodbride monday
bloodinthewine moony
bobo morklemole
boxi mæria
bre na
bren nana
brie nana
brookie! nat
brubru neisi
brubru nessa
buni night
cafe nikki
callie nina
camila nisa
cariatide nivia
carlie shea nix
carol nympha
carolie odeimin
cassi omi
cats and soup pam
cedar paola
celeste petra
charlie prince
chrissy raka
cie ray
claire rene
claire rev
clara rey
clover rika
cláudia rina
codex robin
constelacione... root
cora rosa
coral rose
cypherine rosie
dahlia s
dani s
dani s a r a h
dean s.
demona saika
denesse sam
domi sandpaper kisses
duda sarah
dusk sav
e shsl listo up...
e shyfra
ebi silver
eddie sloane
eden snowdrop
eleven so
eli soel
elise sol
elizabeth sol
emi stewart
emily stilldollie
emma sumire
emma summer fruit
envy sylvonic
envy tadpole
estella tahani
esteph tali
et talmi
faye tanan
felipe tanya
fia tay
fleurie telly
florrie thai
folkmoss thata
froy the moonrise
gabie tori
gabriel val
gabs vee
georgia rose vitoria
gideon vivi
gior vivianne ౨ৎ
glenda wanda
glkrose youngerus
goeth yuna
grace yuu
greatimperson... z
hani zai
hannah zeyna!
heather zihan
helena zion
honeybee ángel
hsau ç
humi π
ice and light ؘ
idol ୨୧
inara ୨୧
jae ᓚᘏᗢ
jai えりい
jakkii ユノ
jelly 安娜
jieu 猫仙
jill 生きがい
julia 룰루
list icon

12/52 listened ┋ 〔 ★☆½ rating ― ♡ loved 〕

—— january.

  • 01/04 | MM..FOOD by MF DOOM (2004) | ★★★½☆☆
    • Not my usual listen, but a good reccomendation by Felix. I would listen to most of the songs again, but I don't see most of them in my rotation. Some of the commentary pieces are too long for my personal taste.
  • 01/04 | ANX by Dark Time Sunshine (2012) | ★★★★½★
    • I like this album a lot more than the aforementioned album. I love electronic type albums so this is perfect for me. I would add most of the songs into my playlists.
  • 01/04 | Graduation by Kanye West (2007) | ★★★★★
    • Already knew some songs from this album. It's really good, I like it. This is the type of hip-hop I like.

—— february.

  • 02/03 | Hurry Up Tomorrow by The Weeknd (2025) | ★★★½☆☆
    • An overall good album but 22 songs was overwhelming for me, and they started to sound the same towards the end.
  • 02/03 | Speak For Yourself by Imogen Heap (2005) | ★★★★★
    • I loved this album SOOO much!!! Imogen Heap is a musical genius.
  • 02/08 | <COPINGMECHANISM> by Willow Smith (2022) | ★★★★½☆
    • This album was enjoyable. I like that it had a decent amount of songs, but it was too short ):
  • 02/28 | We Need Medicine by The Fratellis (2013) | ★★★★★
    • I thoroughly enjoyed this album. A nice album to listen to at night.

—— march.

  • 03/03 | Alter Ego by Lisa (2025) |★★★☆☆
    • There were some iffy songs I think I'd have to rehear in order to like it... I liked who she decided to feature though!
  • 03/16 | Wiped Out! by The Neighbourhood (2015)| ★★★★★
    • Good cleaning music! 5/5 bc the neighbourhood is soooo good!
  • 03/16 | In Utero by Nirvana (1993) | ★★★★★
    • i love this album so much i literally cannot stand it.
  • 03/19 | Cherie by Hojean (2023) | ★★★★½☆
    • cute, easy, simple. wish i had listened earlier.
  • 03/19 Nostalgia by Chase Atlantic (2015) | ★★★★★
    • im surprised it took me so long to listen to this ep, i already knew half of the songs LOL
dec 30 2024 ∞
mar 19 2025 +