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༉‧₊˚✧ ... fruitier than a fruit salad . . .

Jodie Things I love (January 2025)
ivyink things i love (january 2025)
えりい monthly media log
rose podcasts (january 2025)
Tanja memories (my top 10 moments of each year)
우주소녀 inara
Amanda isa
Apartmentcat isabella
Aspen its
Bea ivyink
Bianca j u n o
Bliss jai
Brie jam
Bru jax
Bárbara jay
Candice Austen jayne.
Cat jen
E julia
Edii julie
Elise julyana
EstroJen just a girl
FER jéssica
Gelly júlia
Han k. e. bigelow
IBelieveInPen... kaitlin
Jenni kales
Jodie kaori
Júlia kari
Kate katya
Katrina keetanlaani
Kay kelly ୭ৎ
Kelsey kellylouise
Kelsey koi
Ketelen kurispie
Kiskadee kye
Lari lagoon
Laurene laoise
Luciana lari
Maggie lataefah
Matsu laughing lady...
Misha lauren
Oh! leo
Origan letícia
Panda lie
Rebecca lila
Rhiannon liraz
Ryan lisa
Sarah lissa
Shannon listography
Sore littlewhitehouse
Stavros lois
StormFyrie louise
Tanja love
V lua f.
Venisse luci
Vicky luiza
a lulu
a ~ lunna
abby m.
ace maha
aivin maido
alexandra malu
alexia mapholie
alexithymia marah
alice o'bright marcella
ally marcella
ana maria
andie marido
ane marruá
angie mau
anisha max
anna mei
anna meℓina and th...
anna mia
anna miana
antoinette michelle
ara mila
arantxa mimi
aria mimi
aster miya
atlas mmurklins
aura monday
ayden moon
b moon
baba yaga moony
babydoll morimoonie
babylove moute
baroqueen mæria
bea! na
beable nai
becca namoon
bee nathália
bel nessa
belle nic
berlingot nina
bia no one
bianca nyanbot
birdie ohdeer
birdsong pam
blair peaches
bloodbride petra
bonafini priscila
brigtter pétala
broccomilie rae
brooke! raxaaa
bun riho
c rika
callie rodi
cariatide rosa
carol rose
caroline ruptures
caroline s.
caroline s.
cassie s. n.
cedar sam
cee selena
ch. shakti
christina shannon
clare shosanna
cláudia shug avery
coleen silverb
constelacione... skudge
czar skye
d sloane
daisy sms
damien soel
dani sofia
dayna softie
debs sophie
derura ihi speedtrials
dina steph
doki. sumire
e tahani
e tanan
eleven tay
elihomicidal tenneil
elise the traveler
elizabeth tigerhead
ella tori
elle tori
elodie u
emerson vee
emi vetica
emi vi
emily vices
emma vicky
encre vickye
endlessness vitória
envy vizy
enya whit
erika willow
estella with a cherry...
esther yrsa
evan yuu
evelyn zai
fallon zoey
fefa ʚɞ
florrie ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
furiousrose ℋosho
gabs えりい
georgia rose ユノ
gigi 乙女解剖
giulia 五夏
hyena ꜱᴀᴡʏᴇʀ
iana 알바
ilya words

mental health.

  • stop taking higher doses of meds than you're supposed to ✖
  • stop taking xanax unnecessarily ✔
  • stop mentioning meds to neurotypicals ▧
  • stop cutting, you already have too many scars (hitting is allowed) ✖
  • not kill yourself ▧
  • not research any disorders that you have or suspect you have ✖
  • take your fu*king meds as prescribed every day
  • go to therapy ✔
  • learn how to control your social anxiety ✖
  • tell your psych your honest feelings instead of saying it'll be okay
  • write down what you want to say to your psych and therapist ✖


  • try to be sympathetic even if you lack empathy ✔
  • do not talk behind your friends' backs ✔
  • not leave anyone on read ✔
  • stop talking about yourself ▧
  • listen to what everyone is saying and offer support ✔


  • brush teeth ever single day before sleep & after waking up ▧
  • always wash your hands after peeing & before eating ▧
  • shower every 2 days ✖
  • wash your hair at least 3 times a week ✔
  • use a deodorant every day ✖
  • change underwear every day ✖
  • use your perfumes, but not too much ▧


  • change your nail polish every 2 days ▧
  • wear rings ▧
  • always wear foundation when going out, for example, to uni ▧
  • straighten your hair ▧
  • try blow drying your hair as often as you can ✖


  • stop doing course work the night before ▧
  • try to start being organized ▧
  • write in your planner ▧
  • take notes of what the lecturer is saying ✖
  • use highlighters ▧
  • try not to skip lectures (after all you're paying for it) ✖
  • try not to fall asleep in lectures ✔
  • arrive in uni earlier ✔
  • write in a notebook ✖

creative juices.

  • read at least 50 books this year ✖
  • first read the ones you've already bought ✖
  • re-read the truth about the harry quebert affair
  • write in 365 days both books ✖
  • write in your journal as often as you can ▧
  • try using writing prompts ✖
  • set up a writer's notebook ✖
dec 7 2018 ∞
oct 9 2021 +