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〔☆ - new (total: 10) ) | ↻ - rewatch (total: 8)

  • chilling adventures of sabrina ▸ season 4 ▸ ✰✰✰
  • brooklyn nine-nine ▸ season 1-8 ▸ ✰✰✰✰✰
  • friends ▸ season 1-10 ▸ ✰✰✰✰✰
  • how i met your mother ▸ season 1-9 ▸ ✰✰✰✰✰
  • schitts's creek ▸ season 1-6 ▸ ✰✰✰✰✰
  • modern love ▸ season 1 ▸ ✰✰✰✰✰
  • santa clarita diet ▸ season 1-3 ▸ ✰✰✰✰✰
  • according to jim ▸ season 1-8 ▸ ✰✰✰✰✰
  • you ▸ season 1-2 ▸ ✰✰✰✰✰
  • the office ▸ season 1-9 ▸ ✰✰✰✰✰
  • killing eve ▸ season 1-3 ▸ ✰✰✰✰✰
  • doctor foster ▸ season 1-2 ▸ ✰✰✰
  • never have I ever ▸ season 1-2 ▸ ✰✰✰✰
  • kevin can f**k himself ▸ season 1 ▸ ✰✰✰✰✰
  • why women kill ▸ season 2 ▸ ☆☆☆☆☆
  • american horror stories ▸ season 1 ▸ ✰✰✰
  • american horror story ▸ season 10 ▸ ✰✰✰½
  • wandavision ▸ season 1 ▸ ✰✰✰✰✰
  • only murders in the building ▸ season 1 ▸ ✰✰✰✰½
  • squid game ▸ season 1 ▸ ✰✰✰✰✰
  • you ▸ season 3 ▸ ✰✰✰✰

my takes.

  • CAOS. I was obsessed with the first two seasons, but then it just went downhill. Sabrina was a comfort character and an ID. did not like the ending AT ALL, I think it didn't do the justice for the characters. I probably won't be rewatching it, since I didn't like the ending.
  • brooklyn nine-nine. such a comfort tv show I've seen more than 10 times. I can quote lines and I remember each episode, but watching them over and over again is just as good maybe even better than watching them for the first time. loved the ending too, thought it was satisfactory and bittersweet. will be rewatching it forever. ♡
  • friends. will always be one of my fav comedies!! will always rewatch. love all of them - phoebe, monica, rachel, chandler, ross and joey! ♡
  • how i met your mother. one of my fav and dearest comedies too. will always rewatch. ♡
  • schitt's creek. I still have not watched the very last 6th season - simply because I don't think I'll be able to cope with it ending, out of how much I loved it. will rewatch countless times. love the character development. all of the schitt's fam members were amazing. comedy goal. deserved all the awards it got. ♡
  • modern love. season 1 was so WHOLESOME! very very strong plot and characters. very heart-wrenching. made me think about my own life a lot. loved the last episode where it was like an overview of how all the characters in the series living in NYC are doing, some even crossing paths. ♡
  • santa clarita diet. was skeptical at first and before watching it but grew close to the characters and the plot was very good, had comedy elements, plot twists. very sad it got cancelled. fell in love with drew barrymore. ♡
  • according to jim. have been with this show since my childhood. love of my life. comfort show 100%.have rewatched multiple times and will do so for years. ♡
  • you. was a comfort show (oddly), but after the latest season 3 it kind of lost that spot because of the ending, though I still love it and will rewatch, continue watching the next seasons (even though I said I wouldn't after season 3 ending).
  • the office. in my top 3 tv shows (comedies). LOVE EVERYONE, especially michael and dwight. comfort show. will rewatch forever. was skeptical before I saw it, but I remember it being on tv when I was little, never knew I'd love it so much. ♡
  • killing eve. absolutely obsessed and in love. broke my rewatching records. ♡
  • doctor foster. I watched it mainly or only because of jodie comer. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't the best. the ending sucked.
  • never have I ever. I tried to watch it at first and didn't really like it, but then decided I'd give it another try. I enjoyed it, not going to lie, especially the second season, and I'm eager to see season 3.
  • kevin can f**k himself. watched it for annie murphy, but thoroughly enjoyed it, can't wait for season 2. interesting concept.
  • why women kill. I loved the first season. tried to watch season 2 but wasn't too into it at first, then my parents watched season 2 and loved it so I decided to give it another try, and I loved it too.
  • american horror stories. wasn't my favorite series. my favorite episode was the one with billie lourd (naturally) and least favorite ones - the Christmas and feral. overall it was disappointing.
  • american horror story. had high expectations for this season, the premise and idea was good, but it was poorly executed. I only watched the first part - red tide, don't really want to see the alien part.
  • wandavision. MY FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!! ♥️
  • only murders in the building. binged it, loved it.
  • squid game. one of the best shows of the year. loved the plot, dialogue, plot twists, characters, actors etc. ♡
jan 1 2021 ∞
jan 16 2022 +