✽ tv ┆ 彡 movie ┊ ♬ music ┊ ❞ book ┊ ↺ re ┊ bold favs
。ᐟ 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒉.
- ✽ the office ↺
- ✽ friends ↺
- ✽ buffy the vampire slayer, s1
- ✽ superstore, s1
- 彡 mean girls
- 彡 duplex
- 彡 the favourite
- 彡 mothers' instinct
- ♬ GOLWING by billie eilish
- ♬ obsessed by olivia rodrigo
- ♬ take me to the river by lorde
- ❞ the fury
。ᐟ 𝒂𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒍.
- ✽ buffy the vampire slayer, s1-s5
- ✽ superstore, s2-s5
- 彡 ocean’s 8 ↺
- ♬ found heaven by conan gray
- ♬ master of none by beach house
- ♬ savior by st. vincent
- ♬ the tortured poets department by taylor swift
- ❞ a good girl's guide to murder
- ❞ the miseducation of cameron post
。ᐟ 𝒎𝒂𝒚.
- ✽ buffy the vampire slayer, s5
- 彡 date night
- 彡 doctor strange in the multiverse of madness ↺
- ♬ good luck, babe! by chappell roan
- ♬ hit me hard and soft by billie eilish
- ♬ chappell roan
。ᐟ 𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒆.
- ✽ grey's anatomy, s2
- ♬ the secret of us by gracie abrams
。ᐟ 𝒋𝒖𝒍𝒚.
- ✽ grey's anatomy, s5
- ♬ gold rush by taylor swift
- ♬ savior by st. vincent
- ❞ the fury
。ᐟ 𝒂𝒖𝒈𝒖𝒔𝒕.
- ✽ a good girl's guide to murder
- ♬ august by taylor swift
- ♬ short n' sweet by sabrina carpenter
。ᐟ 𝒔𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓.
- ✽ the office ↺
- ✽ orange is the new black ↺
- ✽ agatha all along
- ✽ the perfect couple
- ♬ the ballad of the withces' road
- 彡 longlegs
。ᐟ 𝒐𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒃𝒆𝒓.
- ✽ the office ↺
- ✽ orange is the new black ↺
- ✽ agatha all along
- ✽ modern family ↺
- ✽ parks and recreation ↺
- ♬ too sweet by hozier
- ❞ the housemaid
mar 1 2024 ∞
jan 30 2025 +