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༉‧₊˚✧ ... fruitier than a fruit salad . . .

emily books (read in 2025)
cariatide why fall in love when you can fall on the floor and cry over a tv show. (2025)
evelyn television (03/25)
christina quotes (phrase that reveal intentions )
e academic diary (mar25)
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Bea ivyink
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Bru jax
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Sore listography
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V love
Venisse lua f.
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a ~ luiza
aang lulu
abby lunna
ace m.
aivin maha
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ally marcella
ana marcella
andie maria
ane marido
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anisha max
anna mei
anna meℓina and th...
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anna miana
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ara mila
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aster miya
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b moon
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bia nina
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c raxaaa
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caroline rose
caroline ruptures
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cedar s.
cee s. n.
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e sumire
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elle tori
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emily vices
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encre vickye
endlessness vitória
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enya whit
erika willow
estella with a cherry...
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fallon ʚɞ
fernanda ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
florrie ℋosho
gabs より
georgia rose ユノ
gigi 乙女解剖
giulia 五夏
humi ꜱᴀᴡʏᴇʀ
hyena 알바
iana words
  • ally sees a clown in her bed, screams and runs out to ivy
    • it seems like ally in this season is a total screamer and very weak ivy, there’s a clown but screaming and running, tried to grab a knife & ivy says they’re gonna call the police lol for what? hallucinations?
    • lol ivy grabs a knife and heads to the bedroom
    • the dramatic music
    • ofc there’s no one (not under the bed or in the closet)
    • i think there might be something wrong.. with me NO SHIT
    • i don’t know what’s real anymore remember how my girl winter said the same thing last ep
    • ahhhhhh the clown from freak show
    • he appears as oz turns on the lights
    • probs a dream
    • two of the clowns
    • the clowns scare the bejuses out of me
    • yes that shit was dream
  • news about kai being beaten up; new neighbors
    • guess who filmed the attack.. a couple - the woman is coco from ahs: apocalypse and the man once played a gay dude in a previous season
    • ooooooh they killed the councilman aka the asian neighbor dude and kai definitely was behind it so he could run for a place as a councilman??
    • COCO & THE GAY DUDE are moving in the house the asian couple were living in
    • ally’s going over there
    • lol ally’s scared of the gay dude bc he’s wearing this white whatever it’s called protection costume but it’s probs bc of a job he has
  • pinkie with oz and winter; the neighbors and their bees
    • WINTER comes in a house with oz and she has the cutest hairstyle - two pigtails
    • oz is mad at her
    • winnie got oz a gift - the freak show clown toy
    • oz is scared the masked killers will come back for him
    • pinky with oz and winter i’m going to show you a track, it’s going to help you
    • she has a victorian style ring cute
    • winter looks so intimidating
    • ally and ivy enter the house, call for oz
    • lmao winter left oz in the neighbors house to chill and ally gets scared and runs to her house, i don’t get how winter isn’t fired yet
    • oz is screaming lol probs nothing bad
    • yes, nothing bad, just watching bees
    • ally gets a panic attack bc she sees honeycombs
    • the gay dude is HARRISON and coco is MEADOW
    • truth be told as soon as we saw what happened on the news, we called the owners of the house WHY
  • lemonade by meadow
    • winter has come
    • THE DUDE IS GAY IN THIS SEASON AS WELL i knew he’s giving out those gay vibes
    • we need to go
    • jesus the marks left from the bloody smilley on the door
    • uhh there’s a huge spot of where the blood was on the floor why the fuck have they moved in what is their motive
    • both of them stressed leave the house
  • oz comes sleep with his moms; restaurant alarm
    • you weren’t at all suspicious HELL I WAS
    • what ivy has to go to her restaurant i think she’s up to something or is involved i bet you some clown is gonna show up again to ally
    • ally i can go then ivy looks weird and says are you sure? i know the bitch is involved bc ally wants to ruin her plans
    • ally gets to the restaurant, something bad is bound to happen
    • i’m scared, she turned off the sirens
    • shit there’s a sound i knew it so predictable
    • she gets into the scary room where all the raw meat is stored
    • SOMEONE BEHIND HER FUCK run run run run she’s about to scream
    • OMG one of the chefs is hanging from the ceiling he dead
  • shrink visiting ally; detective at the restaurant
    • hahahhaa paranoid/scared ally is having her windows protected.. i do understand her tho
    • why is the shrink visiting
    • did she tell you that i was the one who killed him (the chef dude) WHAT ?????
    • his name is rodger and he was still alive when ally found him bejesus
    • blood coming out his mouth. i feel like she wasn’t scared enough
    • ally, you didn’t kill him
    • the detectives think the spanish dude pedro (who had an argument with rodger) might be the one who killed him.... nope i do not think so, that would be so fucking boring tbh
    • the election made it worse
    • ally got a fucking gun from her neighbors bitch what
    • such a big gun collection what is up with this couple
    • she won’t tell ivy abt the gun hahahah
    • what is that sound in the background oh it’s like from outside he house
  • kai’s visit
    • oh she’s left alone
    • bars on doors LMAO thanks ivy
    • A SOUND again this is getting annoying
    • she grabbes a knife
    • KAI IS VISITING HER bejesus at least there are bars on the doors
    • he wants to come in she ofc refuses
    • what’s that behind your back? KAI WHAT THE FRICK IS GOING ON this door is new, strong aaaa he’s so intimidating
    • i’m gonna need you to leave now I’M GONNA CALL THE POLICE
    • the dude just grabs the bars he’s terrifying
  • winter makes oz go to bed, ally’s pills
    • winter - scary
    • ally sitting next to her pill bottle and probs debating if she should take them.. BITCH TAKE THEM
    • winter scares ally
    • i should take these, promised ivy i would, but i don’t want to WHY ALLY WHY
  • BATH
    • winnie has black nails now.. gotta paint mine too now
    • oh god winter takes off her black top and has a white top beneath bc it’s steamy you can see her stomach
    • ally’s in the bath
    • winter sits on the bath and lowkey scares ally yasss
    • aaaaaa she’s washing ally’s back with a sponge how does that feel
    • aaaaaaaaa winter i think touched ally down there
  • alarm
    • shit the lights turned off what even winter looked scared
    • a clown comes in oz’s room. oz thinks he’s asleep and it’s a dream lol little dude.. the clown tells him he’s a sleep hhahah
    • ally ofc looking for her gun
    • the gay dude from the window LESBIANS, we’re under attack all the street went black
    • winter says _holy shit _ without any emotion mmmmmm maybe she knows something idek
    • i love the gay dude
    • uhh winter wants to leave uhh i don’t blame her.. but tbh i’m almost certain she’s involved with the clowns
    • ally begs her to stay winnie says it’s not always about you SHE RIGHT YES left
    • honestly ally is such a weak ass
    • um the doors just like moved and she’s going in with NO protection where did her gun go. nothing’s there
    • the same ice cream truck as in ep 1
    • she’s blocking the door with a coach
    • i’m scared
    • a clown just appeared and blew out her candle. another scream
    • baby it’s dark in the house
    • haaa there’s a clown girl mayhaps it’s actually winter
    • are u telling me she’s getting the gun ONLY NOW???
    • i bet the gun is empty
    • she’s taking oz with her downstairs, to run to the neighbors & she shoots the first guy who appears as she opens the door. i hope it’s not the gay dude. wait i think it’s pedro


  • winter tells oz if he doesn’t understand if he’s in a dream or not he should just ask. and then later when a clown enters his room oz asks if it’s a dream & the clown responds yes. maybe it was winter??
nov 25 2018 ∞
dec 28 2018 +