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༉‧₊˚✧ ... fruitier than a fruit salad . . .

emily books (read in 2025)
cariatide why fall in love when you can fall on the floor and cry over a tv show. (2025)
evelyn television (03/25)
christina quotes (phrase that reveal intentions )
e academic diary (mar25)
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Venisse lua f.
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a ~ luiza
aang lulu
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ace m.
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ana marcella
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ane marido
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anna meℓina and th...
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anna miana
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c raxaaa
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elle tori
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encre vickye
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estella with a cherry...
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fallon ʚɞ
fernanda ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
florrie ℋosho
gabs より
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gigi 乙女解剖
giulia 五夏
humi ꜱᴀᴡʏᴇʀ
hyena 알바
iana words
  • rando woman conquers her ongoing fear of confined spaces, and the clowns push her in a coffin and electric drill it shut
    • oh dear lord that’s my worst fear - being confined in a tight place like a coffin
    • wtf now she’s in a flower field
    • oh so she’s seeing the same psych dude ally’s seeing
    • wine yumm
    • god why do they all go out to see what happened whenever they hear a noise like that.. like run out and call for help dumbass
    • don’t open the door
    • the dumb bitch opened the door and there are 2 coffins
    • and now the clowns are pushing them in the coffins
    • if i’m not mistaken this one girl in a clown’s costume is winter but i’m not entirely sure (YES I JUST CHECKED THAT WAS WINTER OMG)
    • i feel so sorry for her
  • detective talk; ally worried about oz
    • lord, ally is such a scare baby
    • he must be so traumatized. i killed a man right in front of his face ... lmao but winter made him watch how someone gets brutally murdered(on the dark web)
    • pretty sure sarah paulson is in a state of constant terror in this season
  • protest against ally; kai being nice to ally
    • THERE’S a protest against ally.. bc everyone thinks she killed the pedro guy intentionally hahaha this is all probably planned and ivy is in on it too what a cunt
    • jesus fucking christ kai just appeared in ally’s car window i got scared a bit
    • why the fuck is he suddenly so nice he DEF wants something
  • gay dude and meadow come to the door and verbally bully ally
    • someone’s knocking on the door. guess who’s scared again yessss SARAH PAULSON
    • oh god it’s the suspicious neigbors in fedora hats or sombreros? lmao i mean the gay dude and i forgot the name of the girl was it madison?? oh wait no it’s meadow
    • their faces are hilarious
    • answering ally’s question why are you wearing sumbreros? gay dude because this is obviously how you view people of latin descent LMAO what
    • the gay dude just grabbed the bars the door & said i want my gun back
    • I FUCKING HATE THAT COUPLE! poor ally..
    • why can’t they just move out?
  • the news of the burried couple found dead
    • omg ally and ivy are watching the news and the couple before who got locked up into coffins have been found dead
    • oh god the smiley face on the wall of the couple who got locked into coffins
    • another sound again - an engine of a car most likely in the street ally and ivy come look
  • dead crows; winter is not fired; add of horny lesbians
    • wtf they just left it like that some kind of car producing this green gas and then suddenly the next scene
    • ok but where the fuck is winter?
    • ivy’s calling for ally and she’s not respnding
    • ivy looks out the window & ally is just like randomly standing there starig at something
    • what the fuck there are dead crows (a lot of them) on the lawn next to their house
    • ally they’re probably in on it yes ikr and then ivy looks with a facial expression vaguely resembling guilt (or fear of her finding out the truth maybe) but not intense enough to be able to tell right away
    • ally what the hell are you doing here? ivy i called her in ofc you did BECAUSE IT’S PART OF KAI’S PLAN
    • my girl is wearing something more than black and white but instead a jean jacket looking good, winnie
    • what the actual fuck winter let in some random guy and they went to check and he’s fucking naked and went like i hope you’re hungry and they want to call the police now WTF
    • lol someone put out an add for horny lesbians LMAO WHO
    • what a fucking creep ew i hate men
    • maybe this was staged.. ivy went like GET OUT OR I WILL KILL YOU with a fucking candle stick.. maybe to prove to ally she’s faithful and not guilty?
  • ally on phone with her therapist; kai saving ally from the protestors
    • ok it is pretty clear now (at least to me) that the therapist dude is guilty
    • the therapist is suggesting inpatient to ally
    • ally wants to clear things up with the protestors but they’re all going bat shit crazy over ONE DUDE being killed calm down, idiots
    • she’s yelling MOVE while in the car i bet she’s just gonna drive over them and make it all worse
    • kai appears and says the magic word enough and immediately the chanting stops and everyone goes away
    • i bet kai wants to play the fucking hero for some reason
    • does he ever wash his hair??
    • beautiful brown eyes bless both sarah paulson and evan peters
  • hamster
    • lol winter keeps fucking everything up, she got a hamster for oz and ally of course has some ground rules of pets
    • winter why do you have rules about pet names if you never have pets? TRUE
    • the fuck winter.. apparently she was not the one who bought the hamster but the lady (meadow) from across the street with the hats brought it over.. how is winter still not fired lmao
    • apparently the hamster from the gay dude and meadow is a “peace offering”
    • ally tells oz to say good byes to the hamster and put it back in the cage and give it back and oz says i wish i could say my good byes to you WHAT THE FUCK
  • truck with the green gas
    • wait the gay couple has a guest over some dude with .. wait is that the detective????????
    • some couple is arguing in the next room
    • meadow to ally on phone i think you’re a horrible racist hangs up
    • another one of those trucks outside.. the one with the green gas
    • what the fuck ally almost gets run over by the truck
    • her nose is bleeding
  • meadow and kai pinkies
    • ok but what? meadow is in kai’s house and they’re doing the pinky thingy
    • he slaps her and yells at her wtf she falls off the chair .. bc she made a joke
    • if i’m not mistaken then the gay dude is friends with the detective and meadow is afraid he’ll turn away because he’s gay after all
  • dinner at the closed restaurant
    • ally inhaled some part of the green gas the truck was spraying
    • ally and ivy habing a laugh in the empty restaurant after closing
    • ivy knows oz does not eat the mint green ice cream or sorbet or whatever it is so she gives some to ally and i fucking bet it’s gonna be some sort of idek poison??
    • oz gets to keep the hamster
  • smiley face; ally becoming mentally stronger
    • omfg the red smiley the clowns left is drawn on the front door of ally and ivy’s house wtf
    • oz runs inside the cage is empty and hamster is gone
    • wtf the hamster was put inside the microwave by someone and his guts just exploded i bet you it was winter
    • ally comes banging on the gay couple’s door because she probably thinks they did it
    • ally starts punching the gay dude and yells at them and oh lord ally is becoming like a much stronger character i love it
    • omg there’s the same red smiley face on the side of the gay couple’s house .. i honestly can’t tell if they’re fully in on it or if ivy is .. i think they’re trying to make ally lose her mind which would eventually lead her to inpatient which the therapist suggested (who is in on it too) but i cannot understand why the inpatient wtf
    • these masked men are spraying the green gas on her lawn and ally has become stronger and more vocal she’s yelling at and hitting the men in masks.. she takes off the mask and there’s a MOTHERFUCKET smiley face
    • ally passes out maybe because of the gas i wonder what the stupid gas is for
  • gay dude & kai
    • pinky with kai (ofc) and the gay dude
    • gay dude admits he wants meadow dead but had to be pushed a little by kai to say it out loud
  • ivy finds out about winter & ally; meadow murdered
    • ally tries explaining to the detective it’s all connected.. ivy looks angry slightly probably because ally is finding the connections which could lead her to fidning out HER OWN WIFE is in on it too
    • oz does not want to show what’s on the laptop which cannot be turned off..
    • OMFG OMFG OMFG it’s a video of the bath scene from last episode where winter seduces ally
    • ivy slaps ally lol you’re having an affair with the babysitter? ivy probs is behind it so she’s just pretending to be mad
    • she’s fingering you in the tub
    • what if winter is workig with the neighbors? YOU’RE FINALLY GOING FURTHER
    • what if it’s a setup? YES
    • ivy you betrayed our family HAHAHAHA JOKES ON U BITCH U DID !!
    • ivy wants to leave with oz
    • THERE’S POLICE OUTSIDE WHAT NOW ?? meadow probs dead
    • yea i was right the gay dude is yelling to the police he did nothing
    • fucking ally is telling oz to just stay here leaving him alone LIKE WHAT GIRL someone was murdered again and you leave your son alone????
    • ok the fucking gay dude is accusing poor ally of killing meadow
    • ally where’s ozzie BITCH U LEFT HIM ALONE WHAT DO U EXPECT??
    • ok ozzie is in the window staring at something in the gay couple’s house
    • blood smeared on the walls ozzie looks frightened
    • bloody hand marks everywhere
    • and another smiley face on the walls..


  • just realized what kai said about fear.. and he’s behind the whole clown thing ally has a phobia from & now this chick apparently has conquered her phobia from confined places & kai is behind her locking up in a coffin
  • i just fucking realized how kai knew about ally’s and this blonde chick’s phobias - his brother is a therapist treating them.. he knows everything about their phobias and passes that information to kai on demand.. everyone is secretly working for kai, but the viewer doesn’t know it yet
  • kai says stop saying sorry. for anything...everything is somebody else’s fault... i remember that in a simple favor emily said baby, you don’t need to be sorry for anythinf ever - two similar ideas shared by 2 socio/psychopaths
dec 1 2018 ∞
dec 28 2018 +