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humi ꜱᴀᴡʏᴇʀ
hyena 알바
iana words
  • back to the election night
    • oh shit thats fuckin emma roberts... bet you’d seen the last of her
    • emma chick insulted the beverly reported chick and the reporter is in on it too.. so she’s probs gonna murder the emma chick.. that look in her eyes
    • winnie and some other girls chanting this pussy grabs back HELL YES then someone is like quiet down and winnie goes down with the patriarchy
    • meadow’s character reminds me a bit of the character in apocalypse coco the fake one or idk how i’d call it the one who’s personality was changed to madison’s u know
    • emma chick votes for trump ummm okay
    • meadow writes down “oprah” im chuckling
    • winter ofc votes for hillary plus takes a selfie
    • why does ally vote for some rando??
    • wtf kai comes in with a guy and kai says this man needs to vote and the guy is dripping with blood so the lady goes omg he needs a doc and the guy is adamant at voting for trump
    • i’m shocked .. the guy comes out of the voting thingy yells welcome to trump’s america, motherfuckers and his fucing arm is half cut off and it’s fresh ofc ... uhhh i’m fucken disgusted
  • the day after the election
    • kai is at the gym and the gay dude offers to be his trainer
    • his hair is so greasy
    • apprently kai works with computers and coding but he might as well be lying
    • kai looks pissed at this other dude at the gym, i bet he’s gonna do something to him, let’s wait and see.. his stare is midly terrifying especially if you already know what he’s capable of.. and ofc he just told the gay dude that he would do anythig for “his people” .. even kill
    • the other dude is being rude to the gay dude
    • haaaa there’s a sound.. 100% sure it’s kai
    • omg there’s the same smiley as before on the steamed glass
    • someone’s jerking off
    • kai’s jerking off
    • ok so the gay dude gets home
    • meadow says she messed up and hands the gay dude a letter i wonder what it says
    • the bank is foreclosing on them whatever that means lol
    • ok so they’re gonna lose the house apparently.. and i’m guessing kai is gonna “help them” but in favor they have to disturb ally
    • doesn’t she know he’s gay?
    • back at work.. the same dude is being rude to the gay dude AGAIN
    • kai is mad at the gay dude, bc he’s being overly optimistic bc he has to tell him something
    • he just told him how he’a losing his house
    • bullshit talk from kai
    • ”to live is to suffer, and to suffer is to find meaning in that suffering” GOOD QUOTE
    • kai’s drawing the smiley face in the mirror again
    • kai’s telling the gay dude to stand up for himself but in a complex way, damn he rlly is extremely smart
    • ok here comes the gay dude confronting the rude dude
    • OMFG WHAT the gay dude ”i want you to feel the pain” sprays a washing spray on his face and the thingy from an exercise machine falls on this stomach.. and the gay dude is stranglig him with it.. kai is encouraging him..
    • he almost dead.. cracked his neck and yet he’s still alive the fuck
    • gay dude is about to.....smash his skull
    • ”i’m a murderer” he’s freaking out
    • ”i’ve been watching you and the people around you for a long time” LMAO as if that wasn’t creepy
    • he’s brainwashing him
    • meadow - ”i ran out of my xanies” FUCK OFF
    • ok so meadow walks home at night, and discovers kai imstructing the gay dude how to disect the rude dude’s body and meadow walks in just as he’s sawing off his head WTF i wonder what her reaction will be .. also how the fuck does kai have so many people brainwashed
    • lol meadow isn’t shocked she’s like pissed
  • december 2016
    • emma girl (serena)
    • they found a body at the dumpster
    • kai’s rewinding the new’s of what becerly is saying WHY??? oh perhaps he wants to take her in his plan of world domination
    • he’a taking some pills from the classic orange bottles damn i wish i had those
    • it was adderall
    • he’s googling the beverly chick bc he probs wants to add her to his minions
    • he’s watching news videos of beverly and idf get why he’s interested in her.. what he finds in her wtf
    • ok so in the videos every time she speaks some randos run over and yell ”grab her right in the pussy” and she had been tolerant for a while but in this one video she starts hitting and yelling ”do you think this is funny” LMAO IT’S lowkey hilarious
    • serena is reporting live that beverly has VOLUNTARELY checked herself in a psych ward FUCK THIS IS SO TRIGGERING
    • some weird dude is flirting with serena.. about to kiss and then beverly jars in
    • serena being a bitch to beverly .. i think i remember how she got the revenge on her
    • the beginning of the revenge is slashing her tiers lol
    • THE FUCK kai shows up how in the fuck does he even know where she’s at
    • she calls him asshole he offeres to buy her coffee she agrees
    • here comes the brainwashing
    • HE’S GENIUS of manipulating people, but he never got close to ally which shows she’s still a strong character even with her phobias
    • he’s brainwashing her so much
    • he’s 30.. iq 135 .. woah impressive
    • omfg so serena is filming a footage
    • she’s dressed pretty
    • she’s so rude
    • PUPPY
    • she’s being rude to the puppy CUNT
    • haaaaaaaa there’s a clown coming from behind her and a lowkey loud scary music started playing
    • the clown is def beverly
    • the camera dude notices the clown lol i’d just run away
    • another clown shows up i think that one might have been winter but idk maybe not
    • 3 clowns now .. the camera dude is shooshing them away
    • one of the clowns pulls out a knife..... GEAT ready for some gore now
    • all of them pull out knives and are abou to slash her throat (i bet throat bc thats’s classic ahs)
    • wrong she stabbed her stomach .. another one her neck..
    • the cameta dude runs away
    • they stab the camera dude as well BUT WHAT DID HE DO
    • it’s literally the middle of the day how does noone around notices the fuck
    • they keep stabbing her and she’s all covered in blood like literally CRIMSON RED
    • the repeatedly keep stabbing them and the camera is still on lol
    • they’re getting away but thank god the dog is alive
    • ok wtf so apparently meadow was drawing sketches of masks and showing them to kai who complimented them
    • beverly believes it was kai who administrated the killings and he confirms without apologies
    • she’s under his spell
    • they found the head of the gym dude
    • ooh ally and ivy..
  • day before the election
    • everyone’s yelling ”lock her up”
    • the dude from earlier who had his arm cut off is arguing with ivy
    • OMG OMG OMG WINTER RUNS IN and yells “hey you do not touch her”
    • oh wow the dude ran away and my girl winter is running to get him and yelling ”get back here, you asshole”
    • her hair doesn’t seem gray anymore.. it’s more like the color of my hair kinda
    • ok winter is offering to go get somewhere to eat with ivy and i bet you it’s part of the plan to get ivy into it bc kai once again has brainwashed his sister
    • the fucking same dude who made winter mad
    • he’s alone
    • she does the same old grin omg cute when the dude asks her if he can help her
    • ”i need some tape but there are so many choices”
    • she has such cute rings
    • ”what do you wanna use them for?” to which she responds ”to tie somebody up”
    • haaaaaa ivy is using the shock machine thingy idk how it’s called
    • winnie hits him in the face
    • lol they tied him up in some kind of basement
    • i’m certain he’s gonna cut his arm off to go vote.. and kai will help him
    • winter comes home
    • her room is so cute aww
    • kai shows up in the doorway and asks if that’s blood on her face she’s rubbing off
    • ”what did you do” she responds ”i hurt someone”
    • ”it felt fuckin fantastic”
    • kai just fucking convinced the dude to cut off his own arm MAN DOES HE HAVE POWERS
    • he isn’t screaming loud enough


  • i think kai’s plan is to show how the government in this state is shitty af and he wants to run for council.. and show concern and all that jazz to the public... so he administrates and is a part of the killings so that to show that the current government is fucked up .. although, of course, no one knows it’s kai behind all that .. except his minions.. and he chose beverly to showcase the whole murders... and how the government is shitty and all that etc.
dec 3 2018 ∞
dec 28 2018 +