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iana words
  • beverly’s boss, kai’s followers discussion
    • there’s a news report obviously BEVERLY is interviewing KAY on the recent gruesome murders of the own PERPETUATED AND ORGANIZED by kai in order for him to be elected. ”our own government is poisoning us”
    • ”god damn holes in your story” lol related to the title of the episode but probs more for ally and her phobia
    • beverly’s boss is being a cunt to her and she looks mildly enraged probs gonna kill him
    • he just fired her, she goes ”you sure u wanna do that, bob” buddy buddy you’re in deep deep trouble the clowns are coming for ya. brace yourself, pal
    • apparently he sexually harrased the emma chick (the reported who was stabbed by clowns)
    • all of previously mentioned kai’s folllwers are here gathered in a room and they’re discussing the city council’s role, which kai wants
    • ok some dude went like ”who cares if kai is in city council” BEJESUS YOU’RE IN TROUBLE should not have said that
    • kai just slapped him
    • ”we need to make the murders scarier”
    • ”people aren’t scared because they haven’t seen the goddamn clowns” U RITE BEVERLY
    • why aren’t they showing they’re scared of kai?? theh look pretty chill maybe they’re all scared inside just like winter
    • they’re gonna kill bob, beverly’s boss
    • in a satanic way
  • ally & therapist
    • ally minding her own business, washing her face i bet when she leans up there’s gonna be some clown in the mirror wait for it
    • nah there isn’t .. i think the holes will appear since she’s not taking her medication
    • that was a dream and she saw her neck with holes and bugs going through them she scratched herself raw when she woke up .. talking to her therapist
    • ”she’s made it so i have to stay in that house alone. by myself” yes duh bc ivy is part of kai’s plans ofc
    • i wonder when and how ivy was manipulated and spellbound by kai (corrected - i remembered the last episode and it was when winter stood up for her)
    • and ally is one strong character because kai tried to manipulate her too but it did not work
    • so ally is telling her therapist how ivy ”was prepared” to rip her pennyless so i’m guessing ally is starting to get suspicious of ivy?? finay
  • throwback before election
    • ally trying to seduce ivy but she’s busy with work apparently and saying how they’re gonna end up losing money or whatever
    • ally gives her a gift and she’s mad lol ok
    • ok so the therapist was right - ally & ivy’s relationship is/was tenuous
  • back to the therapist scene
    • ok so apparently ally is only allowed to see oz on saturdays or whatever and oz is showing reluctance to talk & ivy is watching them from a far in the restaurant and she looks kinda sad, which means she isn’t like 100% mindfucked by kai, right?
  • killing bob
    • ivy was talking to oz on the phone, and fricking winter is there in the car
    • KAI’S FOLLOWERS ARE ABT TO DO SOMETHINF as quoted by winter ”radical”
    • so all of them have to chant ”ave satanas”
    • kai took some pills again
    • aaaah the bob guy, which they’re gonna film him being killed by the clowns or as we now have established are kai’s followers
    • the bob guy is walking downstairs and has plastic gloved on with the fingertipes which look like they’re from blood.. the fuck is that
    • the clowns are back in town the clowns are back in town
    • scooping some ice cream
    • the tape is rolling bib is hit by a baseball bat
    • he’s terrified
    • the fuck is gimp in the attic??
    • oh so some duded hanging by some needles on his skin, yea that’s totally normal yea
    • beverly ”now i’ve seen it all” lol same girl same
    • they’re gonna kill the gimp
    • kai just stabbed the gimp ivy went to throw up lol what a pussy
    • ivy’s throwing up and winter comes in to take care of her.. I LOVE WINTER .. she adds ”it’s different when you see it in person”
    • ahh they just stabbed the bob dude
    • beverly ”get that thing off my face” honestly beverly is fucking relatable
    • beverly takes off her mask and ofc bob is shocked
    • he just stabs bob with an axe to his head
    • literally the next scene is beverly reporting live from bob’s house like the fuck
  • throwback to the day of the coffins
    • lol kai’s group are bringing in the coffins and one of the duded says ”god this thing is so heavy” and the gay dude says ”oh stop whining” hilarious
    • the same dude goes ”this is messed up, next level twisted, we should let them out” he’s def gonna be the first dude out of the group that kai kills
  • back to present
    • ally notices through the window the gay dude across the street pulling something out of his car so she gets a telescope .. ahhh yea go girl
    • i wonder what she’s gonna see
    • i’m guessing she’ll see a clown’s costume
    • he’s carrying something heavy
    • she sees gay dude kissing the detective
    • AAANNND OFC ally has to go there with a fucking bat
    • like mmmmmm can u not
    • ally sees a grave pit and i bet they’re going to push her in
    • i’m pretty certain that for some reason she’s having a panic attack
    • she sees meadow in there and she squeaks help me
    • ran back to the house calling 911
    • can 911 even make you stand on the line??? what???
    • dumbass ally calls ivy
    • heavy knocking on the door
    • ivy pretending to be shocked or appalled through the phone mmmm GOOD ACTING FROM HER PART ISNT IT
    • meadow just runs to ally’s window and screams to let her in woah .. maybe it’s part of the plan, but then again i don’t think so
    • ok it’s not part of the plan meadow tells her it’s a cult and that everyone’s in it - especially winter and ALLY’S WIFE bejesus ally finally knows
    • meadow gets taken away
    • IVY WAS STILL ON THE PHONE and def heard everything
    • yes she did, she does not know what happened to meadow though
  • kai’s meeting
    • hahahaha ivy has a diff babysitter now ofc not winter bc obvs winter being the babysitter was just a part of the plan
    • kai comes in
    • kai’s ahead of all the other candidates now
    • he kisses beverly’s hand
    • aannnd they’re going to take a problem right now according to kai, which is probably meadow right
    • nop, but suspected the dude who kept complaining all the time to be his next victim
    • oh dear heavens, one bad move and you’re gonna get killed being a part of kai’s plans
    • everyone else after seeing the next kai’s victim is fucking appalled
    • ivy’s like ”kai, don’t” when he pulls out a screwdriver.. ivy’s still pretty weak
    • ivy has to be strongly convinced to put the first nail in he dude’s head
    • she’s crying
    • she says she’s sorry
    • he gay dude is like very confident i like him
    • he dead
    • almost
    • still alive
  • 3 years ago
    • showing kai and winter’s parents
    • he’s disabled
    • he’s emotionally abusive no wonder kai’s a psychopath
    • i wish they showed young winter
    • someone shoots somebody
    • kai runs
    • ok so kai’s mom shoots the dad and then kills herself NO WONDER HE’S SO FUCKED UP NOW
    • it is revealed that ally’s therapist is also kai and winter’s brother
    • he wants to leave their parents rotting in the bed
    • uhhhhh the therapist just called winter an “entitled bitch who never calls for anything bu money anyway” STFU
    • kai shows winnie their parents decompossing in bed
    • kai promises his dead mother he’s gonna make her proud one day
  • pinkies with beverly
    • kai literally starts crying after telling the story of his parents, shows thats psychopaths cry too huh
dec 26 2018 ∞
dec 26 2018 +