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༉‧₊˚✧ ... fruitier than a fruit salad . . .

cariatide why fall in love when you can fall on the floor and cry over a tv show. (2025)
soel books (25.)
christina quotes (phrase that reveal intentions )
chrissy monthly (2025-3)
우주소녀 inara
Amanda isa
Apartmentcat isabella
Aspen its
Bea ivyink
Bianca j u n o
Bliss jai
Brie jam
Bru jax
Bárbara jay
Candice Austen jayne.
Cat jen
E julia
Edii julie
Elise julyana
EstroJen just a girl
FER jéssica
Gelly júlia
Han k. e. bigelow
IBelieveInPen... kaitlin
Jenni kales
Jo kaori
Jodie kari
Júlia katya
Kate kc
Katrina keetanlaani
Kay kelly ୭ৎ
Kelsey kellylouise
Kelsey kety
Kiskadee koi
Lari kurispie
Laurene kye
Luciana lagoon
Maggie lari
Matsu lataefah
Misha laughing lady...
Oh! lauren
Origan leo
Panda letícia
Rebecca lie
Rhiannon lila
Ryan liraz
Sarah lisa
Shannon lissa
Sore listography
Stavros littlewhitehouse
StormFyrie lois
Tanja louise
V love
Venisse lua f.
Vicky luci
a ~ luiza
aang lulu
abby lunna
ace m.
aivin maha
alexandra maido
alexia malu
alexithymia mapholie
alice o'bright marah
ally marcella
ana marcella
andie maria
ane marido
angel marruá
angie mau
anisha max
anna mei
anna meℓina and th...
anna mia
anna miana
antoinette michelle
ara mila
arantxa mimi
aria mimi
aster miya
atlas mmurklins
aura monday
ayden moon
b moon
baba yaga moony
babydoll morimoonie
babylove moute
baroqueen mæria
bea! na
beable nai
bee nana
bel nathália
belle nessa
berlingot nic
bia nina
bianca no one
birdie nyanbot
birdsong ohdeer
blair pam
bloodbride peaches
bonafini petra
brigtter priscila
broccomilie pétala
brookie! rae
c raxaaa
callie riho
cariatide rika
carol rodi
caroline rosa
caroline rose
caroline ruptures
cassie s.
cedar s.
cee s. n.
ch. sam
chrissy selena
christina shakti
clare shannon
cláudia shosanna
coleen shug avery
constelacione... silverb
czar skudge
d skye
daisy sloane
damien sms
dani soel
dayna sofia
debs softie
derura ihi sophie
dina speedtrials
doki. steph
e sumire
e tahani
eden tanan
eleven tay
elihomicidal tenneil
elise the traveler
elizabeth tigerhead
ella tori
elle tori
elodie u
emerson vee
emi vetica
emi vi
emily vices
emma vicky
encre vickye
endlessness vitória
envy vizy
enya whit
erika willow
estella with a cherry...
esther yuu
evan zai
evelyn zoey
fallon ʚɞ
fernanda ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
florrie ℋosho
gabs より
georgia rose ユノ
gigi 乙女解剖
giulia 五夏
humi ꜱᴀᴡʏᴇʀ
hyena 알바
iana words


  • 23 ┊ woke up late and didn't want to leave the bed / went to buy DXM, a pizza slice and gave back borrowed money / paid for spotify / took a shower, washed my hair / colored
  • 24 ┊ ordered mcdonald's breakfast at 6 am/ was very bored so i took 600 mg lamictal, felt sick, slept / drank 2 bottles of gin&tonic / ordered a kebab
  • 25 ┊ had a bad therapy session / cleaned a bit / started rewatching killing eve / did not leave the house / did not buy anything


  • 01 ┊ no sleep at all / dxm / rewatching kiling eve
  • 04 ┊ roadtrip / a delcious lunch / quince ince cream / DXM / killing eve / spotify
  • 05 ┊ watching the new conjuring / DXM / chilling, relaxing / delicious lunch
  • 09 ┊ psychiatrist / blisters / spotify / insomnia
  • 10 ┊ cyclodol abuse (barely remember anything) / killing eve
  • 15 ┊ tacos & margaritas with mother / wine
  • 16 ┊ step dad's birthday / cider / coloring / KE rewatch / discord
  • 17 ┊ suicidal / early bedtime / coke / coloring / course paper (which ended up poorly writen) / suicide plan
  • 18 ┊ better mood / DXM / cleaning the house a bit / coloring mandalas / searching for xans for 40 mins
  • 19 ┊ DXM / heat / back home / hypomanic / ordered kebab / all nighter
  • 20 ┊ wine / being triggered / ordering food / helping grandma / unbearable heat / travelling to Smiltene / new pants / stardew valley playthrough
  • 21 ┊ dbt group / headache / intense sleepiness / dxm /the heat / groceries / pizza / churros / all nighter
  • 26 ┊ early morning / 2 torņi / cesvaine / going back home / 2nd vaccine / DXM / nausea


  • 01 ┊ watched cruella with mom and sister at the movie theater / bought a book, shorts and 3 notebooks / ate a four cheese pizza
  • 02 ┊ feeling bad / waking up late / DXM / borrowing money / salad
  • 09 ┊ drove a bus to riga / therapy / psychiatrist / mental breakdown / DXM / reunited with cat / sleepless night


  • 14. ┊ had wine / watched a marvel movie / finished wandavision / made a new spotify playlist / had a delicious dinner
  • 15. ┊ watched captain marvel and iron man / tried to do DBT homework, but got frustrated / ate delicious dinner / made another playlist
jun 1 2021 ∞
dec 5 2022 +