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༉‧₊˚✧ ... fruitier than a fruit salad . . .

Jodie Things I love (January 2025)
ivyink things i love (january 2025)
えりい monthly media log
rose podcasts (january 2025)
Tanja memories (my top 10 moments of each year)
우주소녀 inara
Amanda isa
Apartmentcat isabella
Aspen its
Bea ivyink
Bianca j u n o
Bliss jai
Brie jam
Bru jax
Bárbara jay
Candice Austen jayne.
Cat jen
E julia
Edii julie
Elise julyana
EstroJen just a girl
FER jéssica
Gelly júlia
Han k. e. bigelow
IBelieveInPen... kaitlin
Jenni kales
Jodie kaori
Júlia kari
Kate katya
Katrina keetanlaani
Kay kelly ୭ৎ
Kelsey kellylouise
Kelsey koi
Ketelen kurispie
Kiskadee kye
Lari lagoon
Laurene laoise
Luciana lari
Maggie lataefah
Matsu laughing lady...
Misha lauren
Oh! leo
Origan letícia
Panda lie
Rebecca lila
Rhiannon liraz
Ryan lisa
Sarah lissa
Shannon listography
Sore littlewhitehouse
Stavros lois
StormFyrie louise
Tanja love
V lua f.
Venisse luci
Vicky luiza
a lulu
a ~ lunna
abby m.
ace maha
aivin maido
alexandra malu
alexia mapholie
alexithymia marah
alice o'bright marcella
ally marcella
ana maria
andie marido
ane marruá
angie mau
anisha max
anna mei
anna meℓina and th...
anna mia
anna miana
antoinette michelle
ara mila
arantxa mimi
aria mimi
aster miya
atlas mmurklins
aura monday
ayden moon
b moon
baba yaga moony
babydoll morimoonie
babylove moute
baroqueen mæria
bea! na
beable nai
becca namoon
bee nathália
bel nessa
belle nic
berlingot nina
bia no one
bianca nyanbot
birdie ohdeer
birdsong pam
blair peaches
bloodbride petra
bonafini priscila
brigtter pétala
broccomilie rae
brooke! raxaaa
bun riho
c rika
callie rodi
cariatide rosa
carol rose
caroline ruptures
caroline s.
caroline s.
cassie s. n.
cedar sam
cee selena
ch. shakti
christina shannon
clare shosanna
cláudia shug avery
coleen silverb
constelacione... skudge
czar skye
d sloane
daisy sms
damien soel
dani sofia
dayna softie
debs sophie
derura ihi speedtrials
dina steph
doki. sumire
e tahani
e tanan
eleven tay
elihomicidal tenneil
elise the traveler
elizabeth tigerhead
ella tori
elle tori
elodie u
emerson vee
emi vetica
emi vi
emily vices
emma vicky
encre vickye
endlessness vitória
envy vizy
enya whit
erika willow
estella with a cherry...
esther yrsa
evan yuu
evelyn zai
fallon zoey
fefa ʚɞ
florrie ᴠɪʀɢᴏ
furiousrose ℋosho
gabs えりい
georgia rose ユノ
gigi 乙女解剖
giulia 五夏
hyena ꜱᴀᴡʏᴇʀ
iana 알바
ilya words
  • Talk to a friend (about something that won’t upset you
  • Go for a walk or go on a bike ride.
  • Play with your pet or take them for a walk.
  • Watch TV (watch something that holds your interest and not upset you).
  • Read a good book.
  • Work on a puzzle.
  • Close your eyes and imagine yourself somewhere you want to be at that moment.
  • Write down your feelings.
  • Rip up paper.
  • Punch a pillow.
  • Cooking.
  • Crying. A really good way to release emotions.
  • Sleep.

Alternatives for when you’re feeling angry or restless:

  • Viciously stab an orange
  • Throw an apple/pair of socks against the wall
  • Have a pillow fight with the wall
  • Scream very loudly
  • Tear apart newspapers, photos, or magazines
  • Go to the gym, dance, exercise
  • Listen to music and sing along loudly
  • Beat up a stuffed bear
  • Scribble on a piece of paper until the whole page is black
  • Go for a run
  • Write your feelings on paper then rip it up
  • Use stress relievers
  • Throw ice cubes at the bathtub wall, at a tree, etc
  • Yell at what you are breaking and tell it why you are angry, hurt, upset, etc.

Alternatives that will give you a sensation (other than pain) without harming yourself:

  • Hold ice in your hands, against your arm, or in your mouth.
  • Run your hands under freezing cold water
  • Snap a rubber band or hair band against your wrist
  • Clap your hands until it stings
  • Drink freezing cold water
  • Splash your face with cold water
  • Put PVA/Elmer’s glue on your hands then peel it off
  • Massage where you want to hurt yourself
  • Take a hot shower/bath
  • Jump up and down to get some sensation in your feet
  • Write or paint on yourself
  • Take a cold bath
  • Bite into a hot pepper or chew a piece of ginger root

Alternatives that will distract you or take up time:

  • Say “I’ll self harm in fifteen minutes if I still want to” and keep going for periods of fifteen minutes until the urge fades
  • Color your hair
  • Count up to ten getting louder until you are screaming
  • Complete something you’ve been putting off
  • Take up a new hobby
  • Make a cup of tea
  • Surf the net (try to avoid triggering websites)
  • Search ridiculous things on the web
  • Call up an old friend
  • Do school work
  • Watch TV or a movie
  • Paint your nails
  • Cook
  • Make origami to occupy your hands
  • Doodle on sheets of paper
  • Dress up or try on old clothes
  • Write out lyrics to your favorite song
  • Read a book/magazine
  • Do a crossword
  • Make a chain link out of paper counting the hours or days you’ve been self harm free using pretty colored paper
  • Knit, sew, or make a necklace
  • Buy a plant and take care of it
  • Hunt for things on eBay or Amazon
  • Browse the forums
  • Go shopping
  • Memorize a poem with meaning
  • Learn to swear in another language
  • Look up words in a dictionary
  • Go on YouTube
  • Color in a picture or colouring book.
  • Make a phone list of people you can call for support. Allow yourself to use it.
  • Pick a subject and research it on the web - alternatively, pick something to research and then keep clicking on links, trying to get as far away from the original topic as you can.

Alternatives for when you’re feeling guilty, sad, or lonely:

  • Congratulate yourself on each minute you go without self harming
  • Draw or paint
  • Put a face mask on
  • Watch a favorite TV show or movie
  • Remember a happy moment and relive it for a while in your head
  • Treat yourself to some chocolate
  • Try to imagine the future and plan things you want to do
  • Look at things that are special to you
  • Compliment someone else
  • Play with a pet
  • Write a poem
  • Light a candle and watch the flame (but please be careful)
  • Allow yourself to cry; crying is a healthy release of emotion
  • Take a hot bath with bath oil or bubbles
  • Curl up under a comforter with hot cocoa and a good book
  • Make a tray of special treats and tuck yourself into bed with it and watch TV or read

Alternatives for when you’re feeling panicky or scared:

  • Listen to soothing music; have a CD with motivational songs that you can listen to
  • Meditate or do yoga
  • Name all of your soft toys
  • Hug a pillow or soft toy
  • Do a “reality check list” – write down all the things you can list about where you are now (e.g. It is the September 25th, 2011, I’m in a room and everything is going to be alright)
  • Go for a walk if it’s safe to do so

Alternatives that will hopefully make you think twice about harming yourself:

  • Think about how you don’t want scars
  • Remember that you don’t have to hurt yourself just because you’re thinking about self harm
  • Acknowledge that self harm is harmful behavior: say “I want to hurt myself” rather than “I want to cut”
  • Repeat to yourself “I don’t deserve to be hurt” even if you don’t believe it
  • Remember that you always have the choice not to cut: it’s up to you what you do
  • Think about how you may feel guilty after self harming
  • Remind yourself that the urge to self harm is impulsive: you will only feel like cutting for short bursts of time
  • Be with other people
  • Make your own list of things to do instead of self harm
  • Make a list of your positive character traits
  • Be nice to your family, who in return, will hopefully be nice to you
  • Put a band-aid on the area where you’d like to self harm
  • Think about what you would say to a friend who was struggling with the same things you are and try to be a good friend to yourself.

Alternatives that give the illusion of seeing something similar to blood:

  • Draw on yourself with a red pen or body paint, or go to a site where you ‘cut’ the screen (be aware that some users may find this triggering, so view with caution)
  • Cover yourself with plasters where you want to cut
  • Give yourself a henna or fake tattoo
  • Make “wounds” with makeup, like lipstick
  • Paint yourself with red temporary paint.
  • ‘Cut’ your skin with nail polish (it feels cold, but it’s hard to get off)

Alternatives to help you sort through your feelings:

  • Phone a friend and talk to them
  • Make a collage of how you feel
  • Negotiate with yourself
  • Identify what is hurting so bad that you need to express it in this way
  • Write your feelings in a diary
  • Free write (Write down whatever you’re thinking at that moment, even if it doesn’t make sense)
  • Make lists of everything such as blessings in your life
  • Call a hotline
  • Write a letter to someone telling them how you feel (but you don’t have to send it if you decide not to)
aug 31 2019 ∞
sep 30 2021 +